Author Topic: Please comment on my pictures.  (Read 2479 times)

Offline nyce

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After a third consultation with a third plastic surgeon, I've finally decided to go ahead with the surgery and have scheduled it for early May.  I think I am making the right choice and have found a surgeon who has performed a significant number of surgeries and is seen as a leader in the field.  My surgery will be a combination incision/removal and liposuction done under local anesthesia.

I've spent far too much time wearing unnatural looking undergarments, pulling my nipple area to make it erect and less puffy, and feeling uncomfortable in any tight-fitting t-shirt or topless.  These reasons are driving me towards surgery.  I could continue to live with this, but I want to live the best life I can and feeling better about my chest would add to that.  I really just want the size of my areola to decrease, particularly when not erect.  The rest I think I could live with. 

I'd like to get the communities opinions on the photos I've attached.  Yup, that's me.  I could stand to lose a few pounds at 5'11, 195-200lbs -- I'm working on that.  I've seen pictures on here of far more severe cases that made me thankful for what I have and others that garnered an "Um, so where's the gynecomastia?" response.  Of course, we all see things differently.  What I dislike most is the larger areola and the puffiness of nipples when not erect (the 3rd picture I'm mostly okay with). 

Anyway, feel free to leave your comments and any additional thoughts or opinions.  I'd particularly like to hear from people with a similar body type and gynecomastia, but all are welcome to voice.  Thanks.

« Last Edit: April 21, 2011, 12:35:59 AM by nyce »

Offline Jaxed23

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Offline nyce

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Oops!  Thanks for pointing that out.  I previewed and they were showing up.  Anyway, I've updated the post and you should see them now.

Offline Bill37

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Does anyone other than you notice them, or comment on them?  They don't look bad to me.  Lots of guys have that much tissue.

Offline thetodd

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I know local aneasthesia is popular outside of the UK, but i cant imagine anything worse id push for general tbh

Yeah surgery will be good for you, looks like youve got breast tissue and i think youl look loads better. But you do have quite large nipples and although the op does shrink them a fair bit, they might still be large. The puffyness will be totally gone im talking about the surface area of the aerola.

I think with some dedication down the gym+the op youl feel comforable with your body
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!


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