waves i saw ur pics and i am wondering how u managed to take them do you have a tripod stand with you ? Ur chest and mine were pretty similar your being better toned however mine was just fatish looking and from your pictures i do not see any swelling so am wondering if what if have left over as residue is "fat" or just swelling and having elasticity shape deformity so far. Its hard not to look at your chest after suffering for 15years
. Whats interesting is that standing up and taking shots i can barely tell i have had gyne , sitting down is a different story altogether so just being hard on myself I suppose. Money is not the concern since w/e the cost of surgery it don't matter in the end if surgery was successful but one thing for sure i do not want to get any revisions since this recovery period is both stressful and painful at times. First time i ever had a surgery and i pray to god that never in my life i (and others) have to go through surgery, and I cannot even imagine the life of those who go through major surgeries like heart surgeries and have come to realize after this experience that "I/WE" take simple things like health for granted !!
Hey Shaker, I used my wife's camera that has a self timer. Stuck it on the ledge, pressed the trigger, ran over to where I wanted to stand and waited the 10 seconds before it took the shot. Took a few (okay lots) of tries to get all the angles and focus and zoom set up right. I didn't want to do the one arm mirror shots as I really wanted to see the results with both arms by my side.
I was also surprised at the lack of swelling, however, from my many past injuries I can say I'm not really a 'sweller'. Everyone is different though and some people swell lots while others swell almost none with the exact same 'injury' (or surgery). So I wouldn't sweat it at all. You're still VERY EARLY in the healing process and need to give yourself lots of time for longer recovery. Don't forget Fielding and Lista have different techniques and perhaps Lista's causes more swelling.
HOWEVER, if there is anything I regret it is not having the ability to walk back into the surgeon's office and ask questions (is this normal? what about this lump? Should I massage and if so how? etc., etc.). You're right there and I'd HIGHLY recommend you take the opportunity to see Lista and ask him questions. At 3 weeks post op would be great as many people often say this is what the final results will look like. I'd go in and ask him that specifically. Get him to assess and determine if it's swelling or not. Also let him comment on how he thought it looked immediately during/after surgery and how much fat he may have left. Fielding said he specifically leaves fat in there because if he took it all out I (everyone?) would have a very concave chest and unnatural look. In fact, when my wife first saw the bandages come off she said it looked too flat! Ha!
What shots are you taking standing up? Tequila? Haha. Just kidding. Money is no object?? Can I be your friend...I need a new motorbike!
Seriously though, I think you're being too hard on yourself at this early stage. It's hard, no very hard, but you need a lot of patience right now and just let the healing happen for a while before making any judgements. From what I can see you have a definite great improvement, how much it improves versus the original remains to be seen after the swelling subsides. Remember, it can take up to a year for things to fully resolve. Both Lista and Fielding said I should expect an 80% improvement and for me, that would be fantastic!