I am just sitting here pondering over life's problems and just thinking about how some people can post that they would rather have cancer instead of gynecomastia? Yes, I know that everyone will feel sorry for you if you have cancer, but going through any kind of cancer can be like going through hell.
I thank God that I have never had it, although a little bit of a scare with the lump on the breast that turned out OK. I however watched a few of my best friends that I spent endless hours hunting and fishing with, some family, some just friends, but still very close fade away in horrible pain and die from that terrible shit!
What got me thinking about this is a phone call to let me know that the cancer that came back to my Dad is not as bad as they first thought that it was! He will be 83 this summer and lives with a ton of pain. He has 5 disk out in his back and his back is full of arthritis, however we still did not want to see him ate up by cancer! He has had 4 back surgeries and can not have another so does pain management for the back. He will need to have his nose removed and should have 2 to 3 years with no problems with the cancer returning.
I met Debbie my wife just short of the second anniversary of her first husbands death. He died of esophagus cancer. They had been married for three years and had no children. By meeting me she needed to move on with her grieving, in doing so I learned a lot about cancer and grieving which also help use when my number two son from my first marriage was killed.
After the lost of my son Debbie got pregnant with our first daughter! We had been trying for some time with no luck, but shortly after what was some of the worse things you can go through, that is bury a child, we where going to be blessed with a new one! No child can ever replace another, but every child is a blessing from God!
I know that I get on my soap box once in a while, but the point that I am trying to make is, when you get feeling down, no matter why, think of the things that make you happy. There as sooooo many things in life that can be soooo much worse that what is going on right now! If it is gynecomatia, cancer is worse, losing a leg or arm is worse, even not being able to walk WELL is worse. I would take twice the size boobs I already have not to have to use that Hoveround power chair so much, and you may have seen my pictures, they are big enough already!
I wish all that read what I post the best of luck!
Bob aka Hammer