Author Topic: Which parts of body fat reduces by skipping rope?  (Read 65838 times)

Offline abrahamsmith

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By skipping rope can i lose my belly fat?from past 2 months i am skipping but lost only 3 kgs but i am not happy by the results .

Offline JamesDawson

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Body fat is lost all over your body when you lose weight, you can't really target a single area but some areas will lost more fat than others. The fat on your belly is the hardest part to lose and usually the last on most people. How often are you skipping?? You should try and mix up different exercises because your body will get used to a certain exercise, try jogging one day. skipping the next followed by cycling. This will keep your body guessing and maximize weight loss. A major role is your diet, you have to burn off more calories than you are eating. Simply eating healthy foods and not snacking/eating fast food has incredible results for some people. You can find lots of information an workout plans on the internet. Good luck!!!!

Offline Fatboyslim

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I exercise quite a bit: 2-3 hours, 6 days a week, everything from cardio to weights. After gyno surgery my "love handles and belly fat" are now bugging me so I asked Dr Rick Silverman, who in addition to being a well respected gyno surgeon is also a bodybuilder, what exercises I could do to get rid of them. Unfortunately his answer was only your diet will effectively get rid of them.  >:(


Offline Elton

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Hi Abraham,
Skipping rope burns calories and helps in weight loss and develop cardiovascular system and prevent from cardiovascular diseases. Skipping rope support all body parts and enhance our coordination, quickness and agility.

Offline HellandBack

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Offline xelnaga13

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You can skip rope from sunrise to sunset and not lose any fat if your diet isn't in check. Lifting weights is for muscle growth, aerobics is for cardiovascular health, and diet is for fat loss. 

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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Appropriate diet and exercise will result in weight loss and muscle strengthening -- and eventual loss of fat.  However, there are certain areas of the body where fat tends to remain, such as the abdomen and love handles -- these areas are usually amenable to liposuction surgery.  But there is also fat inside the abdominal cavity that no surgeon can remove -- only dieting can help.

When liposuction is being considered, one should remember the maxim:  If it can be pinched, it can be suctioned.

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline earthshieldkek

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Jumping rope and cardio in general have a small impact on fat loss. Diet plays a far more central role. You can exercise all day long, but if you are still eating too many calories, you will not lose weight. As an example, running a mile burns about 100 calories. Two Oreo cookies contains about 100 calories. So you would net the same results in terms of weight loss, all things being equal, if you ran a mile or eliminated 2 Oreos from your diet. Do you see how much easier it is to simply cut out the cookies? If you are overweight, chances are you consume at least 3000 calories per day, most likely substantially more. So the handful of calories burned from jumping rope for 30 minutes is not really going to make a noticeable dent in your body fat.

Offline Poland2012

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There's so much more to be said for exercising that simply burning calories. The emotional and physical benefits of being fit and active are the most compelling reason to incorporate exercise into your life.

Offline tpuk

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When liposuction is being considered, one should remember the maxim:  If it can be pinched, it can be suctioned.

Dr Jacobs

true, but v gross !

Offline TechnoDumbo

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I must admit, this has been one of the most useful threads I have ever come across to make a plan to reduce body fat


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