Author Topic: contemplating creatine  (Read 8640 times)

Offline Ax87

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hey guys, wuts up? i am thinking about using creatine... i have mild gynecomastia(puffy nipples) and i was wondering if this would make them look worse? or better(doubt it) and wut ur take on this shit is... also i have a follow up endo appnt on wednesday so she said maybe surgery or maybe some type of medicine could be used for it(dont know what yet tho) but if she wants me to just wait. >:( and also i have been benching alot and obviously its not helping the gyno, but as i build more muscle will it hide it up at all? thanks for the input guys...

Offline Achilles

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I don't know what kind of effect it would have on your gyne, but I've been told by people that use it that once you start using it, you can't stop because it replaces the natural creatine your body produces and so you'd have to take it forever.  I could be totally wrong on this though (and if so, someone please say so).

Offline Spleen

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I've used it before and it never had an effect on the teats.  Basically all creatine does is work extra water in to the muscles making the Krebs cycle more efficient.  It will make you stronger and help stamina as long as you use it.  The benefits wash away as soon as you stop.  I've never heard of any side or after effects.

Offline TwixyHobbit

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Creatine will have no effect on your gyno. Why would it?

I workout too, and as my chest grows, my gyno sticks out even more. The muscle underneath pushes it out, making it even more pointy. But I still workout.

Offline Ax87

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well i've been working out alot too, and i cant really say the gyno hasnt gotten any worse or better since i have i am only maxing at about 215 tho, but i just ask if the muscle willl hide it up because i heard if u get really muscular then u cant tell that gyno is there... i wish but i dont have like man boobs really there just puffy and when there not u can see the definition in the chest, this shit really is annoying i wish there was a drug that i could safely take that would get rid of this shit, and my endo told me that since my case isnt that bad most surgeons wont even touch it.. but i doubt that because surgeons want to make there money

Offline ConeyNips

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the creatine will not effect your gyne.  it should help you in your workouts/recovery time if taken consistently. to say you lose it all once you stop taking it is not exactly true.  You're getting better workouts while you're on it so your muscles will reap the benefits. (i.e. grow stronger/recover faster.)  just make sure you drink lots and lots of water

 as far as working out and the puffy nip syndrome, Im sorry but in my opinion, theres not much (involving exercises) you can do. I had the same problem up until my surgery friday.  building up your pec muscles will inevitably push the gyne out further (assuming its glandular), making it even more noticeable.  This was the case for me and I have very little body fat, especially in the chest.
goodluck to you

Offline Ax87

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thanx alot coney nips, ya hopefully i can get surgery or something too, another question for anyone if anyone knows... how long post op does it take to start benching again and how much did u go down, and does it go up fast?

Offline tnel00son

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i have gyne, and i have been taking creatine for a while, wont effect the gyne at all, have fun! by the way if you are wondering what kind of creatine to take, NO-Xplode is siiickk

Offline Ax87

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how bad is ur gyno? im prolly gonna get surgery in a few months, so i can use it until then right? im just scared im gonna get weak after i recover from surgery lol


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