Author Topic: Did my surgeon do a shitty job? or have my gynecomastia returned? urgent  (Read 8852 times)

Offline eyooh

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Hey. I had surgery for my gynecomastia in september 2010. Now, 6 months later, I don't see much difference from the before photos. It still looks like I have boobs.

Pictures are of bad quality, but you can see what I'm talking about.


Imageshack flagged this image for explicit nudity. wow....
I shouldn't be able to do this when I'm this skinny POST-OP!!!
This is how I look in a t-shirt. Very confidence crushing.
From the side.

Please tell me what you think of this. Did my surgeon do a shitty job? or have the gynecomastia returned?
Its been 6 months since my surgery, as I said earlier. My surgeon even told me he were pleased with the results when I returned to see if everything has healed correctly.

I have a BMI of 21, and I'm really skinny. (even tho I have some fat around my stomach area.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2011, 05:14:15 PM by eyooh »

Offline waves

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Well, it looks like an improvement to me, but to say if you have gyne back or not is difficult.  Your pictures aren't very good.  Try taking more where you're standing relaxed, arms by your side and then from different angles (front, side, partial side, arms raised, etc.).

Offline shaker

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as waves said pics are not greatest, but its i believe still is improvement than pre op. And dude gyne can come back doctors do not know the reason for it, i am hoping it wont back for me or anyone else who goes through surgery but it can still come back as doctors say. But your pictures are at weird angles so try to post some more.

Offline eyooh

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Sure, its an improvement. But the improvement is not good enough. I shouldn't be able to grab my damn boob post-op.

a) my surgeon "forgot" to remove a lot of fat and gland
b) my surgeon did remove fat and gland, but it returned.
c) scar tissue as big as golfballs suddenly appeared under my skin

Im thinking its either a or b

Btw Shaker. I looked at your post-op photos, and you have amazing results even though you're way more fat than me.
I'm seriously considering becoming fat so I have an excuse for being deformed like this.

Offline shaker

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Sure, its an improvement. But the improvement is not good enough. I shouldn't be able to grab my damn boob post-op.

a) my surgeon "forgot" to remove a lot of fat and gland
b) my surgeon did remove fat and gland, but it returned.
c) scar tissue as big as golfballs suddenly appeared under my skin

Im thinking its either a or b

Btw Shaker. I looked at your post-op photos, and you have amazing results even though you're way more fat than me.
I'm seriously considering becoming fat so I have an excuse for being deformed like this.

trust me being fat is a curse, i still cannot look at myself in mirror my love handles gross me out... i have seriously think about how i live my life from this point onwards.

It's a sad situation that you are facing yet again with gyne problem.. i cannot imagine being in your shoes but why gyne happens again no one really knows and those who get surgery can only hope it wont happen again to them. But trust me u do not want to be in my shoes gyne might be somewhat cured but being overweight aint fun either.

Offline thetodd

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Being skinny doesnt always mean your in shape, you have a slight frame but your not fit which is why you have some fat on your hips and chest. If you want to have an athletic lean build then just do cross country running and youl be lean in no time

Fat gets stored primarly in hips and your chest,  BMI's score means nothing i have a BMI of 29 but a low BF% if you want to look like an athletic build you wont achieve it with surgery alone simple as that. Get a BF% reading!
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline eyooh

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I don't need to look athletic. I simply want to look like I don't have boobs.

I know people that are in way worse shape than me. Yet, they don't have boobs. How come gyne surgery works for all the fat people on the site but not me?
I shouldn't have to have an athletic body in order to not have fucking boobs. The surgery didn't make my chest less noticeable at all.

This guy is fit, right?

Offline shaker

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I don't need to look athletic. I simply want to look like I don't have boobs.

I know people that are in way worse shape than me. Yet, they don't have boobs. How come gyne surgery works for all the fat people on the site but not me?
I shouldn't have to have an athletic body in order to not have fucking boobs. The surgery didn't make my chest less noticeable at all.

This guy is fit, right?

dude i know ur upset but gyne surgery does not work all the time for everyone standing up my results might look ok but sitting down is entirely different story.. and ur gyne could have come back for lots of reasons but u said urself after first surgery everything looked great ? Btw do you smoke or take drugs/steroids etc ?

Look at this guy , he is unlucky too that his gyne returned as well. One can only hope it wont return like i hope i wont have to start a thread about requiring revision surgery.

Offline eyooh

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I don't drink/take drugs or anything. Don't really eat unhealthy either. I just sit still a lot.
I really feel for that guy.

I had to wait 2 years in line to get my gyne surgery. Since I got gyne, I didn't attend gym in school, causing me to fail the subject. I became the laughing stock of the class and became the guy everyone picked on. Eventually leading up to me failing a lot of other subjects due to poor attendance. (who the darn wants to go to school when all you do is get picked on?)
Developed severe social anxiety because of this condition. And now this...

The only thing gyne surgery gave me was two really visible pink scars and 4 weeks of not sleeping and pain.

Offline shaker

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do you have your surgery pre op and post op pictures / thread ? And yaa that guy is very unlucky indeed.

PS: just so you know i am worried about my results too, close to 3 week post op and i am feeling that i might have a skin tethering/sticking issue :(.

Offline thetodd

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Like i said before, youve got a SLIGHT frame but you are unfit so you still have body fat

you cant expect to sit around on your arse all day and have a toned chest and V cut abdominals with no love handles. You keep on saying you dont want an athletic body but you clearly do. The thing is the only lads you will have seen with their tops off are fit people the ones with love handles keep their tops on and hide away.

Gyne surgery is NOT about giving you a completley flat chest. Any surgeon could open you up remove all the gland/fat reposition the nipple and you will have a totally flat chest. However this will leave you looking completley out of proportion and its not what the goal of surgery.

The best example i can give you of a lad with a SLIGHT frame who keeps in shape by being athetlic is jack o connell

now you could quite easily have a physique like that with some basic road running and at home exercises. But you WILL NEVER achieve this with anymore revisions its just down to hard work. If you want to do yourself a favour get a gym membership and a trainer and work hard

Offline eyooh

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It would still look if I had boobs even if I got down to 13% bodyfat bro. Theres huge lumps under my nipples....

Offline eyooh

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Btw. I'm weighing in at 73kg/160.6 lbs right now. I'm also 186cm/6"1. That gives me a BMI of 21.11.
It really bothers me that I have to be classified as underweight to not have manboobs.....

Offline waves

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To be honest, I think you REALLY need to consider the consistent and repeated suggestions by many of the members here:

1) Post much better pictures if you're looking for a better evaluation of your post-op results; and
2) Start an exercise regime.

It's amazing how much jogging can transform the look of your body and I would highly suggest you consider doing that.  You don't have to be an "athlete" to jog and change the appearance of your body.  After that or at the same time, consider working out with weights if you want to look more defined and muscular.

And the strongest thing I can say for your situation:  You're the only one in control of changing your body physique short of surgery.  And if it was me, I would try everything I could before considering doing surgery again.  Start now, you won't regret it.

Offline eyooh

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I've decided to start jogging every day now. It'll be quite a challenge, considering I haven't done any running or jogging for like...5 years :p

I'll update this thread with pictures and weight stats.

starting weight: 73kg/160.9lbs


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