Author Topic: Need more recommended doctors.  (Read 6497 times)

Offline Steve Dell

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This forum need to find more recommended qualified gynecomastia doctors.

There are only a hand full of states which have names.

Some of the names use ultrasonic lipo which has so many problems and is unsafe.

So is it so hard to find a qualified surgeon. Its is like the most common problem in Men and we are 50% of the population.

However, almost like they don't train doctors in medical school or board certifications how to correct this problem and the people who are good almost seem like they invented their own methods out of the blue.


Offline jakeyboy08

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The problem with that is the Forum makes surgeon's pay to be allowed to advertise on the site, I doubt most surgeon's will pay to advertise themselve's they should be recommended by previous patients.

In this website's own words:

The following listings are paid for by the surgeons themselves. They must be Board Certified to be allow to be listed on our site. If you know of a surgeon that should be listed here, please encourage them to advertise here. This is how we support the site. Want to be listed?


Offline headheldhigh01

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board is definitely reasonable, especially specific to cosmetic surgery.  there have been lots of stories of competent generalists hacking and botching gyne jobs up badly just because they think they're good with a knife and scars are just some fact of life. 

i did like the freer debate there used to be, but i understand the problem if large quantities of feedback start appearing.  even if they were legitimate, you don't know if the dr might have been encouraging patients regularly to go give him a good write up on the boards or something. 

i don't have a problem with paid listings if it supports the boards and it's reasonable enough that an individual in private practice could afford it.  but it's not hard to search for gyne-qualified ps's by other means too if you though there wasn't enough here.  search engines are effective things. 

i don't think lipo is unsafe as such, but it really is a complete waste for gyne, in most cases i think it does not remove the primary tissue, just the fat content.  it's probably like deflating a balloon 80% and calling it good enough.  no it's not. 

i'm not sure gyne is the most common problem in men or not.  but it seems to make up in quality what it lacks in quantity   :( 

* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline George Pope, M.D.

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Hopefully there will soon be more qualified doctors who specialize in gynecomastia surgery posting on this site.  For the first time, this site is going to have a booth at an international plastic surgery meeting - The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons.  That meeting is being held this month in Vancouver, and the owner of this site can advertise it at the meeting and sign up new board certified plastic surgeons.  That's a great step toward offering much more to men with gynecomastia.

Dr. Pope, MD
George H Pope, MD, FACS
Certified - American Board of Plastic Surgery
Orlando Plastic Surgery Center
Phone: 407-857-6261

Offline Miguel Delgado MD

  • Miguel A. Delgado,MD,FACS
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  • Miguel Delgado,MD
    • Gynecomastia Specialist San Francisco, California attended the ASAPS conference in Vancouver recently.  It was a great success as many doctor visited our booth and learned about  We are interested in expanded our panel of surgeons, but are dedicated to mantaining a high standard of excellence in the surgeons we include on our panel of physicians.  So, we have strict guidelines in who is qualified to be on our panel of physicians.  It is important for all our doctors to be experienced in gynecomastia surgery.  Several board certfied plastic surgeons have submitted applications to join our panel, but lacked the necessary experience in gynecomastia surgery to be approved.  We hope that our visitors and members realize our commitment is to the people who trust as their resource for gynecomastia and gynecomastia surgery.
Miguel A Delgado,MD,FACS
American Society of Plastic Surgeons
American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons
Fellow,American College of Surgeons
450 Sutter, San Francisco, California

Offline George Pope, M.D.

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I'm sorry I couldn't attend the Vancouver meeting.  I hope you'll also have a booth this fall at the ASPS meeting in New Orleans.

Dr. Pope, MD

Offline greatlakes

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  • Posts: 245 attended the ASAPS conference in Vancouver recently.   Several board certfied plastic surgeons have submitted applications to join our panel, but lacked the necessary experience in gynecomastia surgery to be approved. 

Curiosity has the best of me. What level of expereince is required to be approved? A certain amount of procedures a year - and or in a life time?


Offline hitchcock

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I'd like to piggybank on Greatlakes question: amount of gyne surgeries should be considered as part of the application but I know there's a PS who used to post here who basically churns out patients and has a high number of unsatisfied customers.

How is experience measured, are patients polled?

Offline headheldhigh01

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i'd also be curious if anyone gets the chance about how applicant ps's build skills to prepare for board certification.  of course people must learn from experience, but that doesn't teach everything.  is there a body of useful readings or related articles that discuss techniques in journals?  is there specialty instruction ps's can make use of?  for example bermant used to mention the importance of post-op appearance remaining consistent as arms and chest moved around, not just static appearance, which probably had technical aspects to it that generalists would not be familiar with.  i get the impression there is a wide range of skills out there and not all new applicants for certification would necessarily be familiar with common or even more specialized issues. 

Offline coorsbright

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I forget name.  surgeon in danville, ca.. awesome..  fully recovered long ago. no set backs. can't tell anything was done.. site wont let me post pics but if u want a pic sent to ur email ket me know.  wouldnt let me keep the huge chicken fat he pulled out bc i wanted to keep it and hste on it for life... if u have it go get surgery you will feel much better after you heal... i was playing baseball weeks later.. goodluck to all.. only posting bc this subject annoyed me for 9 yrs and i was always super in shape and still getting mine. lol.. but to clear your mind of all faults its a must.. and i regret not doing it earlier. 25 m.

Offline Dr.Krishna Hande

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I agree with some of the members when they say that a lot of Surgeons who perform Gynecomastia surgery may not want to advertise on this site. Being a surgeon who performs this type of surgery in Chennai, India, I really don't know if there are any benefits in advertising on this site. However I agree that his site is a wonderful forum for patients to interact and get good advise.


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