Author Topic: Dr Fielding  (Read 66501 times)

Offline hatey

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Called today to schedule my surgery (early October)... Leslie said she'd send me all the documents by mail - lamp, was it the same with you when you scheduled yours? Anyways, pretty excited for this whole gyno thing to be over (hopefully forever). She did mention that it would be smart to have someone pick me up from the hospital after surgery... I wonder if it has to be a family member/friend (not living with family currently/don't really want to involve friends in this ordeal). Hopefully I can just have a cab pick me up.

Offline lamp

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yeah after i booked it she sent me a letter of what to do. it came like 2 days later which surprised me; includes by when you have to pay, what and when to eat, time of arrival. i did have a bit of conflict because she was persistent about making sure i didnt have anything planned a few days after because i will still be sore and cant lift things. i already took the weekend off from work but will have to arrange with my professor what i will be missing on the friday of the surgery. as far as telling my work, it was easy because im cool with my manager and didnt ask what i needed surgery for so it was relieving. although i planned to go alone that day, my mom wanted to accompany me so i couldnt say no. you are getting local right, so you should be able to get a cab after. you dont know how anxious i am right now of what my results will be and how i recover. i just want this ordeal to get over with! make sure you guys update up here too! i will be making another pre-op picture and than post-op whenever its safe to remove my vest. and yeah after asking lesie she said we get a vest and that fielding will guide me throughout the surgery and post-op.

Offline hatey

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Got my letter today, good to know I won't have to starve myself for half a day :). It doesn't mention when I should come in to make the payment, do I just go in anytime during office hours?

Offline lamp

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yup, just call in and make sure its open.

Offline lamp

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T: -2 days until surgery! this is so wierd guys what am i doing.. haha. anyone have any advice or comments? i dont wanna feel alone :P.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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i did have a bit of conflict because she was persistent about making sure i didnt have anything planned a few days after because i will still be sore and cant lift things.

Dude....  expect to be sore and recovering for about 3 weeks... not just a 'few days'...

Also, don't expect final results to be instantaneous...  It 'may' take up to a full year to see (what seems to be, elusive) 'final results'....

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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T: -2 days until surgery! this is so wierd guys what am i doing.. haha. anyone have any advice or comments? i dont wanna feel alone :P.

I suppose there is no way around those 'anxious' feelings... i sure had them, let-me-tell-you!!! However, just try and chill a tad dude... keep your mind active/distracted with other things... whatever that may be...  ;)


Offline lamp

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i was told it would be the same feeling of my chest being sore after a workout. hopefully i'll be able to get through next week with school. thanks for the support though hehe.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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For most guys, the pain is minimal... As you mention, just like a heavy workout...

All I am saying is that don't let Leslie mislead you by saying you'll be sore for just a few days... By her saying that, it may lead you to believe that you will be all healed up and good to go in a few days... This is furthest from the truth my man... For most, it takes 3-6 months and on the odd occasion, up to a year to see final results...

However, you'll be able to get back to your 'normal' routine (light workouts included) within 3 weeks...


Offline lamp

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excuse me i meant about the soreness as far as recovery though :P. it's just that i need to resume work and school the following week so she suggested the friday. hopefully i'll be able to function and get things done. results on the other hand, I hope the healing goes as well as it can.

Offline mtlgyno

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Hey GB,

I'm not talking about final results here, but when can you start doing cardio? I guess it must suck sweating heavily in that compression vest.

Also, can you resume leg workouts? Arm workouts? Anything but chest is what I mean basically. I'm not looking forward to being inactive, I have army physicals and conditioning tests coming up, I want to be in great shape!

Consultation on Monday! Hopefully there's a date nearby so I won't have to wait too long hehe!

Offline Darth Menace

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Hey Lamp, I know there is one more day, but good luck and don't be too nervy (Easy for me to say as I have weeks to go)  The only thing that will make me nervous is the Surgery Bill :(

Good Luck

Offline lamp

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mtlgyno- it will be a few weeks till you can do anything but, your diet should compensate for the inactivity. walking can do you good also :D

darthmenace- thanks a lot im trying to remain calm myself :P. im at the point now where i cant believe im doing this. i've been avoiding my dad a bit because i know he'll think that my chest is fine, but whatever i wont get into that lol.

Offline mtlgyno

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Looking forward to how it went lamp! Update us when you can.

Offline lamp

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Hey guys I just got back home from the hospital. As I promised I'm going to share my experience but I won't be too specific. I arrived at the hospital and checked in at the minor surgery office, there was this one obnoxious lady but aside from that it went smooth. You sit in the waiting room and I ended up waiting an hour total, I came 30 mins early than what Leslie instructed. The office lady then calls you and you go to the minor surgery waiting room. I waited about 15 mins before I was called and another 15 mins in the surgical room where I got to speak to the nurse and Dr Fielding for a bit. Once again he was very friendly and we made good conversation throughout the procedure.

Procedure: First he injects the freezing fluid which was really weird, but not painful(just little pricks one each side). It took about 10mins for the chest to freeze like he said and went on to do the surgery. After my first gland was removed, he then said my chest didnt contour the way he wanted it so he made a decision to do some lipo on both sides. I would have to say this was the scariest part for me because the lipo part was more agressive and in stabbing movements?(sorry if this scares anyone but anyone who got surgery I think they know what I'm talking about). There was freeze fluid leaking out once in a while but it was nothing to worry about. Once everything was done he proceeded to do the stitching and engaged in a little more conversation. He taped my nipples and put foam pads on top. Told me to sit up and gave me a vest to wear. The instructions he gave me after was that he prescribed me Tylenol-3, and said he'd like to see me about 2 weeks from now. I would need to wear the vest with the pads for about a week, after that I can take it off. I can start showering 6-7 days from now and the tape from the nipples should come off from then. I can start doing a bit of cardio week 2, and week 3 he said I can get back to lifting.


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