Author Topic: anyone's post-op worries settled...?  (Read 5144 times)

Offline titty-be-gone

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It seems when i first started reading this site that there were a bunch of people who, after surgery, were concerned with puffiness or general presence, unsure about swelling and the healing process and on and on....  Just wanted to know if those worried people became more satisfied with results after time....
i'm 3 weeks post... i assume i'm still swelling.. i only had ultrasonic lipsuction... with drains... and it now seems puffy actually where the drains were set for three days after... puffy horizontally out from nipple areas... i'm not too worried i don't guess.... just curious... my chest is also not as hard yet as i was expecting it to be as part of the healing process.... i wonder what that means... anyone else had ultrasonic lipo either?
overall i'm pretty pleased... going for follow-up on july 5th... hope the july 4 alcohol indulgence doesn't affect anything either!

Offline sdguy

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I'm 3 weeks also and I have the same concerns you do.  My right side is healing faster than my left.  Both are still sore which means they are still healing so I'm sure they'll go down more.  The right side looks great but the left is still drooping a bit.  I'm going in July 7th to see my PS so hopefully he'll answer some questions.  I did start back running today with no problems.  I haven't started back with weights just yet until he gives me the go ahead.

Offline titty-be-gone

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c'mon, now,... there was a bunch of you guys that were posting messages about this and that... after surgery... say something, now...

Offline thelordshaper

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Im also three weeks post op with some soreness. I had both glad excuison and lipo. My only real concern has been the build up of the hard material around the nipples. This has caused some creasing in the nipples that look somewhat odd. I think this harding is normal from what i have read following this procedure but i'd like some reassurance. Im going in to see my doc on the 7th and hopefully he'll give everything the a\ok. So far I'm very satisfied with the results. I have a muscular chest that i can finally see the results of my weight program. I cant wait to see how it looks a few months down the line.

Offline Spleen

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It's *so* early guys.  I'm at  7 weeks and it's still changing and improving.  Time, fellas.  Time.

Offline Boobit

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I can only talk from personal experience because we are all different. But for me it was a case of - What You See Is What You Get - as soon as you see the results. If you're not happy with how it looks ( I wasn't ) then months down the line, even after you've healed, you still won't be. I knew from the very first second I saw my chest that the PS hadn't taken enough out. A complete waste of money, time and pain.

Offline webster

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To add my penny worth...
I'm one month post op (gland + lipo). This has been a head fcuk for me. RHS of chest generally looks pretty good. LHS varies from also pretty good to almost breast like again! I've been up and down like a yo-yo.
BUT I have discovered that a a couple of hours hard ride on my mountain bike does make both sides flat and hard - so I guess swelling is down to fluid and not residual tissue.

I discovered this on day 14 - back from first good ride post-op,  getting changed and I noticed my chest looked like I always hoped pre-op . Left the compression vest off & went down the pub in tight white T shirt, I looked ripped! People noticed and were impressed! (lost 30 lbs recently too) I was very happy indeed and necked a good few pints to celebrate. I really felt I had a new life that night.
Next morning - bad head and swollen chest! Totally depressed.

But I think I will be OK in the end - just doing ALOT of cycling now. It always seems to work.

IMO the operation is the easy bit. The days before and  Post op recovery are the hard parts. The last week has seen a big improvement in my chest allround, but esp. problematic LHS.

I don't know if I'll end up 100%. I didn't feel immediately transformed after my op. But slowly the weight of gynecomastia is lifting. I think that I will take my kids swimming within the next fortnight to the local baths. I have never done that and my eldest son is 8. That says it all don't it?
ATB  Webster.

Offline doddy

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I'm 3 months post op in three days time. I'd say that with the exception of the first two weeks, my most dramatic changes have occured (and are occuring) in the last couple of weeks.

I also totally expect the 3-6 month mark to be full of additional changes. It really does just require patience. Or "patients", if you're John ;).

Although I appreciate that that's easier to say when your original results looked pretty good anyway.

Offline nukem2k5

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Or "patients", if you're John ;).

Hah, I had to laugh at that.
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Offline allbah

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I am 6 weeks post op. I had extensive 3 surgeries. I agree, chest shape is changing everyday, and I also agree that the early shape is good indication of the final shape.

I feel that 3-6 months post op is really the typical time of recovery where MOST patients would recover.

my PS insists that up to 6 months is needed for swelling to go and fibrous tissue to form to pull things together. he might be correct but from my experience, early appearance is the key for the final one.
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Offline Zardoz

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I'm 11 days post op and I was getting worried that the surgeon didn't take enough off of my right side. My right side has always been slightly bigger than my left. My left side has some of that indentation going on while the other side is a bit droopy. I was getting worried, but from what I hear the healing process generally takes up tp 6 months. My surgeon said he didn't want to hear from patients until a year had passed. Either way, my big nips are gone and I can wear a t-shirt. Even though I'm still wearing bandages.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2005, 11:39:50 PM by Zardoz »

Offline tonysoprano

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I am 6 days post op now, I am pretty sure he didn't take enough fat out. I wanted a flat chest and he gave me a more muscle looking chest.  So there is still the chest that kinda hangs instead of lying flat.

Disappointed, but I am healing well

That is exactly how I feel bud.

Im 15 weeks post-op, and scarring and scar tissue aside , the bottom line is that my chest is nowhere near as flat as I belive it should be for a guy of my build.

If one were to ignore the puffy-again,scarred and lumpy nipples and just focus on the rest, it would look as though I have this muscular, 'He-Man'-like (If you are born after 1985 you probably wont know who he is) chest on this soft,skinny abdomen and scarwny, stick-thin arms and legs.

WhAT i AM WONDERing is how to convey to my surgeon that while this might be the kind of chest that many blokes spend years in the gym trying to achieve, it just doesnt fit with my body and I wanted to have a flat, non-muscular-looking chest...

How exactly does one arrive at  the flat-chest-look , from having the muscular,rounded-pecs barrel-chest look??

I mean, is it just a case of having more tissue removed or more fat or both or what? Im not sure how to actually convey to my ps what I would want to achieve here with a revision in 6 months time.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2005, 05:55:27 PM by tonysoprano »
... and the saga continues

Offline sillyguy

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Do you guys think wearing the compression vest longer plus massaging more would help the unhappy cases a bit more?

I had surgery on Friday, and am happy with what I see, but am worried about puffing up down the line.

Offline n0thingsp3cial

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I am 5 weeks post op, when I wear a compression vest for a while my nipples look nice and flat, when I take it off within 10-15 minutes my nipples begin to puff out again and then the soft puffiness turns into a very hard puffiness.  It's interesting, and I haven't heard any of you say anything about this before.  But then I put my compression 997 back on and in a few hours its back to being nice and flat.  I am going to be an optimist and assume its swelling still, becuase immediately after surgery for the first three days it was perfectly flat, and I hope within the next month it will go back to that.  Let me know if any of you have had similiar experiences, although I know most of the post-op members have left this site.

Offline tonysoprano

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mine were totally flat for the first 3-4 weeks post op. around week 5/6 I stopped wearing the vest and within a day then were puffy.

at week 15 now and theyre very puffy still with a bunch of hard scar tissue too (and the incisions arent looking to pretty either)

I know Im gonna need a revision within the next 6-12 months anyway


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