Author Topic: If the bra fits wear it  (Read 21481 times)

Offline walt

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hi Hammer nice bra , I am growing again and need a fitting soon still just wear a sports bra its the wife that needs convincing.

Offline dbweb

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Good for you hammer!! 
You overcame the fear of that fitting and now understand that it is really all about how you feel with the right vs wrong size/style bra to wear, isn't that a huge difference.  After all, it is just a piece of support clothing, and now you know it is the best choice available for your circumstances. 

I agree with what others said as well, it does look good on you, fit and comfort wise

You summed it up very well as expected, it is not inexpensive, but what is your level of comfort worth??  In perspective, I bet not that expensive as compared to a compression vest, and there is no comparison to level of comfort between the two!

Now you can focus on other more important issues like your continued health, and enjoy what you have. 

You are a shinning example for many others as you make these choices for all the right reasons.  God bless you!


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Thanks again men!

Walt, I was telling Debbie about how some of the wives will not go along with the idea of support bras and only agree with the sport bra! She does not understand why any wife would have a problem, because she sees a bra as we do, a support garment.

dbweb, thank you! God has blessed me, and continues each day in so many ways! I may have health problems, but I am still blessed, as the song goes, "beer is good, God is great and people are crazy"!
God bless you as well my follow land of clear blue water brother! (The old Hams beer Logan) for those with short memory and the young.

I had forgot to mention that it was at Allure that I went to for my fitting! One can't go to a more feminine place then that! I asked the lady helping me if they get many men in with gynecomastia, she said that they do.

I went to the St. Paul store on Grand Ave. she said she also works at the Maple Grove store, so DB I highly recommend the store. When I got home I received an email of thanks and offer to sign up for deals, I did sign up and I was able to also reply with an email in which I did, thanking them for the great service and the respectful treatment that I received from Erin, as well as the welcome feeling!

Debbie took our oldest daughter to Nordstrom's at the Mall of America for her fitting years ago and she said it wasn't near the great experience that we had yesterday!

So gentleman, I am adding myself to the list of "boob bearing, bra wearing brothers of the world" go get a fitting! It is the best thing you can do for your breast, your back and your shoulders!


Offline Del

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Well done Bob and pleased that once you went for a fitting you would recommend it. I have never regretted it.


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Well, I had it on all last night, put it on again this morning. I have sat in my lift/recliner chair for hours today, taken a nap in it, sat in an high back office chair while transferring old records to digital, and not once did I feel pinched, or any other form of discomfort! With what I have done today, which is somewhat a normal day for me I would have wanted to remove the old bras several times after I had adjusted hundreds of times if not already removed it?

It has been on for 8 hours at this point and I have zero complaints! I've never needed to adjust it and it feels like it belongs there!

Offline phm

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Hey Yankee Bob.  Glad the new bra is working out for you.  We are putting in 25 acres of tobacco today and the old cultivator has shook me to pieces.  To hot for a bra but no worries. The way this tractor has bounced me around, I believe I will just tuck my boobs into the waist of my pants.  That ought to hold um! I saw your reference to Hamms beer.  From the land of sky blue waters.  You know for a Yankee, you have a mess of Good Ole Boy in you.  Take it easy Bub.


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You know, I've always like my beer too, but I used to drink PBR, but now it's MGD!

My iPad wouldn't let me spell hams beer the right way so I let it go the way I did, instead of arguing with it!

Remember my friend, "beer is good, God is great, and people are crazy" that song says it all!

Offline phm

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10-4 Hammer.  I gotta get back to work!  Have a great afternoon.  Your Redneck Brother.


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Congrats Hammer, glad the fitting went well. There are more and more men wearing bras day. More men are also making the the decision to go get professionally fitted. Nobody sees my bra under my shirt so I have no problem wearing a bra with lace, ribbons or any other embellishments. As long as the girls are supported and I'm comfortable and my wife is happy with how I look. I really don't care what the rest of the world thinks. They are my breasts and there mine to take care of. And like you, I have no plans of surgery or the risks, cost, or pain it involves. There is no "normal". Nobody is normal and our abnormalities happen to be on our chest.

Offline dbweb

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Hey, whats wrong with being proud to be from the "land of sky blue water"?  I often go to a small town pub which features a full size stuffed Hamms bear in a glass case- I have found and restored one of the rotating cube Hamms clocks- have a whole selection of Hamms beer glasses.

I am bonified Minnesotan thru and thru I guess.

Sorry to deviate from the story line here but had to get into the beer conversation a bit more as it to is near to my heart.

Back to point, really great that Hammer had such good results from his fitting early this week, but not suprised.  That is something we all should face when blessed with the goods that these garments are designed for. 

Have a great mothers day weekend all, these ladies have a extra special place in out world and should be remainded of it on their weekend- don't forget to pamper mothers/ wifes on their special day.



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Mothers are special, there love, the sacrifices they make for their children, and I too am a true Minnesotan, but I do not go fishing on the weekend of opening fishing as that is also MOTHERS DAY! Besides, I'm just a pond fisherman since I sold my boat being I couldn't use it anymore.

Update on that new bra! I've been wearing it from the time I get up to the time we go to bed, (0440-2100) or 4:40am to 9:00pm. I don't even sweat in this bra like I did in the old 50DD bras, go figure! I feel perfectly natural with it on, I go in and out of the house with it on, I've even been wearing the tighter t-shirts that don't just hang on me, that are a little more form fitting. I figure that if someone has a problem, it's their problem!

I'm working on going beyond acceptance, if that makes any since at all.

Offline gotgyne

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Hi Bob,

what a nice bra. I'm very glad that your fitting experience has been so pleasant. That you wore more form-fitting tighter t-shirts is great. You're completely right, if someone has a problem, it's their problem. Going beyond acceptance means to me feeling comfortable and at ease even while wearing a bra in public with tight shirts and/or visible through the shirt.

A bra is just an article of clothing for people with breasts.


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Actually, not visible through the shirt, but not trying to hid or disguise the fact that I could put many women to shame with breast size!

Otherwise yes, very comfortable and at ease even in public!


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Very nice bra hammer. That's the first pic I've seen of your chest. Very impressive.  I know in other posts I've complained about my 38E breasts but you have a set that does put most women to shame. I still seek out my bras for comfort. I was just curious, at any time, did an endocrinologist offer any HRT for you? Mine has recommended we do nothing for now. Didn't know if you had any advice.


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Very nice bra hammer. That's the first pic I've seen of your chest. Very impressive.  I know in other posts I've complained about my 38E breasts but you have a set that does put most women to shame. I still seek out my bras for comfort. I was just curious, at any time, did an endocrinologist offer any HRT for you? Mine has recommended we do nothing for now. Didn't know if you had any advice.

From your post I can tell that you've never read "my story after all these years" (your stories). I have everything spelled out there as well as more pictures! I did try HRT for awhile and now as I look back on it I do believe that may have been the cause of my heart attack in 1995 at the age of 37!  I think you may already know that I lost the testicles after a vasectomy. If not that is in my story as well as my number two son being killed in an accident at the age of 6.

I've actually had a very exciting life, if you want to take the time and look at a few of the pages, it least I think it was been! I've traveled to many places around the world, dove everywhere I went as I was a diver in the US Navy, then I also did 7 years Army reserves in a chopper unit after my hitch in the Navy and loved shooting machine guns out of the chopper doors destroying my targets! Over the years my wife and I had 3 business. I was a building contractor, we also owned investment  properties, as well as her lic day care center. She went back to work as an accountant after a had to go on disability, as that was a safe and secure income and her vocation.

I'm also an Ordained Christian Minister, with no regrets in the life I have lived. Now, life is what it is, and my strong faith gets me through anything that I need to get through.

It is said that God never gives us more then we can handle, well, with that I say with a strong faith bring it on, cause I can handle anything!


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