Author Topic: BC to Toronto- Gyno Surgery with Dr. Fielding! (Surgery & Post Op)  (Read 11208 times)

Offline BCBud

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Hey guys,

Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who's posted on this forum. It has helped me a lot.

I am 20 years old & I live in British Columbia. I had gynecomastia (puffy nipples) since I was 14-15 years old (chubby kid). After losing weight during puberty, I noticed that my chest area remained more or less the same. After living with this condition for over 5 years, I have tried many ways to get rid of my puffy nipples. I regularly go to the gym & having built up my pectoral muscles, I actually made the gynecomastia more prominent! It would stick through my shirts. I ended up not wearing any thin and light colored t shirts/ v-necks/ polos! Even though, none of my friends have mentioned it, I was really insecure about the way my chest looked. With the support of my parents, I finally decided to go for gynecomastia surgery.

After having done some research, I noticed that a lot of the cosmetic surgeons in BC only offer liposuction procedures and charge a hefty 6-8 grand. I continued with my research until I stumbled upon Dr. John Craig Fielding's reviews on this site. I was optimistic and confident that this was the guy to see. The phone call to set the appointment was much harder than I thought! Dr. Fielding's secretary, Leslie picked up the phone. She is a nice lady with a good sense of humor. We talked about Dr. Fielding & I set an appointment to meet him in Toronto.

-Pre-Op Assessment
I flew in to Toronto & immediately set off to Dr. Fielding's office. In the waiting area, I noticed there were a few other guys aroudn the same age as me waiting. I assumed that they had gynecomastia too. During the assessment, Dr. Fielding asked me about my personal background, when I got gynecomastia, if I have ever used anabolic steroids or smoked marijuana, how and which part of the gynecomastia bothered me. I told him that the only thing I take is whey protein,creatine, fish oils & multi-vitamins. He explained that I had enlarged glands under the nipples which he would excise and some fat which he would perform tumescent liposuction to sculpt my chest. He recommended that I opt for local anesthesia as it was just a minor surgery. He also informed me that the results will never be perfect; that he will get it as close to perfect as he can and also about the possible complications of the procedure. I was still confident that Dr. Fielding would do a great job. It's important to have realistic expectations! I talked to Leslie & we scheduled the operation to be on the 3rd of July.

The price of the surgery was around $1700 + $260 hospital fees. The pre-op assessment appointment was covered by BC Healthcare Insurance.

-Day 0
I flew in the night before. I was so excited that I barely slept that night. In the morning, I registered myself into the hospital and was brought to the Minor Surgery Room. I was awake and conversing with Dr. Fielding throughout the whole procedure. The liposuction was painless but felt really weird. After 45 minutes, I put on a velcro vest and was told not to take it off. I was issued with some pain killers and left. The pain directly post-op was bearable that I went shopping right after.

-Day 1
I registered into the hospital and saw Dr. Fielding. He told me that everything went well and he removed 220cc of fat from my chest! I was told to keep the vest on at all times for 7 days (no showering). After a week, I could take it off to remove the dressing & to shower. After 2 weeks I could start with some cardio. After 3 weeks, I could return to my weight training.

-Day 12
I wanted to play it safe and waited 11 days to take off the vest and dressings. My first reaction of my chest was that "it is so flat now". I am impressed with my results even though there is still some swelling in the chest area. This surgery is life changing for me.

I have attached before (6-7 weeks pre op) & after (12 days post op & 21 days post op) pictures. I lost about 7-8lb in between the first two pictures.

You may need to be logged in to see the pictures... idk.

I want to thank Dr. Fielding & highly recommend him. Hope this post has helped. Feel free to ask me any questions.

« Last Edit: July 24, 2014, 09:34:33 PM by BCBud »

Offline Zenxer

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How much was the surgery cost?

I have an appointment on the 28th and the only thing I'm worried about is the price as I don't have much money, only work part time and am going to university this Sept.

My surgery was done on Oct 20th, 2014 by Dr. J. Craig Fielding in Toronto, Ontario.

Offline BCBud

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Sorry I forgot to put up the cost. It was $1700 + around $250 hospital bill. I am also going into university this fall. Make sure you tell him that. But it also depends on how severe your condition is.

I'd say that he's definitely worth the money. Good luck. Let me know how it goes.

Offline Zenxer

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I'm about the same body fat % as you. My gyne is a bit worse, I hope I get quoted the same as you, around $1700. I'll be sure to tell him I only work part time and am going to university soon.

What did you pay the $1700 for? The excision of the gland or the lipo? Both?

I know here in Ontario OHIP covers the excision for me. But because your from BC did you get covered for the excision?

I will definitely re-post in this thread after I have my consultation. I really wonder what I'm gonna get quoted. Searching online I've seen the price be anywhere from free to $4000 from Dr Fielding in the last couple years.

Offline BCBud

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I had to pay for both excision and tumescent liposuction. My BC healthcare only covers the pre-op assessment (which you're about to do in a few days).

I doubt it'll be near $4000. He charges reasonably.

Offline Zenxer

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Sorry for the late reply. I got quoted $1695 for the surgery and $110 for the hospital fees.

I have to pay the $1695 21 days before surgery and the $110 on surgery day. I'm doing local anesthesia. General anesthesia(fully asleep) would've been $1000 more, noty.

Total $1800, I'm happy about it, saving now and can't wait for the surgery to come. Only thing hard is going to be telling my boss about it... :/

Offline BCBud

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Good for you buddy.

What kind of job are you doing at the moment? If its not that physical, you could probably get away with being off from work for 1-2 days. Check with Dr Fielding!

Offline Zenxer

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Dr Fielding said about two weeks off would be optimal but I could probably get away with a week off.

I do cleaning at a retirement home, so pretty physical, and also serving at dinnertime which can be heavy.

The only thing I'm honestly worried about is telling my boss about it and getting the time off that I need.

Offline BCBud

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I'm sure he will understand. Explain how it has been affecting you?

Offline Zenxer

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Got the two weeks for the surgery off, just told my boss I'm having surgery and need two weeks off and it was no problem. He didn't even ask what it was for lol. Just me worrying about nothing.


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