Author Topic: Problems Post Surgery  (Read 3369 times)

Offline gynogynoman

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Hello All,

Nice to see a forum about all this, I've browsed it avidly both before and after surgery and will do my best to contribute after having completed the process!

I had surgery two weeks ago, I wasn't overweight (i was a regular gym abuser) but had slightly high bodyfat (maybe 12%) but seemed to store this in my chest so had some fat removed along with gland/tissue.

Immediately after surgery I noticed an imbalance in the bruising and loss of sensation. The right side felt sore but not tingly like the left, and had very little bruising. Whereas the left had your expected loss of sensation and much worse bruising.

I wasn't overly concerned, I know healing doesn't happen at the same rate, and I expected this was standard.

I had my first check up 6 days notice when the nurse commented on it as well, and did some prodding while asking "did you have more work done on the left?" to which I told her I hadn't if anything it was the other way around (the right side was a tiny bit bigger which the surgeon was going to try and correct, it was a tiny amount though, unnoticeable.

It seemed strange to me that she was questionning it so I requested to meet the surgeon which I did 5 days a go. He said nothing to worry about, that the apparent lack of work on the right was misleading, and that multiple factors can cause this. He said that healing happens at different rates and I shouldn't be worried. He advised me to tighten my garment up and that was it.

The difference in the size if only getting bigger as the left swelling subsides, it will be three weeks this weekend.

I know that one size is often larger post surgery, and have read other posts on this thread which echo this. But I have to ask if I should be concerned when you consider the early symptoms?

If it was minor I wouldnt be fussed - it was before, but it is noticeable and I look like like One breast still has gyno!!!!

Your comments will be much appreciated...

Offline manboobsgoaway

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I feel the same way. It's been  1 month today since I had my surgery and I feel ad though my right side is still boob looking. I am hoping as time goes by this will subside. Plus I have little bumps around where the incisions where hoping this fades too. Dr said could take 6 months to a year before everythingreturns to normal

Offline hatemymoobs

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Could someone take pictures of the bumps that form around the incision? I keep hearing this- must be a common happening- but I'd like to see what this actually looks like.
I have 1 keloid on my body and I'm super paranoid that these are keloids people are getting. =\
Are they?

Offline waves

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Pre surgery - right side was larger.

Post surgery - left side was larger.   ???

1 month post surgery - left side still bigger and seemed to be getting bigger.
2 months post op - left side still bigger, same as at 1 month.
3 months post op - both sides equal.   ;D

It's hard to be patient, but time is in your favour.  Ignore the size, focus on living life again and check it out every month or so.  Good luck!

Offline gynogynoman

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Pre surgery - right side was larger.

Post surgery - left side was larger.   ???

1 month post surgery - left side still bigger and seemed to be getting bigger.
2 months post op - left side still bigger, same as at 1 month.
3 months post op - both sides equal.   ;D

It's hard to be patient, but time is in your favour.  Ignore the size, focus on living life again and check it out every month or so.  Good luck!

See I can understand this as more work would have been done on that side what was originally larger side, making more swelling. But My right side was larger to being with and everything seems to indicate more work was carried out on the left.

It's a growing concern... I can only pray this isn't a botch job.... I'd be keen to hear Dr Jacobs thoughts on this.

Many thanks for everyone's comments though.

Offline waves

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Read my post was my RIGHT side that was larger before surgery.  But after surgery it was the LEFT side that swelled more. 

You'd think it would be the other way around since more work was done on the right side, but no, that wasn't the case.  And at the end of the day though, both sides are now the same size.  As many of the docs have said, not only does every patient heal differently, so does each breast on the same person.

Offline gynogynoman

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OK. So I'm just over 5 weeks post surgery and no longer have to wear the compression vest.  :D

I am struggling to see a difference in the right side at all. The left side looks different, still a little puffy behind the nipple but its sore to the touch which makes me think it's swelling, the right side however is not sore and is larger than the left. Everything seems to indicate a lack of work on that side, and I think as time progresses it will get worse.

Does anyone had experience with a similar thing? If so, how did it turn out?

What should I do from here? Corrective Surgery?

Thanks in advance for your comments.

Offline gynogynoman

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I'd really appreciate any comments (especially from the doctors)

Offline manboobsgoaway

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I hate obsessing about this. I feel like its taking over my life. But as you feel I can tell a difference but still see man boobs. I am hoping my nipples get smaller and I guess I should doing push ups and lifting weights maybe that wld help too.. I dunno ...

Offline gynogynoman

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So it seven weeks this Sunday and I cant say Im pleased. The right look practically no different and I am convinced it will not reduce, the left it a little puffy but I think this will shrink a little.

Is it too soon to consider a revision? Should I see the same surgeon?

Offline gynogynoman

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It it helps I get free revisions for three years...


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