Author Topic: Before and six months after | Not Good | Would like doctor's advice.  (Read 4902 times)

Offline bliss9k

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So I'm about six months removed from my gyno surgery. I had both glad extraction through the nipple and lipo done. I followed my doctor's advice to a T, even wearing that god awful compression garment for an additional 4 weeks, for a grand total of 10 weeks!

The only thing I did differently than what I read on these forums is exercise very soon after surgery. I asked my doctor multiple times when he thought I could get back into the gym and he told me right away. He said this would be beneficial to my recovery. I stayed away from heavy weights for a few weeks, but was told I really didn't have to. I would experience discomfort when I did bench press, but never "pain". Could this have had such an adverse effect on my outcome?

A little backstory. I had a pectus surgery when I was six years old. My doctor said this could have had a role to play in why my swelling was taking so long to go down. As it turns out, perhaps it wasn't swelling.

I didn't really develop any gyno until I was about 19, several years after puberty. I always thought that was somewhat strange. I smoked some marijuana when I was 18-19, but was never a heavy user. I was also on no medications, but my dad also has some slight gyno. He's just a broader guy and carries it better. I was 28 when I had my surgery. I was told I had good skin elasticity and would heal up nicely.

A little about what things feel like now. All of that loose tissue feels almost "hollow". Or at least I don't feel any gland, or maybe I just don't remember what gland feels like. Everything just feels really loose. When I flex, I can poke those loose areas and very easy touch the muscle below with very little pressure. Could there still be fluid build up in this area causing it to protrude like this? Or is this fat that wasn't lipo or has settled strange? As you can see from the photo one month post op, things are actually looking pretty good at that point. The one thing I'm pretty happy with is the puffy nipples now seem to be gone. But I would take those over this misshapen chest.

So I'm going to see my surgeon next Friday, but I'd like a little advice before I do. What can I expect to do from this point? Are there procedures that will reverse this damage? Can I expect some sort of revision surgery and how long do I have to wait before it's safe to do so? I wasn't able to go with my first choice of surgeon due to financial reasons, but this surgeon also had a good reputation and was closer to home. I'd just like to have a little more info in my back pocket. As of now, I'm just very disappointed.

Anyway, that's about all I can think of to write and ask at the moment.

Thanks for the time

Offline shaker

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Just wondering did you start taking any steroids or smoking pot ? Seems like a re-occurrence of gyne, your recovery initially was good but only a surgeon can tell you what happened. Gluck with the meeting.

Offline bliss9k

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No on both accounts. I do take protein supplements, but it is supposedly a clean protein powder without other ingredients.

Offline shaker

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No on both accounts. I do take protein supplements, but it is supposedly a clean protein powder without other ingredients.

Yaa i am not too sure on that.. they say they are but really are they ? I was watching something on youtube today something about steroids and those supplements not related to gyne however. But the right person to answer to your questions would be a dr.

Offline balalayka

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This is quite weird, looks like reoccurrence of gyne. Did you check your hormone levels before surgery to see if everything is ok ? It's very rare for it to come back like that especially that from the looks of it you have not gained much weight so that this can pass as fat buildup, which I doubt. I have a feeling there is gland under there but as shaker said, only a doctor can say for sure. let us know what your surgeon says,

Offline balalayka

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protein powder is safe, there are no steroids in protein powders !

Offline eyooh

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I'm in the same boat bro. My chest looked next to flat one month post op. Now, 6 months post-op it looks like pre-op again.

Offline bliss9k

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Yea, I can't imagine it would have regrown in 6 months. Its been like this for the past 2-3 months, really. Feels more like sagging or swelling or fluid? I remember the gland feeling more solid. Now things feel loose. Was really hoping a doctor or two would weigh in. But either way, I'll repost once I talk to my surgeon.

Offline thetodd

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Its got nothing to do with any protein supplements youve took or weed youve smoked in the past. Telling you to go back to the gym early was irresponsible of him, it could have created scar tissue.

Its hard to tell because you have no pre op pictures, and im not sure how your pectus surgery would have affected your chest long term. To me it looks like it could be maybe loose skin! Some peoples skin doesnt have great elasticity

As for revision, and how long to wait. Its down to the practice id expect to pay some hospital fees some surgeons say 6 months some say a year it varies. Dont get to down to me it looks ok but i think a revision may be in order just make it clear that your not happy to leave it as is

good luck
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline rage.against.the.machine

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Protein supplements can cause gyne, protein from soy contains phytoestrogens.

Offline waves

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Its hard to tell because you have no pre op pictures...

The preop pics are right above the postop pics.   ;D

Offline bliss9k

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Thanks for the responses guys.
And yea, those are the pre-op pics that show up first.

My surgeon says he has had success in the past with having guys get back to the gym quickly, which I believe. I just always felt a little uneasy about it, but didn't really question it because I hate not exercising for more than 2-3 days! I never really understood why you could or couldn't. I didn't realize it was a concern of scar tissue building up. If that is the case, this doesn't feel "solid" like I would assume scar tissue would.

The pectus surgery affected the contour of my chest for sure, although it's much better than if I would have not had it. There is still a slight dip in the middle, which actually exaggerates the gyne. However, it did seem to affect how the muscle rests. I've grown to accept this though. I'm just more interested in having a flat, semi-normal looking chest at this point. And my chest is already full of scars from my pectus, so what are a few more at this point, especially after plunking down mucho money for the surgery.

And yea, i've ready where soy proteins can cause gyne. I used to drink soymilk, but gave that up more than a year ago. Same with soy protein supplements.

Offline bliss9k

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Turns out it is a case of loose skin on the right side. There is really no gland or fat left there, so I'm a little unsure as to what to expect from a revision. Im not crazy about the left side but i could live with it if the right looked similar. But the right just sorta hangs down. Ughhh. I'm confused as to why the right side didn't contract but the left side did. Any insight into this?


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