Author Topic: Need help, somewhat related to gyno.  (Read 4399 times)

Offline pe175

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I posted this on the body buling message board, however I figured i'd also post here considering I think you guys know more about hormones and the endrocrine system.

For the past month I've been taking NOVEDEX XT, Creatine Monohydrate, and NO2 evening formula. However, I think this has been affecting me negatively. I take 4 pills of the no2, 10 grams of creatine, and cycled the Novedex 4 pills, 3pills, 2 pills, down to 1 pill. In addition I'd also take a flax seed oil pill and ZMA. I noticed that when taking these I tend to sweat non stop. Also, they have affected me sexually. Ever since taking them (for the past month) i've had a hard time keeping it up and this has never ever been a problem before. (i've just turned 21). Its so bad where its to the point where i'll be inside my girlfriend and it'll start to go limp. Could the Novdex by itself or possibly combination of all these things affect me this way. Since this I've stopped use of all these products. Any info is appreciated.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Also, they have affected me sexually. Ever since taking them (for the past month) i've had a hard time keeping it up and this has never ever been a problem before. (i've just turned 21). Its so bad where its to the point where i'll be inside my girlfriend and it'll start to go limp.

You might have ED Dude....

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Offline Tiverty_A

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I have gyne that is caused by Fat not the gland, but it is still hard with my life.

Offline pe175

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ED is "i think" erecticle dysfunction, however I highly doubt that is the case considering that this didn't occur until I started taking the supplements.  Prior to this I would have no problem keeping it fully hard even after 2 or 3 times.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Erectile dysfunction is highly unlikely in a 21 year old without some kind of serious hormonal problems or as in this case, as a side effect to hormonally active drugs.

The message should be clear,  The man who medicates himself has a fool for a Doctor.

On a happier note, your libido and erectile function should return to normal if you get off these drugs soon enough.

Overdosing on such things as androgens and other steroids sometimes causes an effect that is exactly opposite what was desired.  The body detects the surplus so the normal secretion of testosterone is diminished or turned off and the excess is converted to estrogen which causes generalized feminization.

Your case is more severe than most reactions, but not surprising.

Stop the drugs asap and see your doctor.  A referral to an Endocrinologist or Urologist may be in order.

Good luck.
Grandpa Dan

Offline pe175

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Yes, since then i have stopped using all those products just in case.

I just assumed that Novedex XT would only raise my test to its highest "natural" level.

This may be unrelated or may not however a few times we were having sex and I came out and went to jam it back in and missed.  It kind of made a popping noise.  This happened twice in like a 3 day period so i'm thinking maybe its possible I injured it a bit.  No bruising or swelling, but i don;'t know what the pop was (and it wasn't her).

Offline kindherb42

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I also am taking Tamoxifen (i believe Nolva is name brand for tamoxifen) and i too cannot get a 'full' erection. But i had that before the tamoxifen.

Can constant anxiety and stress play a factor in this?  Also, say if it were "injured", will the penile tissues and all repair like any other part of the body?

Offline Paa_Paw

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The point is that you did not have a means of evaluating how high your testosterone was to begin with; then no way to monitor the increase.  

When the levels of testosterone become excessive, the body takes actions to correct the overage.  These corrective actions often generate undesireable effects.(as you have found out)

Anyone seriously considering taking steroids should have their dosages etc monitored.  and the person to do this would be and Endocrinologist.

There are some people who take such drugs without serious ill effects,  its is true.  Yet it must be kept in mind that we are all somewhat unique and our response to the drugs may be different.

It is not without good reason that the use of steroid drugs has been banned in many cases.  

As an old man, I take a steroid drug, but it is to control the pain of arthritis and the use is monitored by regular Doctor visits and lab work.  These drugs have the potential of being very dangerous.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2005, 12:32:13 PM by Paa_Paw »


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