Author Topic: Booked in for surgery, really worried, pic included.  (Read 3161 times)

Offline DeltaQ

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Alright, I'm 19, been suffering from gynecomastia for a very long time... it's completely killed my confidence, and I'm going to get it fixed on September 15, and hopefully that will give me adequate time to heal by the time I go back to university which is around March next year... is this a reasonable time frame? To be looking good in a tshirt and perhaps taking it off? (after I work on my tan and my belly of course) This isn't the best pic of course, and I can try to take a better one tomorrow, but this is what I have right now.

I am both confident and underconfident in my surgeon. He talked to me very upfront about it, and he said he's been doing these surgeries for fifteen years. I asked him how many he does, and he told me 7-8 a year... which does not fill me with confidence, and he didn't look at me for a huge amount of time, but he is a plastic surgeon and he has experience. He also took a bunch of photos...

I am mostly worried about the skin sagging after the operation, and the nipples looking abnormal, he did not really reassure me that it would not happen, but I kind of feel like he was just preparing me for the worst. My skin is pretty good, so I hope it will take. I hear a lot of pretty horrific stories in this site, what are the actual chances of it going wrong? Can anyone advise?

He told me that he will remove the gland which is what makes up most of the breast tissue in my case, and that he would do liposuction underneath my arms... he said he would leave some of the gland under the nipples, and that he would much rather under do the procedure than over do it. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

My main concern is obviously being disfigured for life, but also it just looking natural and normal... I don't want pecks or muscles, I don't want to be completely flat, I just want it to be normal, and in one operation. Is this an unreasonable expectation?

Has anyone had the procedure who's chest looked anything like mine before? What kind of results did you get?

Also, I have a follow up appointment about a week before the surgery, what other questions should I be asking?

Thanks for reading this, any kind of advice/reassurance would be greatly appreciated.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2010, 12:55:10 PM by DeltaQ »

Offline DeltaQ

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Also, I should probably add, I'm from Australia... Ballarat, Victoria to be more precise. My surgeon's name is Robert Sheen, but I'm doubtful anyone on here will have heard of him.

Offline wantridofgyno17

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If in doubt, don't imo. My first surgeon was NHS and did 6 a year average.. In short I was left very dissapointed and I'm planning to have a second op with Karadis (the best).

Offline me2

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If you check the other Aussie posts they say Dr Sue is recommended, she's in Melbourne. I had surgery in Sydney with a Plastic Surgeon who sounds like yours and he took 2 goes to get an ok result, he also didn't want to overdo it as it is hard/impossible to undo crater effect and bad scars. At least the scar under my areola really is invisible and it is smooth, the gland is gone but maybe a bit more again could have been removed by lipo although i can wear a t-shirt now.

You are not so big that you would get saggy skin imo and I think allow about 2 months to heal wearing compression vests before shirts off but you should talk to your surgeon about that. Also keep the sun off any scars or they wont fade and disappear.

In a nut shell - cancel Sheen and go to Sue T. in Melb., she has the experience and the track record for Aust and NZ. None of the surgeons will say they can't do a good job but really some are crap you will be living with the results a long time and judging by your photo i cant see why you couldn't have an excellent result. That is what I would do with the benefit of hindsight.


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