Author Topic: Back in the game (sort of)  (Read 3429 times)

Offline amethyst tint

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Well, I braved having sex the other night (I'd had the G - relatively mild G, but the real thing nonetheless - for three months without sex). An old flame was in town for a night and invited me out for a drink, one thing led to another, and she invited me back to her hotel room. It actually went fine. I was definitely self-conscious about being naked, and did my best to avoid full frontal poses. We did it in dim light, and then dark, and I sort of maneuvered myself into less revealing positions.

I'm still leaning towards having surgery if things don't improve over the next few months (and honestly, I don't expect them to improve on their own), but I'm glad I put myself out there. The sex was enjoyable, and she even emailed me asking if I would be interested in meeting up again the next time she's in town.   

Offline WishmasterK

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You should consider just being open with it, you would be amazed how much she probably doesn't care.


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