Author Topic: Tamoxifen  (Read 3159 times)

Offline hdpilot

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Hi.  I just found this group and have a question.  I've looked through some of the posts and didn't find my specific topic but maybe it's been done in the past, and if so, I apologize.

I seem to be a lot older than some of the people here, and could probably be the grandfather to some.  It seems that there is a lot of the "puberty related gynecomastia" being discussed here.  That's not me.  I recently started having a swelling ("puffiness" as some have called it) and pain associated with my left nipple.  After a sonogram, mammagram, and needle biopsy, my doctor ruled out breast cancer and diagnosed it as gynecomastia.

It's not serious enough to consider surgery (yet).  My doctor wants me to take tamoxifen because he feels that it will shrink the tissue and eliminate the pain.  However after reading some of the side effects of tamoxifen (nausea, possible eye problems, possible intestinal cancer, liver cancer, and the ever popular impotence) I'm not feeling warm and fuzzy about taking this stuff.

Has anyone out there had experience with taking tamoxifen and has it worked and have you had any side effects?

Thanks in advance for any advice.


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