Author Topic: Followup w/Surgeon After One Week  (Read 2274 times)

Offline hitman200x

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So I had the surgery on 9/13 and met with my surgeon this past Tuesday, 9/21. My main concerns following the surgery were that the nipples were still very puffy, even though I could see and feel that the underlying breast tissue was removed. Dr Bermant and Dr. Pope gave solid advice and information on these boards that explained why it looked like nothing happened -- swelling.

When I saw my surgeon, he told me that everything is healing beautifully, and that there was no bruising at all. He also said that the swelling would realistically last 2-2.5 months, 3 months tops. Hearing this was disappointing but it also gave me hope because now I don't stress everyday to see if my nipples look normal. He also told me that due to the nature of my specific surgery that wearing under armor for 2-3 weeks would suffice, and a compression vest wasn't needed. The reason, he said, is that I'm a muscular guy and that he usually prescribes the vests to help potentially loose skin tighten -- since I didn't have loose skin it won't be an issue apparently.

So now it's about 1.5 weeks since the surgery and I can definitely see some difference. I think more was removed from my left breast than the right, but when I take off the under armor I can certainly see that, in 2 more months or so, it will look great. And I was able to start cardio again this week and while I was initially sore, I am no longer feeling any pain when working out.


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So I had the surgery on 9/13 and met with my surgeon this past Tuesday, 9/21. My main concerns following the surgery were that the nipples were still very puffy, even though I could see and feel that the underlying breast tissue was removed. Dr Bermant and Dr. Pope gave solid advice and information on these boards that explained why it looked like nothing happened -- swelling.

When I saw my surgeon, he told me that everything is healing beautifully, and that there was no bruising at all. He also said that the swelling would realistically last 2-2.5 months, 3 months tops. Hearing this was disappointing but it also gave me hope because now I don't stress everyday to see if my nipples look normal. He also told me that due to the nature of my specific surgery that wearing under armor for 2-3 weeks would suffice, and a compression vest wasn't needed. The reason, he said, is that I'm a muscular guy and that he usually prescribes the vests to help potentially loose skin tighten -- since I didn't have loose skin it won't be an issue apparently.

So now it's about 1.5 weeks since the surgery and I can definitely see some difference. I think more was removed from my left breast than the right, but when I take off the under armor I can certainly see that, in 2 more months or so, it will look great. And I was able to start cardio again this week and while I was initially sore, I am no longer feeling any pain when working out.

Glad to be of service! Patience can be quite necessary when dealing with human sculpture.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline hitman200x

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One slight concern -- I feel like the swelling has been decreasing lately,as it should, but today the nipples were a bit tender and sore, whereas that hasn't happened before. Normal? The soreness everywhere else went away.


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