Author Topic: Levick vs Karadis - Which one to choose?  (Read 2281 times)

Offline kieran_22

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I've got the dosh for an operation now - and I live about 30 mins down the road from Dr. Levick and a couple of hours away from Dr. Karadis - I've read differing reviews of both and obviously want to go with the best one, has anyone got an opinion on both?

Levick would obviously be the easier choice due to location - but I don't want to make my decision on that alone - I want a really good job doing as I've had to save up for ages to get it done...

It would be good to get pictures and actual opinions from people who have been to both (obviously different people!) so I can compare and judge to see which one I eventually choose - I'm just glad to be in this position to make a choice now.

Any help would be most appreciated.
Surgery with Mr. Levick on Thursday 18th August 2011 - currently recovering!

Offline somedude999

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Its a tough choice because they are both great surgeons. TBH you won't go wrong with either.
If it were me I'd go with Levick but then I'm bias because I went with Levick and am over the moon with the result.

I went with levick because of his results, free revisions policy, price and I liked the guy after the consultation.

With regard to pictures, they're all over the forum dude. My journal is a few threads down and thats got pics and theres karidis results everywhere lol

All the best


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