Author Topic: Just had surgery with JCF some concerns  (Read 7486 times)

Offline Juggernaut

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This is my first post, great site you guys have here. I did a lot of research on here before jumping under the knife.

Anywho, I had surgery last Wed with Dr. Fielding and I have some concerns.

My right peck feels like there is tons of gland left underneath and it has a totally different shape than the left one. The left side looks pretty good but the right looks not much better than b4.

My questions are, is there a chance that these are not glands and could be something that is a bi product of the surgery?

Also, if I need a revision, do I have to pay again? I would sure hope not as I wanted the glands removed and they may not have been totally removed.

Pic is attached. Thanks folks.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2010, 10:22:14 PM by fritz »

Offline lezgetitdone

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wow great results.  you should be very happy.

In terms of your right side having what you think is tissue, i very much doubt it.  I bet it's scar tissue or fluid that could have gotten more dense.  I can assure you by the look of your left side and even right, that the doctor did a good job taking out the perfect amount of tissue


Offline lamp

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i agree great results. in my opinion it should just be the swelling but dont take my word for it, just my observation. may i ask what you got done? my surgery is next friday for gland removal and im just curious what happens on the surgerical day(the process)

Offline hatey

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During my consultation he specifically mentioned that fluid/blood would fill up the space where to gland used to be and that it could take months for your final results to show. Your results look great, I wouldn't worry about it too much. But then again, I'm not a doctor so if you're really concerned about it I suggest you ask Dr. Fielding when you see him. :)

Offline Juggernaut

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Alright, I appreciate the replies

I just want to make sure it looks ok. I am a fitness competitor and I need to look natural. I spoke to JCF today and he said to come in in about a month. He assured me that it is likely just scar tissue and fluid, I guess I'm just paranoid because it feels like gland.

Offline lamp

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do you compete in the toronto area? im actually looking for amateur events next year to get into, but of course i have to heal from the surgery(next week). this is one of the main reasons why im getting surgery, so my chest and nipples look natural.

Offline Juggernaut

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Yea brother, FAME is where it is at if you are a natural competitor. They come to Toronto all the time. There are a few other organizations as well but most are untested. There is also the WNSO which is tested.

Offline lamp

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yeah man natural all the way. ill take a look at FAME and WSNO, but which is better especially for beginners or first-timers.

Offline Juggernaut

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It's up to you really. Check out their sites and you'll know.

Offline lamp

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thanks so much bro. btw did you only have gland removal?

Offline Juggernaut

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I had the whole shebang done.

Offline lamp

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hows your recovery going fritz? had my procedure done last friday and i am planning to take the vest and pads off friday morning.

Offline Juggernaut

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Recovery is going good. Scar tissue has gone down a bit and there are still some hard toonie sized lumps under the right side. The only thing is that I feel like crap whenever I take the compression vest of. It becomes very uncomfortable to move my arms. Also, my nipples have been feeling like they are being sanded with sandpaper.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Another job well done by JCF...  ;)   He DA MAN!!!

Dude, your chest looks good... you just have to be patient. Give your body 3-6 months to heal. Don't even think about evaluating your results until then...

Let me ask you this (just curious)...  What do you expect of surgery results?

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline Juggernaut

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Basically,  I just want there to be symmetry and I want it to look natural.

The left side looks good but the right side still has hard lumps under the nipple which is protruding. I hope it goes away, I've been getting regular massage on the right side.


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