Author Topic: Pure Glandular Gynecomastia-athlete  (Read 6911 times)

Offline Hansen587

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As you read in the title, i am an athlete and i suffer from pure glandular gynecomastia. It only affects one of my breasts, which i believe is known as unilateral gynecomastia. Im very active and lean so exercise and eating healthy (diet) are not a problem. For some reason though, my estrogen hormone levels have increased past my tesosterone hormone levels. I noticed that my left breast was getting larger about 1 year ago and it has only progressed since then. However, the other day i purchased turmeric tablets because i read about the active ingredient curcumin having successful affect against gynecomastia. After an entire week of using these turmeric tablets, i have noticed that my areola areas are starting to reduce significantly,but that the glandular tissue is taking longer to reduce. It has become apparent to me that my hormone levels are starting to balance w hich is leading to a reduction in my gynecomastia. My question is this: Can glandular tissue in an athlete ever reduce and eventually disappear?
I understand that the areolas can get smaller, i just want to know if the tissue can go away by my continual use of the turmeric tablets, exercise, and eating right. By the way, Im 18, 145 lbs, and ive only have the pure glandular gynecomastia for a year. I appreciate any response from you guys so thanks in advance.

Offline Raider Fan

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The answer is no......IF the glandular growth has been there for any length of time and is established.  New onset gyne can improve and/or reverse in certain situations, but once the gland has become fibrotic, nothing is going to make it simply go away. 

Look at it this way.....these tablets are no more likely to decrease YOUR breast tissue than it would a female's breast tissue. 

Offline hatemymoobs

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What do you mean your estrogen levels passed your T levels?
Estradiol levels in men should be between like 13-54, whereas T levels should be between 241-827.

Are you saying your estrogen levels are not only in the triple digits, but actually passing you amount of T?

Offline Hansen587

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When you say fibrotic, at least in my case, my breasts were still swelling at the time when i started taking the tablets. The tissue in my breasts is not hard whatsoever, its actually really really soft. The breast glandular tissue itself has decreased, just not as significantly as the areola size. Regarding my Tesosterone and Estrogen levels, according to my doctor, i had some much tesosterone that my body converted it into estrogen and after a long time, breast tissue started to develop because the estrogen hormone levels were surpassing my tesosterone hormone levels.


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