Author Topic: People who had puffy nipples post-op  (Read 9731 times)

Offline ZackKahn163

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I had my op about 6 weeks ago and my nipples looking about the same as they did before hand, just a little smaller. That bring me to the question to you guys, how long did it take you to get the results that you wanted?

Offline opus_dei

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I am 6 weeks post op too and my nipples are still slightly puffy, and the right side being worse than the left, although none are close to being as they were pre-op.

It would be nice to hear some people's comments.

Offline ZackKahn163

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Was your chest flat right after surgery?

Offline John117

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My nipples r still puffy 6 weeks postop . I can barely tell I even had surgery o wait I got the scars to prove it . Waste of 3g's.

Offline ZackKahn163

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I talked to my doc. he said its normal, takes 6 months for all the swelling to go down. Im on the same boat they look the same one thing that made me feel better is that when he said if my chest was flat right after surgery that it should look like that one its done with swelling.

Offline John117

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Don't be fooled I read 1/3 of all patience will require a revision. Sometimes that scar tissue just won't go away

Offline ZackKahn163

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Yes, that is true, but they got some type of shoots to take away the blood hemorrhages.

Offline DeQuincey

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  Hmm interesting to hear.  I'm 12 days post-op and my right nipple is a thing of beauty, where as my left guy looks pretty similar to pre-op.  Hopefully just swelling, so I'm glad to hear your situation Zack, because it sounds like we're in the same boat. 

  Something interesting that I've noted is that the left guy (my lazy nip, as I call him lately) doesn't get cold and tighten up as quick as he used to, so maybe that is a side affect of the swelling.  Everyday I get home from work, or wake up in the morning, I rip the compression jacket off and hope to see my right guy on board, here's hoping.  I know there is nothing in there though, as I can't feel a little mass like I did before, it just collapses under my finger, which is a very good sign that he'll come along in time.

  Thanks for sharing Zack, let me know if you hear anymore from your doc and see a change.


Offline ZackKahn163

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your welcome, and with your nipple not compressing its due to the numbness and with the surgery you have a risk or losing all feeling or some due to the surgery so they might not compress as soon or at all. And yes i will keep you informed i see him on the 27th of this month.

Offline transformSoon

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How did your nipple look during the first two days of post op? If it looked good then it will definitely look good once you are healed, except in case you get a scar tissue which refuses to go away on its own. 6 weeks is still early time period and you are in active healing state. I would recommend you talk to your doctor and start discussing about massaging. Massaging has helped me and also many more users on the board.

Offline ZackKahn163

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My nipples looked great maybe 1 week after surgery, then it went down hill.

Offline transformSoon

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If they looked great during first then most probably they will look great later as well. Just keep patience and allow your self to heal completely.
Do you feel any scar tissue behind your nipples? The puffiness can be due to scar tissue behind the nipple and will go down over next few months. Massage will definitely help

Offline ZackKahn163

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How do you tell if it is scar tissue?

Offline transformSoon

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Since you had surgery for gland removal, glands can not grow back this soon. It has to be scar tissue. From what I have read on forums it is impossible to distinguish scar tissue or gland from just touch. You will see loads of people fretting that their glands have come back after few weeks of surgery when basically it is normal scar tissue.

Offline ZackKahn163

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How long does it take for the gland take to get back? and another question, does the scar tissue make the nipple poke out?


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