Author Topic: Post Op Question - Your advice please!  (Read 1661 times)


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Hi there

I've go my operation with Karidis coming up soon and wanted to pass a query by anyone who's already had their op... 4 days after my op date I'm due to have a reunion with some friends lasting a couple of days. While I most definitely won't be drinking, I wanted to check if people thought this was a really bad idea so soon after the op. I won't be doing anything too strenuous, just carrying a flight bag to and from a train station and going to a few bars in the evening.

I think it should be fine, but at the same time I really don't want to jeopardise my recovery. Any comments would be really appreciated!


Offline fingerit

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To tell you the truth mate, if you feel anything like I did 4 days post op I doubt you'll be wanting to go out. Had my op on a Thursday and was hoping to go back to work on the Monday but I ended up going back Wed due to feeling so sore.

I guess it all depends on how you feel really buddy. I certainly wanted to be at home away from anyone or anything that might bump into me, although saying that I was wandering around the streets of London and the tube for most of the day post op before my train departed from London. Didn't feel to great though doing it.

I dont know if this is worth mentioning or not but on the post op documentation I was told to keep away from anyone who might be smoking or from smoking myself (I dont anyway) because this can affect the healing process, I haven't done any research on that but didn't want to take the risk.

Hope that helps in some way

Offline chopper

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 I wouldn't fancy going on a reunion with mates 4 days after the op.I don't think you will have a good time, you are going to be on edge. Imagine being pretty much defenceless and very tender, it's not a good combination around people, especially if booze is on the cards.
If you do get through it all , i think you won't have done the healing any favours. I would chill out and kick back and reschedule the reunion for another day when you can enjoy it a lot more

Offline somedude999

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Agree with the guys above, doubt u will up to it and u won't want to take a knock to the chest etc


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