Author Topic: Advice and Opinions Please- UPDATE from surgery Dec 16  (Read 1512 times)

Offline pre99

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Hey Guys;
I have some concerns with the way my chest looks after lipo and excise...concerns also when I flex...I posted pics from 2 weeks after surgery and now today which is 7.5 weeks post op.  My question is- does this look normal?  It certainly doesn't to me. My surgeon just says to "give it more time and to hang in there", but i have a bad crease below my left nip that really hasn't improved much...I've tried to keep a positive attitude and just give it time but I really feel like by now its roughly taken the shape that I'm stuck with. at this point I have huge regrets about doing this surgery. Before deciding to do the surgery I was told that 2-3 months was max for healing. Now I've been told to give it 6 months or even a year. To think I have to wait a year for normalcy is depressing and who's to say i will even look proper after a 6-12 months!? To do anything more-like revisions makes me anxious that I will dig a deeper hole and look even worse or I'll get some lipservice to just give it time! GRR. I feel like I look worse than I did before. I hate to be negative but this is how I feel right now and I'm pissed. I've lost a tonne of confidence because of this, and all I was trying to do was improve something on my physique.
I attached the link to my album to look at pics.  Thanks for any insights or advice and opinions.

Offline Enterprise19

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Looks perfectly normal to me. Mine started looking normal after about 7 months and i only had excision. You really do need to give it time. I got really depressed because I didn't know if my chest would ever look right but each month it's slowly going back to normal. I'm 10months post-op and my chest is still changing. Check out my pictures for comparison. compare the first set to my very last post in the thread. Time heals bro.


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