Author Topic: Anyone have the surgery by Dr Caloca recently?  (Read 11887 times)

Offline defcon01

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Hi all, Im curious to hear from anyone who has recently seen Dr Caloca for surgery. My wife had lap band surgery on Zona Del Rio, and I am aware of the first class Medical care provided in Mexico. I think there is a misconception by many Americans that "we" have the best Dr.s and care in the World. Being of Cuban decent, I am well aware that in many fields, the US actually ranks lower than some Latin American countries. True, post Op issues offer recourse via different avenues in the States- ie. legal ramificatons, etc. However, I think that the Dr.s that have been around for years, know that their business relies Heavily on positive word of mouth. Hence some of the glowing posts on this board pertaining to exceptional care and experiences. Regardless, I am willing to take my chances in Mexico, and just as I "lost" on this luck of the draw, curse.....I am willing to accept what fate has in store for me n Mexico. I am not going to allow this to be a process longer than it has to be- I have had a consult with a popular PS here in Orange County and quite frankly was not too impressed. Not to mention the pricetag quoted. I plan to go to Tijuana and consult with a couple PS there and I will plan to have this surgery within the next 30 to 45 days.

For myself, I am 45 years old and have been living with this horrible condition for over 30 years- what can I say that hasn't already been said by so many here, It is a life altering, black cloud we afflicted, carry with us daily. Unless you have it, you can't grasp how negatively it effects ones lives. I have finally choosen to exorcise this cursed gland from my body once and for all. I am happily married and somehow, I have learned to survive and yes, thrive with this condition. My regret, as I have read by so many, is I should have done this sooner but as the saying goes- better late than never.

I know how many of you feel about Mexico, but if anyone out there has had a positive or negative experience, please reply here or PM me. Wish me Gods speed.

Offline Dave_8

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Im actually planning on having surgery with him in July. He told me if I select the date of surgery before the 15th of July the entire surgery price will be $2900. Ive been stuck with gyne too long and taking a chance. After the surgery im going to post pics and log in my entier experience. I live in Washington so the drive is going to be a pain -_- but...its worth it.
If you have gyne, dont expect not be laughed at.

Just like if you walk into a locker room, you're gonna see some hairy asses and dicks.

Unfortunately for me, both have occured in my life way too many times.

Offline defcon01

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Hey Dave,
sent you a PM......hope to hear from you.


Offline defcon01

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Well, I try to do what I say. I had my surgery this morning w/ Dr. Caloca Sr and Jr.  I think Jr assisted his dad as my wife go into OR in scrubs.
All went well and I am about 8 hours post Op )actually at the Lucerne as I decided to book a room and rest overnight. I was pretty woozy to say the lease and tired.
More to come later- stay tuned,......Drain is a real PAIN!!

Offline Dave_8

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Hey I emailed ya. But nice hit us all up on the experience and what not. Im making the deposit sometime this week so im basically booking my surgery on the 13th of July. Sooo nervous for the drains :/

Offline defcon01

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Hey Dave,

I didn't get your email, sorry. Basically, I'm on day 2 POST OP!  Its weird, its a part of your life for ever, then one day, your on the other side! I am still waking up and thinking "whoaw, I really did this". I am very proud of finally doing something about it. You get one life, do all you can to maximize your quality of life. Its easy to sit back and watch the World go by, take the chance to live! I haven't seen the results yet, just a quick peek- it looks very good given that its been 2 days. I can see that the Dr. was pretty aggressive- it looks flat.
I know a few guys have been accussed of SPAMMING in regards to the Tijuana surgeries, let me be very clear, I am a legit patient, no affiliation.

 I was really impressed with Dr. Calocas' Center and staff. All so caring and sweet- there seems to be a real compassion for their patients. His surgery center is remarkable, you initially see his office which looks a little on the older side, then he took me in back and showed me this amazing surgery and recovery center and its all onsite. I was watching sea lions swimming on the ceiling while I was given the anestesia- very cool!

I feel Dr Caloca offers a legitimate option for those looking to have this surgery done affordably, quickly and competently. I was mentioning to my wife that I considered Dr. Caloca a "journeyman", no fancy names for techniques, no bells and whistles- but he gets the job done! He dosen't "sell" the surgery. He tells you what you have and what you can do. Then you either proceed or don't. I appreciate this approach- as apposed to the "NIP tuck" type (fancy offices and Drs who look like they have been their own best patients) of approach. I personally felt I had a deformity-
and just wanted to be "normal". The Center is about 5 miles from the border and I went straight there, no worries. Just be smart when you go in and be respectfull, you'll be fine. Anyone needing more info, please ask, I will be gad to help how ever I can. I wish all my brothers success and happiness, how you get there is in your able hands. Cheers-


Offline Dave_8

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Seriously? aaaahhhhh well anyways im making the deposit this Thursday :D dude ive been waiting to hear from you. Im so ready now!

Offline 805spec

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Hey just saw this thread and figured i would jump in. I had my gyne surgery done by Dr caloca on the 15th. It's looking better everyday. When I first looked at my post op chest it looked good...I didnt recognize myself but it looked good. Now I can tell ny chest is getting tighter...before it was flat and somewhat normal looking...with a little its legit. I almost want to take my shirt off and show it off. I hope yalls recovery goes good...keep me posted.

Offline defcon01

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Hey 805, thanks for chimming in! I had my first follow-up with Dr. C on Thursday for the much anticipated drain removal. glad they're out- what a pain in the ass! I have still only briefly seen my new chest, it looks good, there is some slight swelling under the right pec, I can see its going down so Im going to remain optimistic as Im only 6 days post OP. I think it looks great, anything better at this point is just icing on the cake! 2 more weeks for drain removal and I'll wear the compressin for the next couple months.
I wish you continued improvement but it sounds like your good to go! LOL!

Offline Dave_8

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Done with the surgery :) nice to meet you Rob. Everything went well, other than the fact I left Tijuanna the same day I had surgery, on foot. It was a real pain since, well, I was in real pain. Plus the line was super long. Took me about 3 to 4 hours just to get into Sand Diego. I didnt get any drains since Caloca and his father performed skin removal as well. I got to see my skin and fat when I woke up, pretty disgusting -_- but, it was satisfying knowing I have a flat chest. Cant wait till friday to get my wrap removed.

Offline 805spec

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Man that is way awesome!  Congrats on getting it done.  I couldn't imagine having to walk across the border after surgery.  Luckily I was staying my parents during that time so they provided transportation. 
I remember when they brought in what they took out.  You could tell what was gland and what was fat... it was pretty nasty but I should have poked it to feel the texture haha. I had it done around 6/15 and I still see the healing results.  It was great when I looked at it a week after surgery and now it just gets better and better.  I hope you have the same experience.  Good luck with the recovery!

Offline 805spec

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btw... was it your first time in TJ?

Offline Dave_8

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Hell yea dawg! lol nah but anyways yea its my first time in a different country let along Mexico. Got to say, seeing all the fine girls got my mind from the one who broke my heart. So it was nice. It sucks that when I got to the front of the line, the gaurd told me to go to another one since I was in the wrong one and well as I stood in line, I left because I was sweating and feeling sick. I sat on the dirty floor watching people pass by for like an hour till I felt better. Long story. But basically, even if my chest dont come out perfect, I just want a flat chest. Even with the scars ill just explain to people I had rib surgery lol whhheeewww! Eff gyne! Im done with it!

Offline Gynvic

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Any pictures of Dr. Calcoa's work? Would be of great service to fellow members.

Offline Dave_8

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I know its going to sound a little cliche, but I cant post any pictures. I swear Im a real person with real gyne lol unless someones willing to post my pix for me? I can send the pictures to an email adress from my phone. Im in San Diego and I wont be home till Saturday. I normally would post a pix, but my parents split up and I live with my aunt now so my computer is gone :/


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