Author Topic: Advice desperately needed  (Read 2103 times)

Offline Monkeymonk2011

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Hey there,

I am in need of some much needed advice. I have undergone liposculpture surgery on my chest and have not been 100% happy with the results. I believe I still have puffy nipples that cone outwards. I have spoken to my surgeon 6 months later, and have mentioned how they still bother me, however he stopped me and said that no further work is needed. He does not want to touch the nipple as they will differ significantly, large scars will be evident under the nipple. He says that I will probably even more unhappy afterwards. Is this true? Should I fight more to be done ? I was left feeling really negative and didn't want to argue as a doctor probably knows best. When mentioning I heard about gland removal he said speak to them but I will not do it. Please advise me, it causes psychological problems that I can't really overcome. Our conversation was left with 'see me in 6 months. Why I'm unsure. Your response will be greatly appreciated

Offline superhuman

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If you believe that you needed some gland removal done... and you still do then what the heck... GO GET IT DONE!...

Sure some fat can be removed but honestly in some cases, it's mostly the gland that also needs to get removed therefore as everyone says... gland + lipo = best results. I'm sure if you still have puffy nipples, you might have some excess gland that needs to be removed to get rid of them not just lipo. Good luck with your researching, but that's just my 0.02.

Also, yeah sure some doctors seem to be knowledgeable, but I consulted with many surgeons and they said I needed lipo done, but I still didnt give up and I got gland/lipo done and couldnt be more happier.

Offline Monkeymonk2011

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Thanks for the reply, I do believe there is large gland tissue behind the nipple (I can feel it). I definately want more to be done, It bothers me like hell. It wasn't very reassuring how the surgeon left our conversation, he seemed to just sway me away from it and was annoyed me mentioning I wanted more to be done. He then went on to mention cases where people were unhappy at how it look after nipple work they had to actually insert fat taken from the butt into the nipple afterwards! and i'll be left with large scars that will look much worse. What do you think the chances of him changing his mind, I mean i sure dont want to pay for a seperate procedure with a whole new doctor - was incredibly expensive in the first place dont want to dish out again. The coordinator who noticed my unhappiness did mention its possible to get a second opinion from somebody else in the practice. Shall I jump on this opportunity, i just seemed confused to why he said to come back after 6 months after being reluctant to do further work. Does he think i'll get over it? but if still after this period im happy he'll settle for it (maybe this is what i wish for). (I know this is hard to answer, im just confused why a surgeon would say no work will be done, but see me in 6 months) Im glad to hear your happiness with the results, I think im going to push it. A phone call to them asap is in order.

Offline George Pope, M.D.

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Was your surgeon a plastic surgeon?  Hopefully so. Since the coordinator suggested a second opinion within the group, she probably knows that one of his partners would be empathetic toward u and could help. Revision surgery is bound to be cheaper if done by one of his partners rather than someone in a different practice. Call the coordinator and ask her which partner she suggests.

Dr. Pope, MD
George H Pope, MD, FACS
Certified - American Board of Plastic Surgery
Orlando Plastic Surgery Center
Phone: 407-857-6261


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