Author Topic: Fish oil benefits  (Read 7409 times)

Offline Olin

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Fish Oil is best one....Fish Oil is good for
Less Pain and Inflammation.
Cardiovascular Health.
Protection from Stroke and Heart Attack.
Better Brain Function and Higher Intelligence.
Less Depression and Psychosis…
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« Last Edit: August 06, 2011, 04:01:33 AM by Olin »

Offline Elton

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Hi Olin,
Some more health benefits of fish oil are:
Fish oil helps in losing and stabilizing body weight. Fish oil lowers cholesterol level, reduces triglyceride level and sooth depression. Fish oil improves our vision, prevents from joint pains and great for brain functions.

Offline Paa_Paw

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And the taste would gag a maggot.

As a child in the 1940's I was given a daily dosage 1 spoonful of cod liver oil. We did not have gelcaps in those days so you actually had to take a spoonful of the oil. YECH!! It is no surprise that some kids grow up to hate their parents.

Incidentally, the person who started this thread has not been active for nearly a year. For the future, it is better to start a new thread than to revive an old one.
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Offline lucky8

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Omega 3s are very important and I take them daily HOWEVER they can thin your blood which can mean more bleeding and therefore bruising so bear this in mind if going for surgery.

Offline kashra

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  As far as i know fish oil is quite helpful for preventing from heart strok and other heart disease. so i suggest fish oil for heart patients
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« Last Edit: August 20, 2014, 03:04:37 AM by kashra »

Offline GlennMarsh

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Fish oil used in the treatment of: Allergies, Eczema, Asthma, cancer and depression. It is also aids in weight loss process. Fish oil has the ability to improve blood circulation.

Offline Fitness

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The First And most important advantage of Fish Oil is use To Losing Fat .And Fish Oil is best One....Fish Oil is good for
Less Pain and Inflammation.

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« Last Edit: September 28, 2015, 03:39:35 PM by Fitness »


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