Author Topic: What Will Surgery Do To My Gyno?  (Read 6726 times)


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What country do you live in? I got my gynecomastia surgery for free since it had such a negative impact on my life.


Is that all you had to say to get it, or did you say that it caused pain and made your everyday routine different?  Is yours a mild case like mine, or a more severe case?

My case was more severe than yours, but it shouldn't matter as long as its really hindering your daily life when it comes to social situations and overall happiness.

I live in Europe.

Oh okay.  My Gyno definitely does that.  I don't think I go 10 minutes without thinking about it, even at school.

Rate My Gynecomastia is a frequent question in this forum I addressed in this prior post:

You have subtle puffy nipple gynecomastia.

What surgery will do for your gynecomastia will depend on the sill of the surgeon. Subtle gynecomastia is its own art form. I have seen disasters, patients angry after surgery done by other doctors. You need to look for actual examples by the surgeon for this specific variation of gynecomastia. Check this answer to someone else asking about puffy nipple gynecomastia:

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, M.D.
Board Certified
American Board of Plastic Surgery
Member: American Society of Plastic Surgeons and American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons
Specializing in Gynecomastia and Surgical Sculpture of the Male Chest
(804) 748-7737

Thank you for the help.  What should I look for in a surgeon in order to determine whether or not she'll do a good job?  I don't have many choices where I live.  She doesn't have any before and after pictures either of Gynecomastia.  I looked up reviews of her, however, and people were praising her.

I have posted elsewhere on this forum on how to pick a gynecomastia surgeon:

Perhaps that is why I see so many patients from around the world who prefer my techniques.

I was looking on your website at your prices for Gynecomastia, and I saw that it was $2800, but that doesn't include all those extra fees.  How much do you think the total price would be?

Cost of gynecomastia surgery depends on the problem to be treated. Jane is my office manager & can better discuss costs fees.  She can normally be reached at our office by phone M - F 9-5 ET at 804 748-7737.

Also, Dr. Bermant, what is your stance on free Gynecomasta surgery?  How do you think I can get it?  How have previous patients been able to get it?  Thank you.

In so many things in life you what you pay for. A great work of art for free would be an awesome bargain, but I have yet to see anyone offering me a great master as a gift for me to enjoy. I generally do not get to see happy patients from discount or free surgery. I just get the disasters and those unhappy looking for my help in improving a mess from surgery done elsewhere. Remember, for a result to look good, it should look good living life flexing and performing activities, not just one or two views of still photos.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, M.D.
Board Certified
American Board of Plastic Surgery
Member: American Society of Plastic Surgeons and American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons
Specializing in Gynecomastia and Surgical Sculpture of the Male Chest
(804) 748-7737

Offline zhay783

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dude i would rate that like a .000001/10

DONT get surgery. First of all, it looks like you're still too young. Secondly, you really dont have anything at all to be worried about. Thirdly, surgery will leave a scar, and you might end up with an inverted nipple or something. Fourthly, if you put on muscle, I guarantee that that nipple will be less puffy, most likely non-existant.

Offline titans321

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dude i would rate that like a .000001/10

DONT get surgery. First of all, it looks like you're still too young. Secondly, you really dont have anything at all to be worried about. Thirdly, surgery will leave a scar, and you might end up with an inverted nipple or something. Fourthly, if you put on muscle, I guarantee that that nipple will be less puffy, most likely non-existant.

Thank you very much for the advice.  I'm considering not getting it for now, but eventually I want to.

Offline DenverGuy

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Titans321 - I feel such pain for you when you say you don't go 10 minutes without thinking about your condition. OK, you're 17 - please take this advice from a really old 53-year-old:

RELAX. You basically look normal, it's just a tiny bit pronounced on one side. I will guarantee you this: the average woman (or man, if you swing that way, what the heck do I know?  :) ) would not give your chest a second thought. You've got a handsome, trim body.

Your condition is akin to someone who has a slightly "off" tooth: YOU can't help but notice it all the time, but the average other person doesn't give it a second thought.

Drs. Bermant and Jacobs have given you excellent advice. With such a subtle case, it's all the more important to make sure you see a very good specialist, because if you even choose to have surgery at all you want to be as sure as you can that you don't end up with something worse than what you started with.

And forget about free surgery. Will not happen. These doctors need money to support their practices. So here's what you do:

1. RELAX for now. Go without a shirt now and then - it's no biggie (literally!).

2. Don't link your condition to masculinity of lack thereof. Be a proud man - THAT'S what women find attractive. They're not as into body perfection as we men are: they're most turned on by a man who's confident in himself and who feels comfortable in his own skin (again: literally!).

3. See one or two VERY EXPERIENCED, REPUTABLE professionals and find out options and costs.

4. If you decide to go the surgery route, start saving up for it like you'd do for college, or a car, or a wedding, or a down payment on a house.

5. And finally: RELAX! If you're thinking about this multiple times an hour, a day, or even a week or month, that's too much.

Best wishes, buddy!


Offline titans321

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Titans321 - I feel such pain for you when you say you don't go 10 minutes without thinking about your condition. OK, you're 17 - please take this advice from a really old 53-year-old:

RELAX. You basically look normal, it's just a tiny bit pronounced on one side. I will guarantee you this: the average woman (or man, if you swing that way, what the heck do I know?  :) ) would not give your chest a second thought. You've got a handsome, trim body.

Your condition is akin to someone who has a slightly "off" tooth: YOU can't help but notice it all the time, but the average other person doesn't give it a second thought.

Drs. Bermant and Jacobs have given you excellent advice. With such a subtle case, it's all the more important to make sure you see a very good specialist, because if you even choose to have surgery at all you want to be as sure as you can that you don't end up with something worse than what you started with.

And forget about free surgery. Will not happen. These doctors need money to support their practices. So here's what you do:

1. RELAX for now. Go without a shirt now and then - it's no biggie (literally!).

2. Don't link your condition to masculinity of lack thereof. Be a proud man - THAT'S what women find attractive. They're not as into body perfection as we men are: they're most turned on by a man who's confident in himself and who feels comfortable in his own skin (again: literally!).

3. See one or two VERY EXPERIENCED, REPUTABLE professionals and find out options and costs.

4. If you decide to go the surgery route, start saving up for it like you'd do for college, or a car, or a wedding, or a down payment on a house. 

5. And finally: RELAX! If you're thinking about this multiple times an hour, a day, or even a week or month, that's too much. 

Best wishes, buddy!


Wow!  Thank you so much for all of your support and advice.  This really helps my self-esteem.

I'm not sure about surgery at this moment, but I know I'll have it eventually as it's the only real way to get rid of Gynecomastia permanently.

I have bought this stuff called New-Skin Liquid Bandage that is supposed to keep my nipples hard for s long time.  I've heard tons of good reviews about it from people with Gynecomastia.  Hopefully it works.

Again, thank you for your advice, DenverGuy.


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