Author Topic: Is this gyne? Please Help!  (Read 2320 times)

Offline 9100023

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Ever since the age of 11 i have been slightly overweight and suffered with excessive armpit and chest fat. I went to the doctor around the age of 14 and he said that i would outgrow it before my teen years ended. So I dealt with it and had very low self esteem throughout high school because of this. However, i recently got so fed up with being overweight(30-40lbs) that i started going to the gym and eating right at the age of 18(i am nearly 20 now). I am now 170-175lbs with a height of 6'1" and i just can't lose this damn chest fat no matter what i do. Also, i have fat under my armpit that i can not get rid of either; if anybody knows what the cause of this is from the pictures PLEASE let me know. Thank you so much!

Also, if this does turn out to be gyne, would surgery be the best way to get rid of it? I have also been researching natural pills on the internet, but i don't know if they are a scam or not. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

« Last Edit: June 06, 2011, 10:37:27 PM by 9100023 »

Offline morpheus11

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If those "natural pills" worked, this forum wouldn't exist.  Don't buy them, or any other "chest coach" program. They are a waste of time and money.

Regarding your case, it's slight if anything at all. Spend some time on tihs forum. Check out the photos people have posted. I'm qualified to say whether you have gyne or not, but compared to others, yours isn't that bad. Why don't you try putting on some lean muscle?

Offline puffycurse

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It doesn't really look like much. I wouldn't worry about it. Regarding your other question; yes, surgery would be the best option. Those "natural pills" or any other pills that claim to cure Gynecomastia is a bunch of BS, don't fall for it.

Offline 9100023

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Alright thanks for the info and fast response. I was really close to buying the ultimate gynexmax formula and giving it a try...

In terms of lean muscle i have been doing push ups and bench presses semi-regularly for the past year. I have noticed very slight changes in my chest. It has become more hard and muscular underneath, but there is still a noticeable layer of fat above the chest muscle. No matter what i do i can't get rid of this fat and the more weight training exercises i do the more noticeable the fat gets..

I'm going to give serious exercise and diet one more shot before i go see a doctor about this problem. I'm still contemplating buying diet pills that will boost my metabolism and help me burn fat along with exercising and diet. Would you consider this a good plan of action?

Also I have looked into eating foods high in testosterone levels and am going to give that a try as well. Do you know anything about that and how it combats gyne?

Thanks for your time and help on this matter, i really appreciate it!

Offline morpheus11

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sorry I meant to say, I'm not qualified to say whether or not you have gyne, but from what I can tell, it's minor at best.

Regarding exercise, you've done it before, which is why you lost the weight to begin with, but the reason you haven't really progressed past there is because you're not challenging your body.  Also what's your diet like?  High carb, grains, dairy, low protein?  If you're going diet, and want to get lean, don't go for those regular diets.  Try something along the lines of Paleo, Primal Blueprint, The Zone or Mediterrnean diet.  From what I've read and tried, all those diets focus on low glycemic carbs, with the exception of Paleo and Primal Blueprint which basically eliminate all unnatural carbs.

Anyhow, just google those, and some workout routines, or go to the website www . left space after www due to restrictions on posting links.

Offline hatemymoobs

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I would say yes, that looks like gyne to me.
To be honest it looks like mine about 10 yrs ago. Not quite chesty enough to let it ruin my mood or get me depressed, but enough to feel slightly self conscious.
Go see some doctors and get their opinion. Better to be dealt with early, if it's stable.


Offline calibrn

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cmon hatemyboobs..  looks like a little chest fat.  good cardio, weight training, and diet.  nothing to worry about like the others said.
try the safe way before seeing a surgeon.

Offline 9100023

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Thanks for the reply guys. And yea hatemymanboobs is kinda right; i realize it's not that bad compared to others but it still is enough to make me feel self conscious when i go to the beach or gym ect. I've been eating a high protein and low carb diet with lots of fruits and vegetables for about a week now. Also i have been weight training every other day while running\biking for 30minitues a day to ge my cardio in. So far i have lost 5 pounds but no changes in my chest as of yet. I will keep trying though because i really don't want to get the surgery if i don't have to!

Also, i do feel some hard lumps on my chest right under the skin. It's not muscle either because i can still feel it if i flex my chests. It seems to be a layer of fat\glands above the muscle if i am not mistaken.

Offline looseSHIRT

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Yes, even if its small it still bothers you.. If you really want to know if its gyne or not, better go to a Gyne expert.. He can really tell you if exercise can help or not. Some people tend to get more frustrated if they are working out hard and moobs are still there.. Goodluck Mate!

Offline 9100023

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Thanks man, i'll look into it. I was actually considering seeing a doctor a few days ago.


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