Author Topic: NEED ADVICE PRE-SURGERY ! PLEASE READ !  (Read 7484 times)

Offline Dustin

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So I have been doing tons and tons of research, I understand that if you get the gynecomastia surgery when they have not finished developing, they will just come back.

I can't tell if mine has grown or not the past few years, I THINK it does look a tiny tiny bit bigger compared to few years ago but I'm not sure, I've put on much more muscle mass and dropped alot more body fat. So maybe it's just because my chest muscles are pushing it out and I have less bodyfat to blend it in so it looks more pronounced, who knows.

So I thought the only way to see if it's settled or still growing is to get bloodworks done, my doctor suggested to test for testosterone and estrogen and I think something called THA levels. I get the results tomorrow.

IF the results come back saying that all 3 of those hormones are at normal levels, does that mean I'm clear for surgery ? Or is there other things that could mean it's still growing which I didn't test for ?  And if so what are they ?

I need to be put out of my misery whether they're still growing or not ! Thanks for your time !

Offline xelnaga13

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How old are you and what are your stats? While estrogen is the biggest offender when it comes to gyne, it is not alone. Other hormones such as prolactin can cause abnormal breast growth.

Offline Dustin

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How old are you and what are your stats? While estrogen is the biggest offender when it comes to gyne, it is not alone. Other hormones such as prolactin can cause abnormal breast growth.

I am 19 years old, 5'11 and 184 lbs, Lean / Muscular build, and have had the issue since 14 I believe, so has been 5 years, I've definitely come to the conclusion it is NOT going away by itself and that going under the knife is the only option, but my gyno bothers me so much even though it's very mild, I look at it pretty much everyday and therefore I have no clue if it has gotten bigger or not the past few years. Here is a photo ;

Damn, didn't check for prolactin, only testosterone, estrogen and THA. Is it only very rarely that gynecomastia is caused by prolactin ??? Do you believe I should pop in for second blood works and check for prolactin ?


Offline morpheus11

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So you got the testosterone tests after all? As far as anything else that might make it grow back, I'm not too sure.  Hopefully one of the Doctors can provide some insight. 

Another important thing to consider is your surgeon's surgical technique.  Some doctor's just do liposuction and because of that, their patients think that their gyne came back.  This is usually because they've left some "breast tissue" behind, so it was never fully gone to begin with.  My surgeon explains this in one of his youtube vids. 

Anyhow, I would think it's safe to assume you're past puberty, so the gyne shouldn't come back.  If those tests come back, I would think you're good to go.  Those two tests you had done are the only two my doctor ordered, and they came back regular for me,so I guess it's no more excuses though at this point, I'm looking for any excuse not to get it done.

Offline xelnaga13

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Bro... You look GREAT.... not good GREAT. Your muscle structure is one of someone with high levels of testosterone. With that you are going to have estrogen. I think at the most you should run some anti aromatase drug.

Offline Dustin

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So you got the testosterone tests after all? As far as anything else that might make it grow back, I'm not too sure.  Hopefully one of the Doctors can provide some insight. 

Another important thing to consider is your surgeon's surgical technique.  Some doctor's just do liposuction and because of that, their patients think that their gyne came back.  This is usually because they've left some "breast tissue" behind, so it was never fully gone to begin with.  My surgeon explains this in one of his youtube vids. 

Anyhow, I would think it's safe to assume you're past puberty, so the gyne shouldn't come back.  If those tests come back, I would think you're good to go.  Those two tests you had done are the only two my doctor ordered, and they came back regular for me,so I guess it's no more excuses though at this point, I'm looking for any excuse not to get it done.

Yeah I hope Dr. Jacobs pop in here and give me some advice, haven't seen him for a while, yeah I'm getting only gland excision, no liposuction what so ever, do you think that will cause me to have less scar tissue / less time off the gym if I'm not having any liposuction ?

Why don't you wanna have it done ? I can't bloody wait, just hopefully I don't lose too much muscle / gain fat during recovery time !

Not entirely sure what that means for your hormone levels. My only advise would be that you need to be VERY precise with what result you want from your doc. Show him pictures of what you want your chest and nipples to look like after the surgery and gauge his opinion on what he thinks he can achieve for you, as what he thinks is "good enough" for you may not be entirely satisfactory. My doctor removed my Gyne but left me pretty unhappy with with end result of how my nipples looked. Be very picky as you only want to do this once.

Hormones are what my gyne was caused by, hormones are pretty much responsible for separating women from men, testosterone = men hormone and it is responsible for muscle growth, sperm production, deepening of voice, hair growth, etc, estrogen = women hormone and is responsible for breast development and other things that they do which we don't.

And yeah I explained to him I don't want anything to protrude, just take out as much as possible so that it's flat and doesn't stick out when I wear tight tops ! Although he said he must leave a little bit in to support the nipple.

Bro... You look GREAT.... not good GREAT. Your muscle structure is one of someone with high levels of testosterone. With that you are going to have estrogen. I think at the most you should run some anti aromatase drug.

Thanks man, yeah I'm going to see the bloodwork results now, hopefully my hormones are fine, I train very very hard and am on a very strict diet, so hopefully that is the reason why I'm putting on muscle instead of excessive amounts of testosterone, thanks for the compliment however !

Offline Dustin

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Okay good news got blood works result back, and it's all clear, so I should be set to go surgery ?

TSH : 1.4 (Ranges normally from 0.5-4.5)

Estogen : 97 (Ranges from anywhere <150)

Testosterone : 11 (Ranges from 8.3-29)

So does that mean my gyne has completely stopped growing ? What do you guys reckon ?

Offline morpheus11

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yeah man, that stuff probably stopped growing when you were done with puberty.  If your blood work came back fine, I would think you're good to go. Just be real sure about your surgery expectations, and make sure your surgeon is as well.  This site if full of stories with guys whose surgeons left a bit of gland. 

keep us updated. from what I recall, you and I are getting the surgery on the same date, and I'm not sure how you feel, but I am nervous as hell.  I'm already going back to my old way of thinking...that being, that I can somehow "work out" the gyne away.  I know i can't work it off, but it's a nerve racking surgery.

Offline Dustin

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yeah man, that stuff probably stopped growing when you were done with puberty.  If your blood work came back fine, I would think you're good to go. Just be real sure about your surgery expectations, and make sure your surgeon is as well.  This site if full of stories with guys whose surgeons left a bit of gland. 

keep us updated. from what I recall, you and I are getting the surgery on the same date, and I'm not sure how you feel, but I am nervous as hell.  I'm already going back to my old way of thinking...that being, that I can somehow "work out" the gyne away.  I know i can't work it off, but it's a nerve racking surgery.

Yeah hopefully has stopped, sometimes I get like a tingly feeling behind the nipples which I have read means it is still growing, but might just be me over thinking, but blood tests say I'm all good so let's hope I'm good.

Man I'll let my doctor know again my expectations. I thought that was more for people with unrealistic results, eg. people that are VERY overweight expecting a complete flat chest etc. Considering mines so mild and I'm relatively lean it should be okay, but I'll speak to him again.

Just do it brah. I'm pumped to be honest can't wait, not gonna be bad at all dude ! I'm bloody excited ! Funny how we have it on the same day

I'm pretty sure men's bodies don't stop growing/developing until early 20s if I remember correctly. My Gynecomastia was also from my hormones going crazy during puberty and didn't really change from about 17 so I guess hormones generally go back to normal pretty quickly. FYI mine came on quite late compared to some other folks (about 15-16) and was slightly larger than yours, but I was never as lean as you which is good for you when it comes to surgery.

Good luck with it mate!

Cheers matey !!! Have you had the surgery done yourself ?

Offline Dustin

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Cheers matey !!! Have you had the surgery done yourself ?
Yeah, had it done 3 years ago now in Melbourne and a follow up of lipo also. Ended up with a very unconcerned surgeon however who wanted little to do with my dissatisfaction after the surgery.

Found out he got sued by a female patient earlier in the year for a botched tummy tuck and breast lift so apparently I'm not the only one pissed at him.

But you don't need to hear that crap, most surgeons are very competent so you'll do fine! The more questions you ask the better, and it sounds like you're all over it.

Yeah, my guy's pretty well known, but to be perfectly honest I did expect to spend more time with him before surgery, we had about a 5 minute chat and he's like yep, see you on the surgery day. He's very well known so I trust what he's doing, may have more words with him on the day of surgery.

What happened to cause dissatisfaction for you ?

Offline Derrick

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Hey man, i was wondering if you are from Australia? Going off from the some of the words you wrote such as "bloody" and "hello matey" it sounds as if you are. Just want to know because im from Sydney, NSW and i would like to know who your surgeon is or if there are any renowned surgeons for this type of procedure around here. I've searched online and most of the surgeons that came up known for gyno were all from the states.

I too am also 19, and pretty much the same condition as you (puffy nipples in result from puberty as well as have the same type of build and im also curious about getting surgery done as soon as possible. (When i get the money) Although for now im just doing my research because i want to be 100% certain about it and the surgeon.

Around how much did it cost you? and did you tell anyone else (family members, friends etc.) about your surgery? Also how did you go about finding the right doctor?

Hope everything goes well with yours and let us know how everything went prior, during and after operation.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2011, 10:42:34 AM by Derrick »

Offline Dustin

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Hey man, i was wondering if you are from Australia? Going off from the some of the words you wrote such as "bloody" and "hello matey" it sounds as if you are. Just want to know because im from Sydney, NSW and i would like to know who your surgeon is or if there are any renowned surgeons for this type of procedure around here. I've searched online and most of the surgeons that came up known for gyno were all from the states.

I too am also 19, and pretty much the same condition as you (puffy nipples in result from puberty as well as have the same type of build and im also curious about getting surgery done as soon as possible. (When i get the money) Although for now im just doing my research because i want to be 100% certain about it and the surgeon.

Around how much did it cost you? and did you tell anyone else (family members, friends etc.) about your surgery? Also how did you go about finding the right doctor?

Hope everything goes well with yours and let us know how everything went prior, during and after operation.

Hey bro, yeah I'm from Sydney too man haha, where bouts you from ? Mate my doctor is Dr. Warwick harper, go a google on him, he is located in manly on the northern beaches.

It's costing me about 2600, I've got HCF private health fund and it's covering about half of it which is good, I found my doctor on google, to be perfectly honest he was just the cheapest I can find, I saw some before and after photos and I was pretty impressed. Alot of people won't agree with me on this but our cases are so so so mild, all that's required is just gland excision, not even a big one and no lipo is needed, I don't think you can really stuff it up, after all he is a trained qualified surgeon who have been in the industry for 30+ years.

Yeah I told everybody man, nothing to be ashamed about, not like I had a choice you know, it's just a condition I've always had and I'm just happy to finally get it taken care of.

& Cheers man, I've got 12 days until the surgery, so far I'm still training hard as ever, but however I've stopped taking my multivitamins and fish oils because I was instructed to do so 14 days prior to surgery !

Offline Derrick

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Hey so how did the surgery go? tell us everything bro!

 $2600 sounds pretty cheap, i thought it would be around 5k.

Its almost summer now and this gyno is pissing me off lol but i found a temporary way to hide it, just put a bit of superglue on them when they are hard and they stay like that for a day or 2. Dunno how safe it is but it works for now. I just need to get me some money and ill probably also go 2 your surgeon. Do you recommend him?

Offline Dustin

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Hey so how did the surgery go? tell us everything bro!

 $2600 sounds pretty cheap, i thought it would be around 5k.

Its almost summer now and this gyno is pissing me off lol but i found a temporary way to hide it, just put a bit of superglue on them when they are hard and they stay like that for a day or 2. Dunno how safe it is but it works for now. I just need to get me some money and ill probably also go 2 your surgeon. Do you recommend him?

Surgery was good, lasted an hour for both sides, was awake during the procedure ... the anesthetic kept running out and I'd feel the pain and yell my head off but then he just puts some more in. It's 7 days post op now and all is good, I defintely do reccommend him. I have no swelling / bruising what so ever. Message me if you wanna know more.


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