Author Topic: See ya NEVER, moobs!  (Read 2430 times)

Offline theflygecko

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Hi everyone,

Gecko here.  I'm a from Toronto, ON and have FINALLY scheduled an appointment with Dr. Fielding.

Eight years ago, when I was 16, I tipped the scales at 270 pounds!  I was a big boy.  When I turned 17, I became a compulsive walker and stomped the pavement EVERY single night for at least an hour.  Combined with a shift in my diet, I now happily weigh a modest 186 pounds.  While this still classifies as overweight according to my BMI, I am pleased with my achievements.  

Many of us know the pains obesity inflicts.  It's an emotional roller coaster all waking hours of the day, not to mention physically exhausting.  Some of us will instigate a mission to clean up our act, yet when weight loss becomes a reality, we are left with the debris of our condition.  Upon shedding my jelly I was mortified to discover two Starbucks cookies embedded behind each of my nipples.  Before long, I was on eBay scouting out the tightest compression tanks money could buy to conceal my socially horrifying situation.  For three years, these Indian finger traps became a necessary evil in my daily life.  I've been squishing my moons like roasted marshmallows between two graham crackers and a piece of chocolate.  Breathing severely restricted, I realized nothing about my attempt to conceal my chest was practical and that something had to be done.  Plus, I yearn to know the feeling of 100% cotton against my body.  Kryptonite, or whatever the hell those tank tops are made of, just doesn't do the skin any favours.  

So, here we are only days away from my consultation with Dr. Fielding.  I couldn't be more elated.  I'm ready to complete my metamorphosis once and for all.  I'm attaching a few "before" pics for your consideration.  Keep in mind I have a few more pounds to lose between now and August 11, 2011.  My intent is to lose at least four or five pounds between now and then.  My fear is that he'll tell me it's mostly fat… because surely, there is some extra butter tucked up in there.  Of course, it's poor judgment to look at photos and diagnose so I'm not expecting actionable feedback.  Only the consultation will provide an answer.  But in the heat of the excitement I would LOVE to know what you guys think!  So shoot a comment if you can spare a moment :)

Can't wait to deliver an update!


Offline Raboze

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Congratulations on your big weight loss man! After looking at your pics, I think surgery would easily fix your chest -- and Dr. Fielding seems to know what he`s doing! Go for it!

Offline theflygecko

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Thanks dude!  I'm flippin' stoked!  I know 100% it is going to change my life for the rest of it.  I'm thinking about video documenting it, but we shall see.  I obviously tend to become obsessive when I get excited about things... lol


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