Author Topic: Surgery completed updated with pre/post op pics page 4  (Read 19387 times)

Offline fingerit

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Guys, how come you are going to have to wear it for the 4 weeks pharmerjoe? I was looking forward to only having to wear mine for the 2 weeks :-(

Offline pharmerjoe

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Guys, how come you are going to have to wear it for the 4 weeks pharmerjoe? I was looking forward to only having to wear mine for the 2 weeks :-(
only cos mines is a pretty bad case according to Dr. Karidis. Your case doesn't look too major, so if he said 2 weeks, it will just be 2 weeks for you. The time you have tospend in it, i think is in proportion to how much tissue/fat is removed, therefore affecting how much swelling and inflammation there is.

Offline Choda

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good to hear mate. How are you finding it with the hot weather? I'm gonna have to wear mines for 4 weeks according to Karidis, so not looking forward to that  :-\

Its not that bad, when you get the surgery you really don't want the vest off because your body feels weird. Its not ideal wearing the vest in the hot weather but at least we don't have Gyne anymore and thats all that matters.

Offline Choda

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Guys, how come you are going to have to wear it for the 4 weeks pharmerjoe? I was looking forward to only having to wear mine for the 2 weeks :-(

A few people have said its the best thing to do, I'm just going on what everyone else is doing. ??? When are you gonna start massaging pal?

Offline fingerit

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I understand guys, I guess I'll just play it by ear then, see how I get on. Might even email Jasmine or something to see what she says.

Choda mate, I was planning on the two week mark, I think I have a small bit of scar tissue already so wouldn't mind trying to massage the sh*t out of that to get rid of it asap.

Offline Choda

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I understand guys, I guess I'll just play it by ear then, see how I get on. Might even email Jasmine or something to see what she says.

Choda mate, I was planning on the two week mark, I think I have a small bit of scar tissue already so wouldn't mind trying to massage the sh*t out of that to get rid of it asap.

I'm getting some scar tissue at the sides, gonna massage on thursday though and might leave my vest off after the three week mark. I'm also gonna start running and eating healthy from thursday onwards which will help make my results even more visable. Still not sure how people bench press and put their bodies under so much stress just after two weeks. Can't be good for you.

I'm slowly getting there.

Offline Choda

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Day 15: Swelling has started to appear now, my left side much more visable so I started to massage last night for the first time. It was pretty weird because your chest feels like sand paper that eventually feels like your own chest. I'm a bit worried about the massaging purely because I want to do a good job. The scar tissue really does build up, but once you massage with some force your chest starts to loosen up.

I've decided to finally take my vest off at the 15 day mark, I originally planned three to four weeks with it on but felt my chest needed to naturally swell without any pressure. Hopefully allowing my body to heal like this will benefit me in the long run, get the swelling out the way asap and tackle it head on. I'll wear the vest when I'm sleeping and then leave it off during the day.

My chest has been a bit sore over the last couple of days, but I put that down to swelling which was one of the reasons why I feel having the vest off is the best option.

I'll post some picture next Tuesday, its just a case of massaging, not worrying about swelling, letting my body naturally heal and start to exercise again.

Offline pharmerjoe

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how bad is the swelling getting? Is it basically just going back to mooby size again? Hope the massaging helps.

Offline Choda

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I had a lot of fat and gland so I always expected swelling to be quite bad. It doesn't go back to moob size at all, no way! You have a flat chest but just certain parts just swell up more. Looks uneven but once you massage the area it does go down and take better shape.

The swelling will only improve as the months pass.

Offline Choda

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7 week update: Hey guys been a while hope everyone is ok! My laptop has died on me so I don't have much access at the moment but once I get a new laptop I will update with pics.

I stopped wearing my vest at 4 weeks, left side was uneven but with massage (I just do 5min a day each side) after 7 weeks its perfectly fine. I had a meeting with Karidis last Friday and he was over the moon with the results. I was surprised at his reaction, he sounded very proud and said I was nearly 100% perfect.

I had 300mls of fat aspirated each side - total 600mls
Breast gland resection: 14 grams on left side and 16 grams on right - Total 30 grams.

Gonna start training next monday, gonna start running and swimming.  ;D Now my tshirt doesn't hang over my chest you tend to notice your stomach more! :o :D But training begins next week.

Offline pharmerjoe

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good to see you're doing well. How exactly are you massaging? To be honest, I am just sorta doing it in circles, for maybe 15 mins a day,started after 3 week mark. Although not exactly doing it with any kind of skill  ;D

Offline chopper

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You got a new laptop yet? Gotta be time for an update surely  ;D ;D


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