Author Topic: The beginning of the end of gyne: Consultation  (Read 1630 times)

Offline improving

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Its taken me almost 12 months of being concious of my gyne to pluck up the courage to book a consultation with Dr Levick.  By saying "being concious", what i mean was, i didn't really know what gynecomastia was and i had no idea i had a case, i guess ignorance is bliss sometimes.

Very brief summary of me: Im 6'1, 27 years of age, and 13 stone. Was always very skinny until i hit 21. I decided to start weight training and as i gained muscle in my pecs, the existing gland has been pushed out over time. I wasn't really aware of it for a while but as i built muscle up i noticed my chest wasn't very well shaped. I'm now aware that its a combination of fat and gland causing the distortion of my chest shape. I have never done any kind of steroids before anyone suggest thats the case, its just a typical case of puffy nipples/gland/fat etc.

I have tried it all from dieting, to running every day. Im at a point where the surgery is my next move. Im very happy with my physique overall, but my chest gets me down. I spend much time working out, and knowing theres no exercise or diet that will improve my chest is disheartening. There have only been a handful of people who have made comments about my chest, which has been pretty hurtful even though i laugh it off. Insecure people will always pick fun at people and i put it down to their insecurity, because im a happy go lucky kind of guy. If i have my surgery its for me and not because of what others have said. It certainly hasn't effected things with the ladies, theres no problems in that department. Girls don't notice at all to be honest. I do have a relatively mild case. Id just like to feel comfortable in my own skin.

Anyway my consultation is booked and i just wanted to document my journey in this thread, because its only down to you others doing the same that its gave me the motivation to start the ball rolling.

Thanks for reading dudes - i'll add pictures and updates just like everyone else.

Offline sawyer

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Nice one man, good luck with the consultation, hope all goes well.
I'll be following this story :)

Offline kieran_22

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Good luck man - you'll be fine in the consult, Mr. Levick is a really nice guy and will put you completely at ease!

Let us know if you have any questions at all, I've certainly made the most of having such a great resource in this forum...
Surgery with Mr. Levick on Thursday 18th August 2011 - currently recovering!

Offline bomberman

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good luck mate, i had my surgery a week ago and couldn't be happier with how it went, I went with karidis but both are as good as each other from what i've heard :)
keep us updated
Surgery with Dr. Karidis, 16th August 2011: currently recovering

Offline fingerit

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Very similar story to me and I'm sure many other guys. Good luck mate, you wont look back.

Offline improving

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Well consultation complete. Pleasent enough. Learnt some new things and feel comfortable with Dr Levick conducting my surgery. They were running a little behind scheduale so my appointment was about 40 minutes late. I was only examined for literally 5 seconds and he basically said, "yeah you've got gyne".

Theres only one thing to do now and thats book my surgery. I think i won't be doing it for a few months yet but i think the consultation is an important step in the right direction. Took a family member with me, and it was important for them to understand what i was considering, and they are much happier with things now. Anyway, i might go and buy some mega fitted t shirts which may give me some extra motivation for the op :)


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