Author Topic: is this gyne ?? if yes is it bad ?? (pics included)  (Read 9974 times)


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i think it's gyne and i have since i was 11 or 12 now i am 16 , is it bad ?

Offline Raider Fan

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You definitely have gynecomastia, as your breasts have taken on a female appearance.  I would say it's mild, however, the severity really makes no difference when it comes to whether or not you will need surgery.  You do.  It is nothing you can exercise away.


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um 16 and um going to talk to my parents about the surgery , maybe i will do it next summer cuz school is going to start after 2 weeks

Offline xoxoxoxo

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For me it's a very mild case cause you could still hide it especially wearing dark shirts. You could hide it too by having nice upper chest and nice biceps and shoulder. :)

Offline Bigdaddy1993

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For me it's a very mild case cause you could still hide it especially wearing dark shirts. You could hide it too by having nice upper chest and nice biceps and shoulder. :)

No he cannot, i have gained muscle and got a bigger chest, the gyno will stick out more

Offline improving

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For me it's a very mild case cause you could still hide it especially wearing dark shirts. You could hide it too by having nice upper chest and nice biceps and shoulder. :)

No he cannot, i have gained muscle and got a bigger chest, the gyno will stick out more

Yeah that's what happened to me. I thought weight training was meant to improve my physique and out popped the gyne. :(

To the op, it doesn't seem too bad to me. I think some suggest that at your age your hormones are changing etc and there is a slight possibility it will go on its own. My advice would be to eat a little better, exercise, and see how it looks at 18-19. Just my 2p :)

Offline xoxoxoxo

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I mean you can't hide it 100 % but you could create an illusion that your chest is just buff. The sad thing is it's hard to hide puffiness.

Offline TigerPaws

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I understand that at your age this might seem like a big deal, please believe me as you age and mature you will hopefully discover that what you perceive as a problem today will seem trivial later. Boys your age often place far too much credence on what their "friends" say. What you need to understand is that there are "friends" and there are temporary acquaintances. A true friend will help you bury the body an acquaintance will help you move furniture; differences are worlds apart. A true friend is a rare and valued asset, these people will not judge you for what you look like they accept who you are as a person.

Girls are no different, the shallow air heads with their nose stuck up in the clouds are all but worthless (except for a one night stand ;)).

Gyno is not the end of the world, begin to develop a thicker skin and a whit to put those in their place when (not if) they make an unwanted, unwelcome and unnecessary comment. Believe me you can make such people feel very small like the minds they command with the appropriate retort at the appropriate time.

Offline Davo83

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I personally dont think its bad but i know its more of a pycological issue.

Offline robirobi

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I agree that isn't bad and if you work out a little more you can, as someone said, make it look like it is all muscle. As I said in other posts in the past most people here, I feel, have a slight obsession with it but the outside world hardly ever notices unless you have huge breasts. I am 40, I had many sexual partners and I got only one comment once and it wasn't even a negative one.

Offline McGilli

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Working out your chest, shoulders and core will help a lot.

Your chest looks very like how mine was. See, most of the people on this forum, not being rude, but they have a lot of fat all over them. I can tell that your chest, your nipples hang lower than your chest muscles.

So, if you were to workout - and I mean for a good six months minimum - what would happen is your chest muscles would grow larger - above where your nipples are. Then - your nipples while still pointy, would be more in line with the bottom of your pecs.

Working out your chest and shoulders will in effect kind of stretch your skin, just a bit, but giving your chest a more taut look and the gyno look will be reduced.

It will still be there.

I've been spending a lot of time lately on this forum. And there definitely are two different types of gyno sufferers.

1. You have boobs that are in line with your pectorals. If you do and you work out - they will just get bigger and you will be more embarrassed.

2. you have loose, hanging fat below your pectorals. Working out will make your pec muscles grow, above the gyno. It will create a more uniform look and look more natural when under a shirt.

If you need to be ' perfect ' then you'll still want the surgery.

Here's my thread. Look at my first pictures.

If you posted a picture of you flexing - I am sure it would look like mine.

It won't let me post the link to my thread here -but it's in the STORIES forum, under MCGILLI'S STORY. It's new.

Offline robirobi

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You definitely have gynecomastia, as your breasts have taken on a female appearance.  I would say it's mild, however, the severity really makes no difference when it comes to whether or not you will need surgery.  You do.  It is nothing you can exercise away.

I think saying that his breasts have taken a female appearance is a bit of an exaggeration. I can see some fullness but female breasts aren't like that, at least they were not the last time I have checked!


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