Author Topic: 21 yr old thin black kid with gyne......sigh  (Read 3085 times)

Offline prilla109

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Im 21 and 5' right nipple puffed up at 12 and the left at 13. The left never got quite as big as the right though. I've always been athletic, thin, kinda muscular...I can feel the hard tissue behind them...sometimes i get so frustrated i wanna just rip the tissue out lol..but im not stupid lol...but in cooler temperature, the left nipple will become almost completely normal and the right will still be a lil abnormal but not that bad at all. specially when i get out the hot shower and hit the cold air. and for those few minutes or seconds that my nipples are that way, i feel kinda good about myself...but they'll just poof right back up and back to the depression i go. I was always a starter on the basketball team in middle school and high school. And of course, I often had to take my shirt off at practice when playing shirts vs. skin...all my friends joked even though the gyne isn't severe. It's mild but because im skinny..never been fat a day in my life, it still looks strange...and has bothered me everyday of my life since i was 12. Girls find me attractive anyhow. But they cant tell i have this condition...i tend to move from girl to girl so i want have to get comfortable enough to start taking our shirts off when being intimate..but sure enough.....i ran into a girl i really liked at 19...we talked for 2 n a half years....started going together about 2 months ago. we had been intimate quite a few times over the last year but i never took my shirt off....i fell hard for her and she fell for me...we started to tell each other we love each other and everything..i think she knew i had the condition because sometimes she'd giggle for no apparent reason after we'd done something. she use to say we'll get more comfortable with each other one day and the sex will be greater...on New Years day...we got into and argument and it ended up to her saying i wasn't passionate enough anyway and crap like that. So I lost the first girl i ever cared about due to my self-consciousness of having gyne. I'm still hurting actually but i'll be aite....if i can just get my life together and come up on the money to get the surgery i will...and i have to get this girl back. I know many suffer from this but i've only known one other guy with it ...guess it doesn't occur as much in black males...but he played ball with me in middle the time we started playing in high school....his had went completely away...and mine was still there....whenever i went to doctors for physicals they'd tell me they'll go away after 21! and there the exact same since 12 and 13... so yeh im praying i don't get too old with this condition because i feel it's ruining my life in a way...i'm very blessed and grateful for everything i have but this is still alot to deal with.....if anybody knows anything i can do to help this situation until i can afford the op. please post...thank you!

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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Yours is a story that I have heard very often.

Just for your knowledge:  gyne has no racial, ethnic or religious preferences -- everyone is affected -- gyne is an equal opportunity misery.

From your description, it would seem as if surgery would provide the best permanent option for you.  Save up for it and go to the best expert you can find.  But for the meantime, try wearing a compression garment (available elsewhere on this site) to give you the shape you would like.  Unfortunately, it won't help in intimate situations when your want your shirt off -- that is where the surgery will help.

Good luck to you!

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c


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Im 21 and 5' right nipple puffed up at 12 and the left at 13. The left never got quite as big as the right though. I've always been athletic, thin, kinda muscular...I can feel the hard tissue behind them...sometimes i get so frustrated i wanna just rip the tissue out lol..but im not stupid lol...but in cooler temperature, the left nipple will become almost completely normal and the right will still be a lil abnormal but not that bad at all. specially when i get out the hot shower and hit the cold air. and for those few minutes or seconds that my nipples are that way, i feel kinda good about myself...but they'll just poof right back up and back to the depression i go. I was always a starter on the basketball team in middle school and high school. And of course, I often had to take my shirt off at practice when playing shirts vs. skin...all my friends joked even though the gyne isn't severe. It's mild but because im skinny..never been fat a day in my life, it still looks strange...and has bothered me everyday of my life since i was 12. Girls find me attractive anyhow. But they cant tell i have this condition...i tend to move from girl to girl so i want have to get comfortable enough to start taking our shirts off when being intimate..but sure enough.....i ran into a girl i really liked at 19...we talked for 2 n a half years....started going together about 2 months ago. we had been intimate quite a few times over the last year but i never took my shirt off....i fell hard for her and she fell for me...we started to tell each other we love each other and everything..i think she knew i had the condition because sometimes she'd giggle for no apparent reason after we'd done something. she use to say we'll get more comfortable with each other one day and the sex will be greater...on New Years day...we got into and argument and it ended up to her saying i wasn't passionate enough anyway and crap like that. So I lost the first girl i ever cared about due to my self-consciousness of having gyne. I'm still hurting actually but i'll be aite....if i can just get my life together and come up on the money to get the surgery i will...and i have to get this girl back. I know many suffer from this but i've only known one other guy with it ...guess it doesn't occur as much in black males...but he played ball with me in middle the time we started playing in high school....his had went completely away...and mine was still there....whenever i went to doctors for physicals they'd tell me they'll go away after 21! and there the exact same since 12 and 13... so yeh im praying i don't get too old with this condition because i feel it's ruining my life in a way...i'm very blessed and grateful for everything i have but this is still alot to deal with.....if anybody knows anything i can do to help this situation until i can afford the op. please post...thank you!

There is a great deal of Emotion Living with Gynecomastia. Dr. Jacobs is correct, there is no racial preference to this condition. You can see many examples of this condition in black males as well as many other races in this Gynecomastia Gallery.

You can find examples of how Body Shaping Garments Contour Gynecomastia. These compression garments are a fantastic temporizing measure until a problem is stabilized or surgery afforded.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline joltera

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you're story is very similar to mine.

I am mixed, my mother is black, but I do not believe this has anything to do with my condition..

I too developed gyne at a early age...blah blah blah you know the rest. I too am thin but toned, the gyne is minor, but still looked very abnormal due to this

about  two years ago, I met the girl of my dreams. I'm not really going to into details, but we became intimate and I feel deeply in love.

I had been in other relationships before, and no one ever cared about my gyne. My girl would always say "its no big deal, a lot of guys have it"
still, i felt like a freak, but back to the point, basically I lost the girl I mentioned before whom I fell in love with because I was too self conscious about my body to be confident in bed on a consistent basis. Whenever we would have sex all I could think about was my how my boobs looked. I think she felt insulted because of her own insecurities and thought I was using my gyne as an excuse. She will never understand how I really felt, and I've lost her forever..

It was that incident that pushed me over the edge and it was then that I decided I would no longer just accept this condition.

I am proud to say that as of today I am 3 day post-op and well on my way to recovery. It took me two years from that incident to reach this point today, I couldn't be any happier.  If you ever see this response, I hope it can provide you with a little motivation.

good luck.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2011, 04:44:09 PM by joltera »
f*ck gyne

Offline Wod

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I see a lot of black people that have the condition. Must just be around my area though. And i mean Africa/Caribean not asians that pretend to be black lol


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