Author Topic: 1.5 Years after NHS, Karidis Op done: 04/06/11 - *Pics Pg.5*  (Read 33174 times)

Offline Pooz

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Can you tell me what scar tissue feels and looks like?
I'm having a hard time telling if I have scar tissue or not.

I'm 24 days post op

Offline wantridofgyno17

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Just like hard lumps sort of, areas of firmness compared to the surrounding tissue - how hard/firm or whatever you want to call it they are will vary and will decrease over time with massage.

3 Weeks post-op today, still got scar tissue etc as expected, results still not perfect as it's early days but hopefully will get there soon!

Offline wantridofgyno17

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I seem to have quite a fair amount of scar tissue, more so on the right side than the left which I can sort of pinch between my fingers (atleast I hope it's scar tissue and not gland!) Can't wait until that starts breaking down and clearing up! think it's def affecting the contour of my chest to a degree.

Offline wantridofgyno17

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4 Weeks post-op today. Mixed feelings right now. I think the main problem is the I have a fair bit of scar tissue, more so on the right side - probably a result of me overdoing it too early which is my own fault - hoping plenty of massage etc and this will be solved eventually. No pics for now, will get some at a later date when I'm hopefully more happy/totally happy with it all. Wearing the vest seems to help, after having it off for a few hours etc it seems to look worse, which I think is the scar tissue, can't imagine it's swelling at this stage but who knows.. There's a fair bit of firm tissue I can pinch mainly on the right side, no doubt this will be effecting contour which is annoying.

So just going to keep on massaging plenty and training hard to cut the fat.

Offline wantridofgyno17

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Okay I've noticed something very odd... About 2cm above the lipo incision sites near the pit area on BOTH sides, 2 little red marks have appeared, they appeared a week or so ago, they look reddish like the incision scar bit, but I figured they were spots or something.. I'm 99.9% sure they were NOT there originally , today I've noticed they've actually bruised, there is a yellow bruise around them on each side?

Any ideas what the hell this could be? Surely can't be from surgery? No discomfort or pain in the areas at all.  ???

Offline lightweightbaby

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Hey dude, I'm nearly 2 months post op now and I'm still experiencing a bit of scar tissue in my right side that's raising the nipple up. When I lift my arm up you cab see the scar tissue sitting under the surface if the light is right, it looks like where the canula tube went past my skin. I guess we just have to keep up the massage and hard training. I don't know what the red lumps are but if there healing up I wouldn't worry about them. All the best

Offline wantridofgyno17

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Just a little update, Nicola emailed today as Dr. Karidis finally passed on my report, apparently I had 150mls of fat removed (75ml each side) and 46 grams of gland (25 grams from right, 21 from left.) Not sure how that compares to others etc, obviously this was the second op though so I'd expect figures to be lower than those having it done first time round for sure!

Offline wantridofgyno17

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Well, been a while since I've been on here.. Little update.. I'm now 15 months post op (15 months today in fact!) Contour is great, have been able to wear t-shirts vests etc since my op with Karidis very happily, also added more size to my chest etc since the operation and now have nice pecs, so happy on that front.

However still when uncovered, chest doesnt look right due to scar tissue etc... Crease on the right hand side (it's the right really, left is mostly fine, a little scar tissue I beleive causing some uneveness but right is alot worse.) Anyway, booked in to see Karidis tomorrow.. He's confirmed if he feels necessary he can administer the kenalog shot the same day for the scar tissue, I'm praying this is what he'll do and this will help fix it, as it's kind of fustrating that 15 months on it's not entirely "over".

Will update tomorrow most likely with the outcome..

Offline rasputin

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Looking forward to your update. I've got some pretty heavy scar tissue under my lhs but still a long way off 1.5 years post op!
My Trip Report (Preop & Postop pics).

Offline wantridofgyno17

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Okay, just got back. So I went in to see Karidis, showed him where I was at and explained my concerned, he acknowledged there was some scar tissue however when I asked about trying the kenalog he seemed relatively reluctant..? Not sure why.. he actually said I might benefit from having ANOTHER op to pull the nipple down or something?? But it's clear it's the scar tissue causing the deformation/crease etc, so not sure if money was the only motive here, I'd like think not..

Anyhow, I was insistent I wanted to try it, as A) I couldn't afford another Op regardless b) I'd not want to have another op, certainly not without trying something so simple first c)I'm very confident it will help if not resolve it totally.

SO anyway, in the end he agreed to give it a go, he said he only put a couple of mil in, was painless, felt a small prick as it went it but nothing to worry about, needles don't bother me anyway. Immediately after, it had increased in size as expected due to the fluid injected in, made me laugh..

I'll tell you what, for the first time in 15 months, I felt self concious in my T-Shirt as I walked out.. Normally now I walk with my chest out proudly, and I was sort of hunching over again! Not nearly as bad as how it looked with gyno either, so it reminded me just how far I've come and how worth having it done was in the first place! Not sure how long it'll stay enlarged for before it goes down, I know I need to alloy 4-6 weeks for full effects of the Kenalog to have occured, so only time will tell.

FINGERS CROSSED, this may just do it. If I'm still not happy, I guess I'll have to go back and reassess with Karidis, decide if it's worth another shot (only if this actually improves the situation.) But hopefully that won't be required.

Will update with pictures probably at a later date, I have a before, so will put that up when I *hopefully* have an improved after!

That's all for now, peace.

Offline thetodd

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Fingers crossed the kenalog will help, how much did that set you back?

Either way you look so much better now i remember you feeling down after the NHS surgery, honestly i wasnt expecting you to have results like you have now.

Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline darkstar

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Just had a read through your thread, interesting read. Glad he gave you the injection in the end, hope it works out for you.

In terms of scar tissue, do you think that getting back to lifting weights so early had an impact? It looks like you were back after a few weeks?!

Offline wantridofgyno17

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Thanks Todd, contour is perfect now, no gyno appearance at all, love it, it's just the revealed look that needs work, namely the right hand side with the scar tissue, but fingers crossed it'll more or less resolved in the next 4-6 weeks!!

Didn't cost anything, he includes it in the price of the op, just administers if he feels necessary, in my case I was pushing him to do it as I wasn't happy with how it was and was determined to try it.. Not sure how much it cost them, may have been part of the reason he wasn't overly keen but hey ho.

Earlier the area around my areola went all white! I was crapping myself, as he had warned me it can cause white pigmentation or something as a side effect however he didnt put much in and did it deep to avoid it... So when I saw this, I was like great, now I've got a huge white blob around my nipple instead! But I emailed him and he advised this was temporary and not what he was talking about and should be gone tonight/tomorrow, and he was right, it's reducing and I imagine it will be totally gone by tomorrow. RIght hand side is tender where he injected it, not painful but a little tender to touch avoiding touching it.

Darkstar, yes, I'm confident I really did myself over there. I was an idiot, looking back I realize how stupid it was, but I got far too carried away and my mindset and focus wasn't great, was wanting too much too soon etc.. Lesson learnt, and I'd advise ANYONE, stay out of the gym for 4 weeks minimum. It sucks, because I love training, but 4 weeks lost out on training is much better than having a load of scar tissue mess up your results and having to go back for further treatment etc..

But let's just pray this is the end of the road!!  :)

Offline wantridofgyno17

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So about 30-31 hours since the shot.. Area still enlarged, more so than yesterday if anything, nipple is puffed right out, looks like when I had gyno!! Awful, still can't wear a t-shirt it sticks out that much lol, wore a vest under my shirt to work today!

I've emailed karidis for his opinion on what timescale to expect it to stay enlarged for before it reduces back to normal size/improves on previous size.

Hopefully not too long!!  ::)

Offline wantridofgyno17

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Little update, the shot helped, but the right side is still an issue so still not happy! Emailed karidis to see where to go next...

I'm now looking to have flank lipo (love handles), as I always store fat here even when I'm lean, which really ruins my body for me being interested in training/gym etc!! I understand karidis does free revisions, with the hospital fee having to be paid, so Ive asked if he'd revise my chest if I had the flank lipo done with him, as I'd be paying the hospital fee as part of that..

Otherwise considering going abroad to do it, however I'd rather use Karidis if it's an option  as I know he's good and knows his stuff!! I think part of the issue with my chest is where I had the originaly NHS op, the scars theyve left on my nipples cause creasing.. Karidis did mention having another op or something when I went to see him about the kenalog shot, I think he was proposing maybe removing the lower part of the area where the NHS have left the scar and pulling it down... Although not entirely sure if that's what he meant. I've emailed him to see if getting the revision done free with the other lipo is possible and if so i'll have to go and see him to discuss it properly.


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