Author Topic: I wanna start doing weights but I am worried that it will make my gyno look wors  (Read 3619 times)

Offline wazzupbrudda

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Yes I know this is in the wrong section but my thread isn't getting any replies there so I will try here since I have puffy nipples.

Okay so I am 16 years old and I have had gyno for over 3 years now.

I want to start doing weights and gain some muscle but im scared that my gyno will look worse.

here are some pics of my chest. copy and paste the links the forum wont let me put the www.
Front -
Right -
Left  -

This picture is when my nipples are hard, and it looks pretty normal.
If it was always like this I would be pretty happy.

Now I know that my gyno isn't extremely bad but it is enough to make me not want to take my top off.

Anyways, do you think I should work out?

179cm tall
Weigh 71kg


Offline Nutsandbolts

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 I would definitely start working out, I do and have only positive results. The way its been told to me is that there is a good chance of removing some of the fat deposits in the chest with weight training. Being shape will help speed recovery if you decide to get it surgery. Nothing makes Gyno look worse.

Go for it

Offline NativeTexan

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Your gyno is definitely so unnoticeable that I would try working out first to see what the results are. Honestly, I do not think you have it at all or to where it can be seen in pics, but your perception is your reality and how you feel

Offline weavaa

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That is definitely gyno not sure what the other person is looking at...  But speaking from experience, I have been skinny my whole life (thank you metabolism) and have gyno like yours.  Maybe a little worse, not much worse though.  I would definitely recommend you trying to find a way to get surgery.  I am 27 and am finally getting surgery and wish I would've tried to have surgery when I was your age.  I feel like I missed out on ALOT because of being embarrassed of taking my shirt off.

As for working out, it will not make worse.  It will make your body look better and give you more confidence.  Trust me,  learn to like working out you definitely wont regret that. 

Offline Bikkembergs

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A common perception is that building your pectoral muscles will push the nipple out. However, in my experience it makes it better because the front of t-shirts hang over the muscle more and not the nipple, making it less noticeable.

Offline Redi

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Hit the gym.. You don't have a very bad case but i assure you it will help. As stated it wont really help with the Gyne effect around the nipple but as its quite mild i assure you lifting weights will only make it look better, not worse.. Key is diet, The big thing that makes it worse is getting fatter. If you can get bigger and leaner it will look a lot better.


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