Author Topic: Very dissapointed after surgery!  (Read 3107 times)

Offline vanislandguy

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Ok im a 30 and ive had gyno since i was around 12.
2 months ago i finally gathered the courage to get surgery.
My surgeon said he was going to do lypo only. But since mine was more of a gland issue i questioned him on this.
I was under the impression from what ive herd that lypo will not remove the gland. He assured me it would.
Anyhow 2 minutes b4 surgery while im on the operating table  he talked to me and asked my permission to make the inscisions
around the nipple if he needed to in order to remove the tissue, i obviously agreed.When i woke up and looked under my bandge
1 side looked alot better than the other but still felt hard lumps under each nipple still.The next day after surgery i seen the surgeon
and voiced my concern. He said that the one side was full of fluid and it would be absorbed by my body.
Now its  2 months after my left side does look relativley better than it did before but there is still a  mass of gland.
The right side doesnt look like he even removed any gland its a large lump that sticks out my nipple. A few days ago i seen him again for a check up. I again voiced my concern and he was very condencending. he said the left side was looked really good even though i grabbed the masses of gland from under my nipples to show him why i was concerned.
he said if he removed the gland my nipples would have a crater.Even though i clearly conveyed to him prior to surgery that i wanted these lumps removed.
Clearly he didnt remove enough on the left side, and i dont think he even removed any on the right side even though there was an inscision made.Looks like he just used lypo for any fat but didnt get any gland.
im not in prime shape but im not fat , i was mosty interested in getting the lumps removed.
He told me to come back in 2 months for another check up because he said that its to early to tell the results even though its blatntly obvious. Im really depressed now. i got lypo inscison scars and scars around my nipples now and i feel like he did a 50% job.
Does anyone have any suggestions for me? what can i say to this surgeon to get my point across without pissing him off ?can you completley remove these lumps or what? I need as much info and ammunition as possible to fire back at this surgeon. Should i get him to try and fix his mistake or should i look else where for surgery? Im so upset right now words cant explain. Ive lived with this for so long and all i want is to be normal. Please ,any info or comment will be greatly appreciated. Ill try and post photos as soon as i can.
thanks for reading..

Offline Raider Fan

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Welcome to, vanislandguy. 

Is this a plastic surgeon or a general surgeon?  Does he have much experience at gyne surgery?  Does he specialize in gyne surgery?  You want a plastic surgeon who does many of these surgeries each month/year.  Did you see before/after pics of his work on other patients prior to surgery?  If he's not someone with a wealth of experience at this type of surgery and he doesn't have a lot of pictures of excellent gyne surgery results, then I'd think twice before going back to him.  There's no reason to think he would do any better the second time around.  Confidence in your surgeon prior to surgery is a must.

I'm sorry to hear about your results. The surgeons here warn about going to a doctor who rules out using a particular surgical procedure BEFORE they even get into the surgery and see what's going on.  This is just another example of how our eyebrows need to go up when a surgeon basically advocates using the same procedure for everyone that comes in the door, instead of being focused on the individual and doing whatever is necessary to do the best job. 

Offline vanislandguy

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Welcome to, vanislandguy. 

Is this a plastic surgeon or a general surgeon?  Does he have much experience at gyne surgery?  Does he specialize in gyne surgery?  You want a plastic surgeon who does many of these surgeries each month/year.  Did you see before/after pics of his work on other patients prior to surgery?  If he's not someone with a wealth of experience at this type of surgery and he doesn't have a lot of pictures of excellent gyne surgery results, then I'd think twice before going back to him.  There's no reason to think he would do any better the second time around.  Confidence in your surgeon prior to surgery is a must.

I'm sorry to hear about your results. The surgeons here warn about going to a doctor who rules out using a particular surgical procedure BEFORE they even get into the surgery and see what's going on.  This is just another example of how our eyebrows need to go up when a surgeon basically advocates using the same procedure for everyone that comes in the door, instead of being focused on the individual and doing whatever is necessary to do the best job. 

thanks for the response , it is much appreciated since im all alone through this :).
I was refered to this surgeon by a doctor. The surgeon is a board certified plastic surgeon. I believe he specializes is breast but im not too sure about gynecomastia. Im not sure how many of these he does either, but he seemed very nonchalant about discussing the procedure. And said he does alot of these.
I feel like a complete idiot not asking to see any before or after pictures. Its wierd how i questioned him about the procedure and his methods and voiced my conerns even.I tried to be as thurough as possible with information i have gathered.He assured me this was no problem.
And this is exactly what i was worried was gunna happen. 
I was so happy with anticipation b4 the surgery, now it looks like another hellish summer secluding myself indoors and making more excuses to my friends why i dont wanna go to the beach :'(


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Ok im a 30 and ive had gyno since i was around 12.
2 months ago i finally gathered the courage to get surgery.
My surgeon said he was going to do lypo only. But since mine was more of a gland issue i questioned him on this.
I was under the impression from what ive herd that lypo will not remove the gland. He assured me it would.
Anyhow 2 minutes b4 surgery while im on the operating table  he talked to me and asked my permission to make the inscisions
around the nipple if he needed to in order to remove the tissue, i obviously agreed.When i woke up and looked under my bandge
1 side looked alot better than the other but still felt hard lumps under each nipple still.The next day after surgery i seen the surgeon
and voiced my concern. He said that the one side was full of fluid and it would be absorbed by my body.
Now its  2 months after my left side does look relativley better than it did before but there is still a  mass of gland.
The right side doesnt look like he even removed any gland its a large lump that sticks out my nipple. A few days ago i seen him again for a check up. I again voiced my concern and he was very condencending. he said the left side was looked really good even though i grabbed the masses of gland from under my nipples to show him why i was concerned.
he said if he removed the gland my nipples would have a crater.Even though i clearly conveyed to him prior to surgery that i wanted these lumps removed.
Clearly he didnt remove enough on the left side, and i dont think he even removed any on the right side even though there was an inscision made.Looks like he just used lypo for any fat but didnt get any gland.
im not in prime shape but im not fat , i was mosty interested in getting the lumps removed.
He told me to come back in 2 months for another check up because he said that its to early to tell the results even though its blatntly obvious. Im really depressed now. i got lypo inscison scars and scars around my nipples now and i feel like he did a 50% job.
Does anyone have any suggestions for me? what can i say to this surgeon to get my point across without pissing him off ?can you completley remove these lumps or what? I need as much info and ammunition as possible to fire back at this surgeon. Should i get him to try and fix his mistake or should i look else where for surgery? Im so upset right now words cant explain. Ive lived with this for so long and all i want is to be normal. Please ,any info or comment will be greatly appreciated. Ill try and post photos as soon as i can.
thanks for reading..

I target the gland first removing essentially all of it and have yet to form a crater on one of my patients. I have posted here many times before my opinion about the effectiveness of liposuction alone with examples of failures I have seen. You can find those posts by searching this site for "Liposuction Is Great for Sculpting Fat" (be sure to include the quotes "") and you can see these detailed answers.

How soon results look good really depend on the surgeon. That is why checking early after surgery images can be so revealing about a particular surgeon's methods. For my patients, they look good on the operating table when the swelling peaks and then just gets better over time. With other techniques, swelling after surgery can obscure the results. Putting up my standard after gynecomastia pictures can help others understand your concerns.

I see many patients unhappy after surgery done elsewhere. Options depend on many factors. Tissues need to heal before considering most of them.

Good luck on your recovery.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, M.D.
Board Certified
American Board of Plastic Surgery
Member: American Society of Plastic Surgeons and American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons
Specializing in Gynecomastia and Surgical Sculpture of the Male Chest
(804) 748-7737


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