Author Topic: guys look at my gyno and give me your opinion  (Read 2886 times)

Offline bluemrgreen

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hi guys im pretty sure i have moderate to sever gynecomastia. i know it sounds pathetic but i want too loose weight but im scared my gyno would be more noticeable  :-[  Im planning to have surgery after 90 days. I weight 218 pounds and and im 5'10 so my BMI is 31 meaning im obese. I want to get to 170 pounds before looking at my pics do u think it would be more noticeable? Also do u think the surgeon would have a hard time fixing my chest? guys i just want to feel confident without my shirt on and have a flat chest but i am realistic. i just basically want too look normal lol. my pics are not that clear but its as clear as i could get with my phone. thanks for your time.

Offline Raider Fan

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Welcome to, bluemrgreen.

Don't fear losing weight.  Losing weight is encouraged by all the surgeons here because it can not only make your chest look better before surgery, but you'll likely be happier with the results after surgery, too! 

I'd say you have moderate gynecomastia and I think you're a great candidate for surgery.  I think a skilled plastic surgeon with lots of experience at correcting gyne could do wonders for you and make you feel much better about yourself.  It IS realistic that you can have a flat chest and look normal. 

Go to a board certified plastic surgeon, preferably someone with LOTS of experience at gyne surgery.  Ask to see several before and after pictures of other patients.  If you like what you see, go for it!  If you don't, go to another surgeon.  Do NOT automatically choose the surgeon that will do surgery for the least amount of money.  This is your body and not all surgeons are equal when it comes to this surgery.  As in most things, you get what you pay for, so choose the surgeon you have confidence in and someone you believe will do a good job (based on the pictures you've seen). 

Good luck!

Offline Mark102

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Id say you have a 6-7 out of 10 in severity.

Don't be scared to lose weight, if you decide to get the surgery, you'll probably be happier with the results!

My gyne kind of looked like yours about 15 pounds ago (I've been exercising and eating pretty healthy) and I'm 16 years old...just make sure to eat healthy and drink plently of water while your exercising/dieting to prevent your skin from looking really "saggy"

And like Raider said, make sure you pick a good surgeon and you'll be fine.

Offline mooninite

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when you do pick out a surgeon, be sure to look for before and after pics and a lot of them.  losing weight will help the final product, because the less you weigh the more a flat chest looks right, and it will help to get rid of some fat off your chest.  i'd be worried about how much your nipples would shrink and having flabby skin around the lower chest (i've seen some before after pics, so be sure you get a good surgeon).  best of luck with the surgery and results

Offline bluemrgreen

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I'm 98% sure of the surgeon I'm going to pick Ill let you guys know as soon as the time comes. This site is amazing i must say i really thought i was the only one. Since i posted my pics here yesterday Ive been working out and eating better. I plan to have the surgery around 99 days from today because I need to save money and loose weight. I never knew I was obese i always thought i had a lil weight on (foolish). According to the BMI charts I must weight 150-160 to be in good weight which blows my mind because as of today I am at 216 which is 66 pounds more then 150. 66 pounds of fat. I have as much fat on my body as an 8 year old average child's weight.
starting tomorrow I'm going to start posting pictures of my body for the next 99 days once a week. just to help keep myself accountable. I really want to raise my self image and i know it will do wonders for my life. my goal is to weight 160lb. I really want to be healthy and feel in shape, Ive never done it and i know it wont be easy but Im pretty sure its worth it. Ive read that my nipples are going to get smaller when they take out the gland and Im excited of loosing weight like that the surgeon can just take the extra skin off all at once. well guys ill post more pics tomorrow. BTW i haven't weighed 160 since i was like 12 lol.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2011, 08:35:30 PM by bluemrgreen »

Offline Mark102

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Offline fc12345678

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Before surgery, make sure there is definitely gland in there.  Although I had gland that caused my gyno, i have also known people where there gyno was all fat and disappeared after they dropped their body fat to the single digits.  Be aware that lower belly and chest are usually the last areas to lose the fat.  If you can avoid surgery, avoid it, its not pleasant, I just went through it.  Good luck.


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