Author Topic: Rate my gynecomastia. PICS INSIDE!!  (Read 4629 times)

Offline puffman1

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You're not overweight at all. You just have gynecomastia. If you were to get surgery, I would say that you'd definitley need excision and lipo. I'm not a doctor though.


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Yea man you aren't overweight, even though you might feel that way. I would say you need lipo, and excision, though the glands are pretty minor. All I can say, is just start saving...unless you can deal with it that is..

Offline **Gynefor**

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I agree with what has been said so far. Not overweight, just need excision.


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Am i overweight?

You can use this BMI Calculator to determine if you are overweight by definition. However, BMI alone does not differentiate fat from muscle. For that a Body Fat Analyzer can help.

Rate My Gynecomastia - is a frequent question.

Gynecomastia = female breasts on a male

Rating gynecomastia is like rating female breasts. What are common factors for women with an A cup size breast, D cup size breast, pubescent breast?  They are all breasts. On a male, if it does not let the pectoral muscle shape show through, it just does not say male. This deformity can range from the subtle form (pubescent equivalent) Puffy Nipples in Men to massive breasts with fold and dependent tissue.  What really counts is how much the contour problem bothers the individual.

Unfortunately, it can be difficult to distinguish just what is causing the problem.  Gynecomastia male breasts can be fat, gland, or most commonly a combination of both.  Sometimes skin and sagging tissues can be a factor.  Pseudo Gynecomastia (Pseudogynecomastia) is supposed to be fat only gynecomastia.  The problem with that "classification" is that in almost every case of gynecomastia I have seen there is some component of gland.  This gland can be very small, but it is present almost all the time.  All mammals have gland, that includes both men and woman.  So do you have Pseudo gynecomastia when there is a 1%, 10%, 50%, or 90% deformity from fat?  Reality just does not work that way.

Defining the problem with pictures sometimes can help.  However, it is impossible to tell from pictures if the deformity is from fat or gland. The dynamic images, of my standard set of images can show a region that compresses differently. Even on male breast examination, differentiation can be difficult. Fat tends to be soft, gland tends to be firm.  Fingers of gland often dissect between fingers of fat.  Look at this drawing and move your mouse over the arrows.  However, gland can be soft and fat firm confusing the picture.  Gland tends to be located under the nipple and pinching pressure can sometimes tether to the nipple pulling it in.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline jsboob

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yeh,  what do you mean by "rate" the gyne? If its size you  want then use the standard measurement for breasts, - "a" cup "b" cup etc, if its how much does it bother you, then YOU are the only one who can rate it!
Yes from your pix, it does look like you do have gyne but its not as much as mine & Im happy to live with mine however many guys with a lot less than me HAVE to get surgery, SO, its an individual choice thing. ::)

Offline ddh

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As others have said, you don't look overweight at all to me.

Are you really unhappy with the contour of your chest? Do you think about it a lot? Do you hesitate to participate fully in life because of it? These are questions that only you can answer. What others think doesn't really matter.

If you are unhappy enough, you might want to confer with a plastic surgeon and see if the costs are worth it. Otherwise, if you're not that focused about the contour of your chest, then forget about it and move on!

Best of luck.


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