Author Topic: post op experience with KARIDIS  (Read 1918 times)

Offline postiey

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hey guys! havent been on here in awhile but thought id come back to post,i had my gyno removed in march with karidis. i am really pleased with the outcome and i feel so much more confident now. although it isnt perfection but i am happy with the results and i think karidis is the guy to go with.

whenever anyone used to mention moobs id cringe. i feel good now just need to loose my stomach more and ill be over the moon ha. went sunbathing yesterday at the back of my apartments and it felt so great something i havent done for years. i have also started seein this girl the last two weeks or so,who hasnt noticed or mention anything and on a couple of occasions she has said i like your chest. mad isnt it!!. another thing really is no one has noticed i have had the op not a single person, only a family member knew. so it goes to show is it really as a big of deal in the first place?, obviously to us it is! im not a rich man quite the oposite but i am so glad that i went throught with this. in fact i dont think i will have that kinda of money again lol. some may say thats foolish! but i  feel i can now enjoy the sun 8).

I remember before the op how nervous i was, but looking back it really was easy!! im not trying to convince anyone to have surgery. but if it is constantly on your mind and it makes u feel uncomfortable i would go for it. makesure you choose a good sergeon tho, look into it and take your time.

try not to go on here much these days as ive accomplished my goal, just want to say thanks to and to thetodd. also from my experience i would choose karidis he definetely knows his stuff. thanks to him i have been sunbathing this week!!

Offline Whiff

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sounds great postiey I love the girlfriend comment . Have you got any pics preop and current you can share? I had my surgery in April with Karidis Id be interested to see your results. Also do you feel back to normal ? I thought i was getting there but I seem to be feeling really tight around the chest again and a bit sore I'm guessing this is the laying down of scar tissue phase I've read about but I don't really know.

Offline thetodd

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Cheers mate glad its sorted but seriously this is very early stages with your recovery process it will get better with time, so any doubts you have with it im sure theyl go with the comming months!

if you want to lose weight then just stick to a healthy diet and take up a gym membership (or just go for walks etc). Will take a while but itl go with time. Dont strive for perfection though youve met a girl your confidence is up so if you want my opinion i say darn all the training and enjoy yourself :)

Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!


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