Author Topic: 6 week sentence?  (Read 2402 times)

Offline Big_East

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I'm 3 days post op and so far the most challenging aspect has been the 'body garment' , 'compression vest', 'guy girdle'  what ever you choose to call it.  My doctor said 4 to 6 weeks 24X7 sleep with on  shower with it on,  the whole nine yards.  Its mesh and breaths well but a hot muggy summer was not in my calculation when planning for my surgery.   Is this the usual time frame to be harnessed?  Or am I just being a girl about it?
Also since some post op swelling is common is using ice on the chest area recommened to help with swelling?

Offline Blitz

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4 to 6 weeks with a compression vest?  My doctor told me 3 weeks with a tensor bandage and not to have it too tight.

The compression vest will do the job (I didn't know you could shower with those things on).  My doctor said a tensor bandage would work just as well.  I only have mine off when I shower.  

I know that some doctor's have different ideas when it comes to the healing process.  For me personally, your doctor's way sounds like overkill but still effective.  Also, he's your doctor and he knows the extent of what has taken place better then I do.  However, I would definitely shower with it off.  

Offline a-man

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i was told 6 weeks as well... but showering with it on is a bit excessive..

i dont think taking it off for 15 minutes each day to shower will make any real difference

Offline rob_m

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I also take mine off to shower each day
1 year post op, it's going to be a good summer

Offline Big_East

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It did seem a bit excessive but he specifically said to shower with it on.  I have done it with no problem because the material is essentially a light nylon mesh but I will get a confirmation at my 2 week follow up.

Offline JTZ

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6 weeks sounds longer than usual, but the length of time you need to wear it depends on how extensive your surgery was.

I never heard of showering with a vest on though.  :-/

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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IMHO.....  more than 2 weeks is overkill.  :P

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
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Offline ItsOK

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If it were me, I'd confirm at the 2-week checkup, but do what the doctor recommends.  Four weeks (additional) may seem like an eternity now, but if it makes a difference in the outcome for something that you'll be living with for the rest of your life, it's a pretty small investment.

Offline doddy

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Do what your doc recommends. Each surgery (read: each surgeon's technique) is not going to be identical and so the recovery won't be identical either. Furthermore, you compromise your right to bitch at your surgeon if any problems occur if you don't do exactly as they told you.



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