Author Topic: Dr Fielding  (Read 66470 times)

Offline mtlgyno

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@ lamp

I'm arriving at 3AM, as in the wee hours of the morning. I'm taking the bus from Montreal at 9PM (at night).

I need to be at the hospital at 6AM. So I'm trying to find the best/cheapest way to get from the Toronto bus terminal (Bay St. and Dundas St. West) to St-Jos, at an hour where I don't feel like wandering the streets that late (early) with a map and a dumb look on my face and at a time where there is likely no more public transportation. Like I said, if I have absolutely no other option, I'll pay for a cab, but since I'm shelling out almost 4000$ that I do not have, I would like to avoid expenditures that can be avoided.

Offline mtlgyno

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Ahhhh, yes I am "from" Saskatchewan (living here).  What was she wanting to hear from me?  This doesn't look good!

Yeah that's what I meant, "living" in Saskatchewan. Sorry my english isn't 100%.

We didn't talk about you or anything lol, so don't worry. She just said that since I'd be arriving in Toronto so damn early, that she'd try to get me to be the first done in the morning. Then she said that she wanted to keep all the gynecomastia surgerys close together, as in not all spread out during the day, and then she just said that a dude from (living in) Saskatchewan has yet to call her to confirm what time he'd be arriving in Toronto so she didn't know what spot to book you in on the 13th. That's all man, no worries! :)

Offline Darth Menace

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Yeah that's what I meant, "living" in Saskatchewan. Sorry my english isn't 100%.

We didn't talk about you or anything lol, so don't worry. She just said that since I'd be arriving in Toronto so damn early, that she'd try to get me to be the first done in the morning. Then she said that she wanted to keep all the gynecomastia surgerys close together, as in not all spread out during the day, and then she just said that a dude from (living in) Saskatchewan has yet to call her to confirm what time he'd be arriving in Toronto so she didn't know what spot to book you in on the 13th. That's all man, no worries! :)

Sorry man, I didn't mean to look like I was beaking your English.  I was meaning I am living in Saskatchewan, but not really by choice, and I am from London (Ontario).  Sorry I made it out that it was your English.  :-[

I understand that you guys didn't talk about me.  Just hearing that there was a cancellation that day, and some guy from Saskatchewan not getting back to her kinda triggered my worry that they cancelled me..  I'm getting the money order shipped out priority tomorrow.  I am cutting it close I guess haha.  I did wonder why I wasn't given a specific time as to when I was to arrive.

Did you ask about doing the follow-up over the phone?  I'm sort of in the same boat because I will only be in Ontario for two weeks and having to go to all sides of the provionc to visit family then drive back to Saksatchewan :(

Offline mtlgyno

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Did you ask about doing the follow-up over the phone?  I'm sort of in the same boat because I will only be in Ontario for two weeks and having to go to all sides of the provionc to visit family then drive back to Saksatchewan :(

Yeah you are cutting it close hehe, I payed the day of my consultation, just to get everything out of the way.

And yes I asked that question. Since I'm having my surgery done early in the morning, and that I have to stay all day and overnight at the hospital, someone (either Dr. Fielding or another doctor/nurse) will come and check me out the following morning to make sure that everything is okay. Apparently if there is any complications whatsoever, they take place 24-48 hours after the surgery. So it's just a question of keeping me in Toronto for a day and a half before I go home.

So once I get cleared to leave the hospital (following morning around 9AM she said) I can go home and never have to return for a follow up. But she said if you like your results (or don't) and you are in Toronto randomly in the future, just call and she'll squeeze you in to see the Dr. just to show how everything is doing.

Offline Darth Menace

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Yeah you are cutting it close hehe, I payed the day of my consultation, just to get everything out of the way.

And yes I asked that question. Since I'm having my surgery done early in the morning, and that I have to stay all day and overnight at the hospital, someone (either Dr. Fielding or another doctor/nurse) will come and check me out the following morning to make sure that everything is okay. Apparently if there is any complications whatsoever, they take place 24-48 hours after the surgery. So it's just a question of keeping me in Toronto for a day and a half before I go home.

So once I get cleared to leave the hospital (following morning around 9AM she said) I can go home and never have to return for a follow up. But she said if you like your results (or don't) and you are in Toronto randomly in the future, just call and she'll squeeze you in to see the Dr. just to show how everything is doing.

Ya i am cutting is close, but I had to clear vacation from work before I could book a holiday with work and know I would be going to Ontario.  I work in a very small place and it's next to impossible to get vacation.  I should have paid once i got vacation, but I didn't.  Ah well, priority shipping will get it there fast :)

Offline Darth Menace

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Mailed it prioroty on Friday.  Should be there on Wednesday at the latest.  I have to call on the 11th to see what time my surgery is.

Offline lamp

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mtlgyno- you can take the TTC bluenight bus to get to St. Joseph's. its the same TTC buses but they run throughout the night. when you arrive at Bay St. and Dundas St. West.

1: walk south of Bay St. to Queen St.
2: the blue night bus running on Queen St. is the 301 Queen. Take that bus going westbound.
3: it will arrive around 3:11am, so if you miss it the next one will arrive around 3:31am.
4: get off at Roncesvalles Ave.
5: walk North of Roncesvalles Ave. until you reach Marion St. it will be about a 10 min walk.
6: walk Marion St. West and follow the street until it ends. You should notice St. Josephs Hospital. you will have to walk around the building to find the right entrance.,+Toronto,+ON&gl=ca&ei=M3KnTIoXiIqdB9Wq-OYN&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CBYQ8gEwAA#

i used that as reference, so take a look at it so you have an idea where to go. you can also use streetview just so you get the idea of where to go.

Offline mtlgyno

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Awesome, you're the man lamp. Thanks a lot!

Offline lamp

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1 week post-op

Offline hatey

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Looks good lamp. Would I be right in assuming that you're no longer feeling any pain and most of your mobility is back?

Offline lamp

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i actually resumed work yesterday and the day before that. right now i can fully flex my chest and i have full mobility. when i touch my chest theres very little soreness or bruise feeling. it was a little tough the first day getting back to work but i healed really fast.

Offline gyneco_1001

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Some interesting info about Dr. Fielding testifying against another plastic surgeon:

to lamp: dude ur results are amazing... must be nice knowing the puff is gone... I also just got my surgery scheduled with him for November the 3rd... can't wait :D

Offline lamp

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wow its makes me proud someone like him performed surgery on me with the experience he has.

thanks gyneco_1001, ive actually been wearing the vest still for safety so, only time i get to see my chest is before i shower. i tried playing baketball today and i got to, but not as hard as i liked to. im actually going to see fielding for a follow up tommorow, lets see what he says..

by the way: those single dots above my nipples are scars from the past. i dont even know why it never subsided lol.

Offline Darth Menace

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this thread has shut down since Lamp got his surgery.
Lamp-how are the nips feeling/looking now?

7 days and counting for me

Offline lamp

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its going good, nothing much changed just some weird aches in my nipples here and there. i did see fielding yesterday for a follow up. i waited 1 and a half hour just to see him for 2 mins.. he was very busy but did take time to observe and say that i have very little fluid buildup and should expect it to look better than it is, and that theres little swelling. he asked hows the vest going and all, and said i gotta keep the vest on for about 10 more days or so.

you have any pics to share or anything you wanna ask since that day is coming soon?


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