Author Topic: Massage tool and technique my Dr. said to use  (Read 2649 times)

Offline bgl

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After reading many posts I noticed many people were not sure what to use for massaging. My doctor recommended I use a small rolling pin used for smoothing things out for baking that looks similar to a paint roller you would paint your wall with. It has a handle and a rolling pin on it that fits perfectly to massage each pec. You must provide adequate pressure to make sure you start smoothing that scar tissue out which may cause you to be a little sore. Be sure to roll to the armpit to make sure that any fluid remaining drains out your lymphnodes. Do this at least 30 minutes a day until you have the look and feel you want. Most importantly - be patient for results! My doctor started me massaging 2 weeks post op but everything is always on an individual basis. If in doubt, ask your surgeon!


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