Hello, I've browsed around here before, but never registered until now, so I'm new-ish here
My breasts are the result of loose skin leftover from childhood obesity, rather than a medical condition, so there is no excess breast tissue, just loose skin and perhaps a bit of leftover body fat that my body has hung onto. I am currently at and have maintained for years, a normal weight.
So I've found a surgeon who was recommended to me, has good credentials, works with a hospital, and who has 20+ years of experience, and I'm scheduled to have an abdominoplasty and male breast reduction. I'm feeling quite confident and excited about the surgery, and of course a little nervous, which I think is normal (I've never had surgery in my life).
The one problem is that the surgeon has explained the different ways breast reduction can be performed (donut cut, cut with vertical incision, or cut with 'anchor' incision). We had a fairly long discussion where he explained that I'm basically trading more scarring for more freedom to remove skin, and that the donut cut will leave the least scarring which may even be inconspicuous enough to go unnoticed by others. But he's left me with the decision to make.
It seems a lot of people set the bar for results at how good you'll look shirtless. Honestly my expectations for surgery are lower than that. I just want to at least feel comfortable wearing a t-shirt. That would make a world of difference to me. I've been self-conscious about taking my shirt off in public since I was about 5 years old, and I'm now 21, so I guess it's sort of a "you wont miss what you never had" compromise. I mean let's face it, flatter stomach or not, it wont help much if I still have breasts.
I did explain this to my surgeon, but he didn't immediately say "go with the bigger scars then". Instead he actually brought up liposuction in combination with the donut incision as a way of trying to achieve flatness. But he added that it was my choice, and since results can be unpredictable he couldn't tell me whether this approach would actually achieve what I wanted or not. He merely said that with the longer cut, he has the freedom to take more skin, but the scars would be considerably more noticeable.
So I've got a lot to weigh and consider here... I mean the thought of being able to see myself without the breasts OR the large obvious scars would be so amazing I can't even think of a suitable simile, and I did pretty well in English.
Obviously I don't expect any of you to know what the outcome of the procedure would be for me. But any comments or considerations. Or maybe links or other resources that might help me decide?
I mean... I don't think the surgeon would be telling me to take time to think about it if he didn't think there was much chance of it achieving the desired results, right? Or maybe I'm getting greedy and this is too good to be true?
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.