Author Topic: Puffy nipples HELP  (Read 11376 times)

Offline fp

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hello everyone

I am 21, 6'1", 174 lbs and I have had a case of puffy nipples since puberty, it realy sucks.  I may also have a very mild case of fatty gyno but it is the nipples that realy bother me.  I lift weights and am in very good shape however these things on my chest are the only thing standing in my way of having an good body.  It also affects me mentaly and is my bigest insecurity. If anyone out there has any useful advice about how to get rid of the puffy nips perminately, PLEASE HELP.


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hello everyone

I am 21, 6'1", 174 lbs and I have had a case of puffy nipples since puberty, it realy sucks.  I may also have a very mild case of fatty gyno but it is the nipples that realy bother me.  I lift weights and am in very good shape however these things on my chest are the only thing standing in my way of having an good body.  It also affects me mentaly and is my bigest insecurity. If anyone out there has any useful advice about how to get rid of the puffy nips perminately, PLEASE HELP.

It does not take much fat or gland to disturb the cut look for a body builder.  Possible treatement depends on the the deformity.  Surgery will not prevent tissue from growing back.

The problem is the the term puffy nipples and swelling are phrases that mean so many different things to so many different people.  Words just do not convey the actual problem very well - images do a little better, but still are not the same as an actual in office evaluation with your doctor.

Putting up pictures (using standard views before and after surgery) is one way to discuss what the problem was before surgery and what has happened.  What some call "puffy nipples" can be residual deformity after surgery, swelling from surgery, swelling from injury, swelling from fluid or blood collection, or just the normal firmness of evolving healing tissues.  Options depend on what is really going on.

Let us try to look what I mean by the problem of the words only descriptions.  "Large nips", "puffy nipples," "puffed nipples,"  and "puffy nips" are a common terms many give to a problem that extends to the region about the areola.   The nipple is actually the central raised structure inside the pigmented areola.

"Puffed nipples" can be a problem for some that involves long nipples above the areola where nipple reduction alone helps.

"Puffy Nipps" can be a problem behind the areola that can take many forms.  The deformity is usually a varying combination of fat and gland.  The gland can be firm or soft, spread through fat, or be a condensed mass.  There is a thin muscle under the areola skin that can flatten tissue when stimulated. Unfortunately it is impractical to keep stimulating these muscles.

In many of these patients with "puffy nipples," there was no firm tissue under the areola, just fat and soft gland.  Here is one example of puffy nipples in a muscular male.  Here is another example of   puffed nipples.  Here is another patient with puffy nipple gynecomastia.

"Puffy Nipples" can also be a combination of gynecomastia and big nipples.  

The degree of swelling, what to expect from surgery, the nature of the scars, how the chest will look really depend on the problem to be treated, surgical techniques, the skill of the surgeon, and how you heal.  Such issues are really best explored with your surgeon.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture

Offline fp

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The link showing puffy nipples in a muscular male looks very simmilar to my condition.  There are small firm lumps behind the nipple, possibly the gland.  The tissue around the nipple is very soft and fatty and it dose feel like there is some sort of fluid build up in the chest area.  I live in charlotte nc an plan on making an appointment with my doctor.  However are there any nonsrugical optinons avaible?  Surgery seems like overkill but I have been concidering more drastic action.  Will send pics soon, thanks!

Offline strikerzebra

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Yep looks like what I have to . .I just turned 16 though and have had it since I was 12 so dunno what to do?

Offline strikerzebra

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whats the gyno specialists name? is it endo something?

Offline daytonasurf

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an Endocrinologist (?) (forgot) deals w/ hormones and blood and stuff i think. a Plastic Surgeon is who does the surgery.

Offline jc71

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FP, yeah, ideally I think a lot of people want to stay away from surgery. Non surgical options would be the way to go.....if they worked.  See an endo, maybe you're at a stage where you can be treated without surgery.  Once you're past it, surgery or acceptance (not a bad alternative for those who can do it) are about your only 2 options.  :)


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