Author Topic: think about it  (Read 1611 times)

Offline nothingworse

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The beginning of this post may be a bit off topic but, I think it is a valuable thought. I have painful gynecomastia know, and used to have a severe case of acne. From ages 11-16 I wasted so much time on non-proven or very ineffective medicines with no improvement. A product named pro-activ came out and said it was the best and worked for everyone. Tried it and my condition actually worsened. Imagine that? My dermatoligist after 5 years of seeing him finally tells my parents and I that there is a medicine called acu-tane that is a very strong and last resort medicine. It was a fast cure, this is like comparing gynecomastia medicine that is mostly unproven to work for someone with gynecomastia. Usually only the last resort will work and in a case like this it is surgery. I am no doctor or expert and I am just stating what I learned. Well with my acne I had changed dermi's before I got the medicine and this new dermi had asked why my previous dermi was perscribing me unproven medicines over the years. This medicine was proven and had a 99% success rate. My friend had a similar problem and thanks to this it saved his life from a scarred face for the rest of his life. Now the point of this is why do something that is that has probably a 1 in 10,000 chance of working. This is those hormonal medicines like rebound, testosterone, and other medicines. How many cases have you heard of that worked for this, and can they give honest proof. Even if the medicine works, I guarantee underneath it all it is probably not gone. Why risk the side effects also. Some of those medicines have nasty side affects which may only occur in a few or rare cases but, are there. I know I wasted 6 years on gynecomastia with false hopes and doctor responses that it would resolve on its own. But, I guarantee for 99% of you thats not going to happen. So, if anyone of you are thinking on taking the medicine but, are also concidering the surgery. Go for it. It is proven just like my acu-tane for my acne was proven and it will save you years of suffering and bs. Don't waste any more of your valueable life, and choose an option that works. I am glad I got the acu-tane and am thankful that I got the opportunity to beat that. I am now hopefully going to get the surgery late next month and hope and know it will most likely be successful. I was just so tired of hearing it will go away on its own or try this medicine that has no proof of success. Most of the medicine costs $50-100 per container. And if it doesn't work thats a big waste of money. Surgery can cost from $3000-5000 and is a proven method and the only proven cure. Sure that is a lot of money but, it is every penny worth spent. I am just expressing an opinion and don't mean any offense to anyone on this board.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Acne and gynecomastia have a few things in common in spite of their obvious differences.

In each case the person suffers emotionally.

In each case the person who has the condition often experiences desperation in wanting to get rid od the condition.

In each case there are a lot of people who are well aware that it is possible to make a goodly amount of money from those who suffer.

Un-growing breasts is about as easy as un-cooking an egg.   I have difficulty believing anyone who says they have a "Cure" for gynecomastia, especially if they have a product to sell.

The concept of a "cure"  Gets even harder to accept when you realize that Gynecomastia is not a disease.  Gynecomastia is so common in fact that many consider it normal.  

Gynecomastia runs in my family and I am an old man with many grandchildren.  If one of my grandsons were to grow up with no breast enlargement, he would be (in this family) odd.
Grandpa Dan


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