Author Topic: If you have breasts are you suppose to wear a bra?  (Read 38065 times)

Offline Cisco

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Many guys explanation for wearing a bra is based in physical need i.e. need the support for physical activity or due to the size of their breasts feel more comfortable when wearing a bra.  Does anyone feel that they are suppose to wear a bra just because they have breasts?  This question is especially directed to guys over 50 who grow up when the rules of behavior and civility were more rigorously codified and monitored. When girls reached puberty and grew breasts they routinely began to wear a bra no questions asked. Perhaps for some men there is a subconscious throw back to their youth and now that they have grown breasts feel that they are expected to wear a bra.  In addition to the guys over 50 it would be very interesting to hear from the guys who developed as a teenager and have worn a bra since then.  Was this at the direction/instruction of your parents?  Did they provide little or no explanation merely that since you have breasts you should wear a bra? 

Offline Anon E Mouse

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Your premise seems to be that ones decision to wear a bra is somehow a result of some form of suggestive imprinting. Perhaps you have a difficult time wrapping your mind around the fact that otherwise normal, well-adjusted, straight men would choose to wear a bra just because they have breasts. The underlying implication is that, in your mind, there is no acceptable reason for a man to wear a bra. Perhaps, in your thinking, no matter how big or uncomfortable a mans breasts become, the fact that he is male precludes him from ever using a tool to support himself and be comfortable. At least that is how I read your post. Nevertheless, I think that your inquiry is an honest one and that you're seriously looking for a way to understand why a man would make such a decision.

The answer will be different for each individual, though perhaps with a few general similarities. For example, and setting the exceptions aside, there is likely something that makes the individual uncomfortable enough without a bra to consider the notion that wearing one may be beneficial to him. There is a reason that he would seriously consider such a thing. I think that most men who have made the decision to even try one have grappled extensively with the notion. I certainly did. Yet, in the end the discomfort brought them to a point where they felt the need to do something. Once they find a bra that fits properly they find themselves relieved of the discomfort. This sense of relief may be described (quite correctly) as support and comfort. I don't think anyone thinks that they are "supposed" to wear a bra simply because they have breasts. No one (not even a woman), is obligated to wear a bra. Yet, most women do. If you were to ask the same question of your women friends, I'm confident that you would hear them say "support and comfort". That's exactly what those of us with breasts of any substantive size and weight will tell you as well. Support and comfort.


Offline Cisco

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Just a quick word of clarification I'm not seeking justification for wearing a bra.  I've worn a bra for over 3 years.  I'm a 38B and like so many other men with gynecomastia I feel more comfortable wearing a bra.  I developed gyno as a teenager and didn't come to terms with it until later in life. My intellectual curiosity is piqued about other men's experience with dealing with gyno both those who developed as teenager as well as later in life.  Additionally since I realize that it's a big decision for a man whether to wear a bra I'm interested in that thought process too.  My question or comment was to explore whether there are other reasons (I have no interest in any and all sexual reasons) in addition to physical that my account for a man with gyno deciding to wear a bra.  I specifically reference men who have worn bras since they were teenager for comment since I've seen postings here and other sites where guys mention that after their gyno was acknowledged by a parent or doctor they began to wear a bra.  Did the parents decide/suggest that since their son had grown breasts he should wear a bra?  I don't know so I put the question out for comment.

Trust me I'm on the team that supports men with gynecomastia who wear bras for any reason behind their decision process.


Offline Anon E Mouse

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Thank you for the clarification. It appears that I misread the intent of your post. I didn't have to deal with any of this until I turned 50 so I am unable to speak directly to your question. I can say that for me, it wasn't an easy issue to work through. This kind of thing causes one to carefully evaluate their psychological make-up as well as their motivations on multiple levels. That says nothing of the social implications one must take into account and be prepared to deal with. I know several men (my brother-in-law included), with substantial enough breasts to warrant a bra. However, for them, the thought of a bra is incomprehensible. I have watched these men be miserable in their inability to hide their breasts, the swimming that goes on under their shirt, and the discomfort and pain that goes with them. I think it would be rare to find parents so understanding, secure, and supportive as to suggest to an adolescent son that a bra might be an acceptable solution.


Offline pat

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I am 71yrs and have been wearing a bra for about 10yrs. I wear a bra everyday 365 days a year and often wear a leisure bra for sleeping.

The reason that I wear my bra is simple, I am far more comfortable with breasts supported, and to go around braless  is a real pain - literally a really pain, and I really do not worry about who knows that I wear a bra

Pat :) :) 

Offline Cisco

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There have been over 120 views of this posting and only 2 real replies.  I'm sure there are more comments and it would be great to hear them.

Offline Martin_DK

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Just a quick word of clarification I'm not seeking justification for wearing a bra.  I've worn a bra for over 3 years.  I'm a 38B and like so many other men with gynecomastia I feel more comfortable wearing a bra.  I developed gyno as a teenager and didn't come to terms with it until later in life. My intellectual curiosity is piqued about other men's experience with dealing with gyno both those who developed as teenager as well as later in life.  Additionally since I realize that it's a big decision for a man whether to wear a bra I'm interested in that thought process too.  My question or comment was to explore whether there are other reasons (I have no interest in any and all sexual reasons) in addition to physical that my account for a man with gyno deciding to wear a bra.  I specifically reference men who have worn bras since they were teenager for comment since I've seen postings here and other sites where guys mention that after their gyno was acknowledged by a parent or doctor they began to wear a bra.  Did the parents decide/suggest that since their son had grown breasts he should wear a bra?  I don't know so I put the question out for comment.

Trust me I'm on the team that supports men with gynecomastia who wear bras for any reason behind their decision process.


Hi Cisco.

How do you hide them.
I thinkt it will be difficult hiding 38B ?
I have just recently been diagnosed with G, and are a large A myself.
I'm barely able to hide in wide shirts

Offline Paa_Paw

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What you wear is entirely up to you.

Age is not or at least should not be a factor, but since it has been mentioned I am 73.

A compression shirt is the best at concealment. I used an ordinary tee shirt a size too small and it helped under a regular shirt that was a trifle large.

Athletic bras may help with concealment or not. Sometimes the straps print through the outer wear and give away their presence. They also can be comfortable or not. My experience was that the most comfortable were the least effective at concealing. Those most effective at compressing the breasts were often a dead give away from the back.

Regular bras were very comfortable, but they were a total failure at concealing anything and I would never wear them in a public situation. They are actually designed to accent the breast and that was not my reason for exploring them. When younger, I did a lot of back packing/hiking in the wilderness areas of the California High Sierra's. Being very much alone, I found wearing a bra to be very comfortable for that activity..

Fitting is a real problem since the male chest is usually much larger than a female chest and the male breasts are spaced much further apart than female breasts.

At the present time I have no use for either a bra or compression shirt, Just a snug tee under a loose buttoned up shirt.
Grandpa Dan

Offline John16102

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I am a 46B and have been wearing bras for 6 months. I went from an A cup to a B cup and then had to wear bras. I found a couple of them that really flatten my chest without the bras showing through clothes. I can wear proper fitting shirts when I wear a bra when before I had to wear oversize shirts so people would not see my boobs flopping around.

I have a supportive wife that does not care that I wear a bra. She jokes now that I have more bras than she does....:-).

For bedroom play, I even have a black lace pushup bra that my wife enjoys :-).

My point is, don't fear the bra, embrace it and celebrate it and if you have a wife standing there with you in acceptance, bras are no problem at all and should not be feared by men like us.

Offline sdwnymph

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ok, I think I can answer this one for me... This is my story...
I'm 35 and have worn a bra since was 16. I didnt even know what G was until like a year ago, just knew that my chest was always big and a bra felt more comfortable. When I was a kid, I tried one of my moms because was curious because my chest was big. Eventually I ended up buying a couple of my own. At the time my family didnt know and as an only child I didnt have anyone to talk to about it. When my parents found out -lets just say it went bad -even burned everything I had. My parents were not supportive of understanding me or what was wrong w/ me.

Over the years after I left home I had to deal alot w/ the mental aspect of wanting to wear a bra because of my chest. Even in the Navy I had to deal w/ it. Even while in bootcamp I was the skinniest I had ever been and still had a large chest (which was made fun of just like in high school). After awhile I said "screw it" and even a few times wore one w/ my uniform on.

After I got out of the Navy I was free to wear what I wanted, but still hid it big time because of people around me (still more mental anguish). I was down to a 34 shorts and 38b bra. I even had my fiance' leave me cause she "thought I was gay" (although years later found out more as to why lol).

I am now w/ my wife who I have been w/ for 11yrs w/ my daughter -my wife knows and is ok w/ it, but dosnt want anyone to know so they wont "badger her about it". I wear normal tshirts and sometimes tank tops and am a 44c. Most people dont even notice me wearing a bra cause I'm not "sulking around" type thing. If you act normal and remember it is only an article of clothing. I finally came to terms w/ it a few years ago, but still have a little of a mental probs w/ it. Think my biggest prob is the fact I have to hide it from in-laws and most people and never have anyone to talk to or any kind of support group, but the few people that do know try to help, but none of them are near me -so no help w/ bra shopping or anything  :-\

Sorry so long, but hope this helps w/ your question at least a little bit.

Offline Sarik

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I am 48yrs and have been wearing a bra for about 20yrs. I wear a bra everyday. My size is 95B/C (european)

Offline Anon E Mouse

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I've been wearing a bra everyday for about 2-years now. I started growing as a result of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, and more recently due to heart/blood pressure medications. I am now a 40C and still growing.


Offline Del

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I am 69 and have been wearing a 38D bra for about 6 years. More comfortable than going without.

Offline Alchemist

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My breasts started growing at 11.  At 63 I'm at 52DD and have been more or less such for decades.  My waist is 36 for those interested.  I had to use bandaids for running in high school so that I wouldn't get very irritated nipples.  A sports bra would have been great if they had been invented decades earlier. I'm sure the bullies would have had a field day with my wearing a sports bra. I have never worn a bra and don't feel any need to.  I know plenty of women who feel that they MUST wear a bra and think it immoral not to.  I hang around much of the summer with nudists who don't wear anything.  I am nude around the house all year unless it is too cold.  Winter can get too expensive to keep the house comfortable for skin.  I'm not textile compulsive.

Offline Del

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Replying to Alchemist I wear a bra,I have to (38D UK ),waist 36 ,I feel comfortable with it but cannot hide the fact I have large breasts.I do wear dark, loose fitting shirts and get fitted properly.Swimming presents a problem.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2011, 01:25:40 PM by vaughanderek »


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