Author Topic: Do i have gynecomastia? or just fat?  (Read 11906 times)

Offline combatwombat

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heres a picture of 'em
i'm 18, 6'4" and 190 lbs and i've had these things for at least 4 years, perhaps longer.
But when i feel around, i dont really know what to look for, but i can feel my ribs underneath my nipples if i push firmly and when i tense my pecs i can feel this solid'er stuff beneath some fat.  Could i have a mild case of gynecomastia or could this just be fat?  And is it possible that it can go away on its own?
Also, when they're erect, they look somewhat normal, like i'd be fairly comfortable to take my shirt off if they were like that all the time.

Offline gyneco_1001

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That is definitely gyno... and you're skinny enough as it is... definitely not just fat... there is definitely gland behind there... if you're considering surgery, it probably won't be such a bad idea for you to gain a bit of weight and tone up before having it done.

Offline combatwombat

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damn....but i suppose thats what i suspected.  So, at a 18 years old, will this go away on its own? i'm not shaving everyday yet, could this be a sign that im still finishing up puberty? could this go away on its own? or is surgery the only option?

Offline Raider Fan

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It appears you have some mild breast tissue growth and puffy nipples.  This will require surgery to correct. 

Offline gyneco_1001

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I'm 24 and still don't shave everyday... so I doubt that has anything to do with it... if surgery is viable financially for you... you should definitely consult a plastic surgeon... cuz the longer you play the waiting game, the more time you'll waste by restricting urself from wearing certain clothes, walking a certain way, etc. etc. so that people don't notice... I personally believe the surgery will help your confidence immensely and you won't need to feel handicapped by it.. especially in your sex life... I wish I had my surgery done when I was 18.


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heres a picture of 'em
i'm 18, 6'4" and 190 lbs and i've had these things for at least 4 years, perhaps longer.
But when i feel around, i dont really know what to look for, but i can feel my ribs underneath my nipples if i push firmly and when i tense my pecs i can feel this solid'er stuff beneath some fat.  Could i have a mild case of gynecomastia or could this just be fat?  And is it possible that it can go away on its own?
Also, when they're erect, they look somewhat normal, like i'd be fairly comfortable to take my shirt off if they were like that all the time.

You have subtle Puffy Nipple Gynecomastia. Just like an early female breast it does not look male, it is a breast so it is gynecomastia. Even the pubescent female breast will have a fat component. The Anatomy of Puffy Nipples will consist of fat, gland, and skin. Weight loss will not get rid of the gland component and you do not look like you have excess global body fat. Options will depend on many factors such as medical issues and stability of the problem best explored during a consultation with an experienced gynecomastia surgeon.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline combatwombat

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What kind of surgery am i looking at? and approximately what would the cost be? and once the operation is done, will it look 100% normal? or just decently normal?  Will my nipples be kind of more scrunched up?  Right now they're smooth all over and look like a geometric cone. 


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You are looking at lipo throughout the chest, and an incision on the border of the areola. Cost ranges around $4000-$7000. When the operation is completed, it should look 100% normal, not including the tiny scars that might be left behind. The areolas will shrink in size on their own, after the procedure. The areola should be flat with the chest. The reason they look smooth, and coned shape, is because the glands behind them is pushing the nipple and areola out, causing it to stretch and appear smooth.

Offline combatwombat

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is there really no other way? i mean can i take some meds to flush my system of estrogen? and wow 4-7k i thought that was for the more extensive gyne but i guess this isnt something i'd want to cheap out on.  And how bad does the surgry hurt? i mean i can take quite a bit of pain, i'd just like to know what im in for. 


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What kind of surgery am i looking at? and approximately what would the cost be? and once the operation is done, will it look 100% normal? or just decently normal?  Will my nipples be kind of more scrunched up?  Right now they're smooth all over and look like a geometric cone. 

This is surgical sculpture. What results look like depend on the problem to be treated, what is done, and skill of the surgeon among other factors. You can see many examples of my sculpture in these Puffy Nipple Gynecomastia Galleries of Before and After Surgery Pictures. Beyond that you can find many other examples of what surgery has to offer this deformity.

Cost of Gynecomastia Surgery depends on the problem to be treated. Jane is my office manager and can better discuss costs and fees.  She can normally be reached at our office by phone Monday - Friday 9-5 Eastern Time at (804) 748-7737.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction


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