Author Topic: Fixed?  (Read 2737 times)

Offline Trycer6

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So, I had gynecomastia surgery in December, and I'm pretty pleased with the results. My new chest isn't perfect, but it's at least passable. My pecs show, and my nipples are small. The occasional crater and the small scarring aren't dealbreakers for me.

But I'm not happy. It was easy for me to blame all of my problems on my gynecomastia. My problems ran much deeper than mere man-boobs, however. It was fairly easy for a surgeon to remove my excess breast tissue. But no one can remove the person that the breast tissue made me. I think I'm getting better (slowly), but I don't want to bore anyone with details. The point: once the surgery is done, get to work on fixing the rest of your life. I should've.

Offline Ibanez99

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Hey trycer
I totally understand what you mean man. This shit leaves mental scars that take time to fade away. But work on it and you'll be super confident in no time. I'm kinda preparing myself for this thing from now itself. My surgery is scheduled on 23rd of June. After the op, It'll take time to adjust to the fact that my chest is normal and I no longer have to be self conscious. But I'm sure this can be done in a few months time or less. Just tell yourself that you're perfectly normal and no one is staring at your chest. why would they? you have a good chest now so no worries. The low self esteem and inferiority complex will go away once you realize that. Be open,frank and speak your mind . Most of this stress is built up by ourselves cause 99% of the people you interact with would've never noticed your chest or even thought that it was something abnormal.
Don't feel low and now it's time to enjoy! keep updated

Offline krlos

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wow, man i know how u feel this sucks and the good side at least u dont have the tissue... i still have to deal in what should i do first dont know if tell my parents or friends or go to a doctor on my own really sucks. peace out


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So, I had gynecomastia surgery in December, and I'm pretty pleased with the results. My new chest isn't perfect, but it's at least passable. My pecs show, and my nipples are small. The occasional crater and the small scarring aren't dealbreakers for me.

But I'm not happy. It was easy for me to blame all of my problems on my gynecomastia. My problems ran much deeper than mere man-boobs, however. It was fairly easy for a surgeon to remove my excess breast tissue. But no one can remove the person that the breast tissue made me. I think I'm getting better (slowly), but I don't want to bore anyone with details. The point: once the surgery is done, get to work on fixing the rest of your life. I should've.

Healing the Emotional Component of Gynecomastia can be an important factor in successful male breast reduction. This is an issue I bring up with each of my patients. Check back years using the search function of this forum and see how long my patients tend to stay on this forum. They seem to heal both their tissues and their souls. Some stay to continue helping others, but most seem to move on with their lives.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline mediaguy28

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I can relate. I spent so much time getting ready for this surgery, researching, prepping and then when it was over and I was pretty pleased with the results I got depressed. I read that many people get a bit 'down' after they get plastic surgery.

We have this vision that this surgery is going to change our lives but the reality is that we are still the same people with all the same problems (we just have a smaller chest). Its very sobering. That only lasted a few weeks and then the reality set in. This procedure is making me look better physically. Now I dont have to feel self conscious wearing tight t-shirts and taping down my nipples.  That is a confidence booster and definitely helps with the self esteem. But it is only a part of it. Who we are, what we have to work on as people, all that stuff is still there to be tackled. But maybe now I just look a little better when I do it and that makes me 'feel' a little better about myself. It isn't EVERYthing, but its a start.

Offline puffman1

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I hope I don't feel like this. I'm about to get my surgery scheduled, and I just feel like I will be a completely different person after it. Like when I think about it being gone, I get so happy and just can't wait.


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